C'mon. It wouldn't bother me if people refer to me as a 'YANKEE' !
So, W-T-F is the difference ?
You have commonly made political comments paired with critical statements directed toward "Okiehoma".
You have made several statements that alluded that you think we are uneducated, foolish, and ignorant based on nothing more than Oklahoma being a red state. I honestly doubt you have ever actually been to Oklahoma.
I was explaining to eolesen that I don't find being called an "Okie" offensive but you have made very directed and very disparaging comments in the past while referencing "Okiehoma".
In fact I feel my high school provided me a very good education. I had a friend in high school that got a perfect score on his ACT test. Oklahoma colleges also produce many medical doctors.
We have many museums and theaters (as in performing arts not movie but we have a lot of those as well).
We have a huge a
eronautical presence (which you should already be aware of).
We also have a large tech presence, telecommunications, robotics, computers (multi million dollar systems), and chemicals.
People look at us as being an oil town but in fact we are very diverse here as far as industry.
However, people seem to think or at least propagate the idea we are bunch of hillbillies (despite living in the flat lands and not the hills) living at an 1800's technology level and frankly that is pretty insulting. The first time I moved some kid in the neighborhood was absolutely stunned that someone from Oklahoma had a Nintendo (this is back when they first came out). Even at that young age he had been convinced (most likely by his parents) through pure ignorance that Oklahoma was some throwback in time.
I have lived in St Louis, Chicago, Huntsville, Tucson, and Atlanta, and besides some very minor cultural differences and political ideology people are pretty much the same wherever you go. Tulsa is no different. We have our share of backward, uneducated people but we also have scientist and doctors, just like anywhere else.
People run Alabama down to but where I lived you could hardly take 10 steps and not run into someone with a PHD (NASA has a large presence in Hunstville, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center).
Admit it Bears, you look down on "Okiehoma".