Trump ' BLINKED ' !!!!!!!!!!

Aug 20, 2002
And signed an order to STOP separating children from their mothers !!
The RE-PLUGS can blame Hillary, Obama, Clinton, Jimmy Carter or FDR, BUT the cold hard FACT's happening ON HIS WATCH !!!!! This is the FIRST TIME that I've seen sooo many 'weak knee'd ' RE-PLUGS come out, on record , AGAINST the MORON.

Lets look at some simple facts.

FACT. The illegals(with their kids) will NEVER stop coming across !
FACT. Nothing short of 3 phase fence, perhaps one hundred feet high with tunnel digging detection, will be able to halt the illegals !
FACT. Could such a wall be constructed ? Sure. But the Cost/$$$$ would never get the necessary votes in congress !! (the 'D's' will retake the house in a few months) !!

So what does the MORON do ? Any guess's ???

Me. I wanted this Clown Impeached. But now, I'm having more fun, watching this MORON slowly disintegrate, as he heads for a arse kicking in 2020.

The Republican Party.
The GIFT, that (always) KEEPS on GIVING !!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome! More political predictions from a guy who was off the chart accurate on his political predictions last time.
Ol Hill anyone?
FACT. The illegals(with their kids) will NEVER stop coming across !
FACT. Nothing short of 3 phase fence, perhaps one hundred feet high with tunnel digging detection, will be able to halt the illegals !
FACT. Could such a wall be constructed ? Sure. But the Cost/$$$$ would never get the necessary votes in congress !! (the 'D's' will retake the house in a few months) !!

A couple of things...there was no wall between Cuba and the US, just 90 miles of open ocean, yet Cubans in makeshift rafts somehow made it past state of the art Coast Guard cutters. Are Mexican's incapable of building a raft? There's a lot of Coastline they can come ashore on.

I'm not so sure about Democrats taking the house in November. The Republicans are slowly dismantling Obamacare without actually getting rid of it since they lacked the cojones to introduce a straight repeal. They still lack them as after their last "effort" failed, they don't even talk about it anymore, except to blame it for rising insurance costs. But...they eliminated the penalty for not purchasing insurance, and the Trump justice department will not defend threats to the ACA law - so Texas (and other states) are moving to have the "preexisting conditions" requirements declared unconstitutional, and most likely dropped...BUT...."Obamacare" will still be in place. And because it's in place, it will be blamed for the increased insurance premiums (since healthy young people no longer have to pay into the system). And it will be blamed when mom, dad, their kids or THEMSELVES find themselves unable to get insurance because of some silly "preexisting condition", so thanks to the Trump administration, insurers will no longer be required to cover them. BUT...the shell of Obamacare will still exist and they will point to it as the reason for all these ills.

And Republicans will blame the democrats as they whine "but we don't have the 60 votes and no democrat will vote for a repeal". didn't take 60 votes to get Gorsuch on the Supreme Court. And these same people who whine about the "60 vote rule" seem to forget that this orange haired imbecile with an elaborate combover that they love for "making America Grate again" urged Congress to "go nuclear" on Obamacare over a year ago.

So as the rubes in flyover red states lose the benefits that Obamacare provided them, they'll still vote red while the fat cats in the G-V flying at 35,000 over their farm are laughing all the way to the bank.
The reality of it! Picture of kids seperated from whoever brought them across, taken in 2014 under Obama.
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The reality of it! Picture of kids seperated from whoever brought them across, taken in 2014 under Obama.


It doesn't make any difference when this pic' was taken. Every female illegal just learned a HUGE trick, thanx to the MORON signing his "Order", and that being...........Just make sure you bring a child with you. They're going to come in droves now, to the point it will jam up the the present infrastructure so F - bad it will collapse. They will take a page out of the UA F/A's playbook, meaning, does Anyone remember " CHAOS ", and how successful it was ? The MORON, just yesterday realized a 'foe' that he can't defeat. It's called ' CHILDREN and the Media ". Bottom line, Trump.... B L I N K E D !!

It doesn't make any difference when this pic' was taken. Every female illegal just learned a HUGE trick, thanx to the MORON signing his "Order", and that being...........Just make sure you bring a child with you. They're going to come in droves now, to the point it will jam up the the present infrastructure so F - bad it will collapse. They will take a page out of the UA F/A's playbook, meaning, does Anyone remember " CHAOS ", and how successful it was ? The MORON, just yesterday realized a 'foe' that he can't defeat. It's called ' CHILDREN and the Media ". Bottom line, Trump.... B L I N K E D !!

The moron is you. What actually happen is Trump called their bluff, so now both child and parent are detained together.

And typically lefties are still upset and losing their minds.

Their goal all along is to return to "catch and release" or no borders at all. Just let them in.
And signed an order to STOP separating children from their mothers !!
The RE-PLUGS can blame Hillary, Obama, Clinton, Jimmy Carter or FDR, BUT the cold hard FACT's happening ON HIS WATCH !!!!! This is the FIRST TIME that I've seen sooo many 'weak knee'd ' RE-PLUGS come out, on record , AGAINST the MORON.

Lets look at some simple facts.

FACT. The illegals(with their kids) will NEVER stop coming across !
FACT. Nothing short of 3 phase fence, perhaps one hundred feet high with tunnel digging detection, will be able to halt the illegals !
FACT. Could such a wall be constructed ? Sure. But the Cost/$$$$ would never get the necessary votes in congress !! (the 'D's' will retake the house in a few months) !!

So what does the MORON do ? Any guess's ???

Me. I wanted this Clown Impeached. But now, I'm having more fun, watching this MORON slowly disintegrate, as he heads for a arse kicking in 2020.

The Republican Party.
The GIFT, that (always) KEEPS on GIVING !!!!!!!!!!!
Bears, Bears!!! Pancake get's it! When well you ever learn?........ You've been "Trumped" again!!! He has done you in again! Look, So you think you got what you want? Think again!...... So now the kids stay with whoever bought them across. They are not seperated. So now "all" of them are "detained"!!! ......"But he can't do that!" is the cry of the Libs! Hey, that's the law! People come acorss illegaly, they brake our laws, they are detained. "But Trump can't change the law with an "E.O."!!!..... That's just what he's been saying! So now the libs are out to prove him right!...... But this is not what the libs. wanted! ......Well, Da!!! My, My, My!!! Ha!......Ha!.....haaaaaaaa!!!!!!
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And signed an order to STOP separating children from their mothers !!
The RE-PLUGS can blame Hillary, Obama, Clinton, Jimmy Carter or FDR, BUT the cold hard FACT's happening ON HIS WATCH !!!!! This is the FIRST TIME that I've seen sooo many 'weak knee'd ' RE-PLUGS come out, on record , AGAINST the MORON.

Lets look at some simple facts.

FACT. The illegals(with their kids) will NEVER stop coming across !
FACT. Nothing short of 3 phase fence, perhaps one hundred feet high with tunnel digging detection, will be able to halt the illegals !
FACT. Could such a wall be constructed ? Sure. But the Cost/$$$$ would never get the necessary votes in congress !! (the 'D's' will retake the house in a few months) !!

So what does the MORON do ? Any guess's ???

Me. I wanted this Clown Impeached. But now, I'm having more fun, watching this MORON slowly disintegrate, as he heads for a arse kicking in 2020.

The Republican Party.
The GIFT, that (always) KEEPS on GIVING !!!!!!!!!!!
"Ol grampa Bears, you libtards got played again:eek:o_O:rolleyes: You gotta learn to not fly off into outer space at the first Commie News Network blaring outrage report you see. Making your idiotic comments and predictions immediately instead of waiting and see how it plays out. Trump is far too smart for libtarded fake outrage, he feeds off it. The economy is doing too well, and the awesome foreign policy has got North Korean to back off, and has isolated Iran. Obammy couldn't do any of that, but run, hide, and pay $150 billion to Iran.

The "Big Blue Wave" has turned into a pond ripple. Russian "collusion" has failed, Stormy has been all but forgotten, and the FBI Hildabeast lovers are going down, along with the their leaders. Fake outrage (no outrage when Obammy locked illegals in cages) for illegal invaders isn't getting the job done either Gramps, not now, and not in 2020.

I guess you didn't see the massive "blue state" Duluth Trump rally last night? MSLSD didn't show it. He kicked out a man-bun commie and made him look like a dweeb, he went back to mommies basement.:eek:

Demoncrats have no message but Viva Resistance!!!

Take your Geritol, let go of the CAPS button, and eat some blue Jello Gramps.
Thank you Trump for the photo ops of Democratic candidates being denied access to kids being separated from their parents.
The reality of it! Picture of kids seperated from whoever brought them across, taken in 2014 under Obama.
True, but not accurate;
Were These Children Separated From Their Parents Under Obama?
From snopes;
The first iteration we could find of that image was alongside a 5 June 2014 post published by Breitbart. Although Breitbart shared the photograph on Facebook on 21 June 2018, the outlet did not include a link to its earlier reporting. In its original article, the children were described as “unaccompanied,” indicating that they came without their parents, not that they were separated from their families by American authorities:

It doesn't matter if they we caught accompanied or not, we shouldn't house kids like this.
Hey, I have never been a fan of NoBama. They all suck and screw us.
I can't remember when I proudly voted FOR someone since Reagan.
However, just because I voted for Trump, it is our duty to put his feet to the fire when he screws up.

He blamed the DemoRats for the 'law' (which was not a law) said there was nothing he could do, then did it.
Are you folks awake?