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UGLY,.....Even For HIM !!

Alright delldude point taken.

I suppose if you are recalled to your former employer and you turn it down yes that would result in a denial of benefits.

However if you are laid off you have no incentive and no requirement to look for another job in the state of Oklahoma.

I stand by my original statement.

So yes that $600 is absolutely resulting in inflated unemployment numbers and yes that statement absolutely holds water.
Your original statement has no basis in this debate,
Of course you want the BABOON.

You're a 'OKIE', I get it !

You're one of the most ethnically divisive people on these boards, and you seem to take pride in it.

Can you imagine if someone referred to Obama as a primate the way you commonly refer to Bush and Trump?

You do realize that Okie is derogatory racial slur, right?

With a Pandemic fully engulfing the M O R O N,...40 MILLION people signed-up for Unemployment, Millions of people nation-wide, never to return to the jobs they vacated in March, because those jobs will never return, 'this' A Hole, of All A Hole's is doing the greatest Pied Piper act ever in History, AND the Ultimate GLORY of it ALL, is that he has now, brought ALL of his ARSE-KISSERS, AND Himself to the Precipice of DESTRUCTION !!

SADAM HUSSAIN will have a greater chance of getting elected in Nov., than the Orange Baboon !!

Stay tuned kiddies, because you sure-as-helll Do NOT want to MISS the SHOW in November !!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !

See nothings changed! Your still the Village Idiot! Trump 2020!
Dog' LOOK.

The IMBECILE, that's had over a DOZEN NAMES over the last few years, has RETURNED.

This time his 'handle' is RAZIN' CAIN.

Do you think Subliminally this Retard was/is channeling (uncle) HERMAN CAIN ?????????????
You do realize that Okie is derogatory racial slur, right?
It is?

I am an Oklahoma native and that is news to me.

Though I will say when Bears says it he has a "tone" of disrespect, like he looks down on people from Oklahoma.

C'mon. It wouldn't bother me if people refer to me as a 'YANKEE' !

So, W-T-F is the difference ?
You have commonly made political comments paired with critical statements directed toward "Okiehoma".

You have made several statements that alluded that you think we are uneducated, foolish, and ignorant based on nothing more than Oklahoma being a red state. I honestly doubt you have ever actually been to Oklahoma.

I was explaining to eolesen that I don't find being called an "Okie" offensive but you have made very directed and very disparaging comments in the past while referencing "Okiehoma".

In fact I feel my high school provided me a very good education. I had a friend in high school that got a perfect score on his ACT test. Oklahoma colleges also produce many medical doctors.

We have many museums and theaters (as in performing arts not movie but we have a lot of those as well).

We have a huge aeronautical presence (which you should already be aware of).

We also have a large tech presence, telecommunications, robotics, computers (multi million dollar systems), and chemicals.

People look at us as being an oil town but in fact we are very diverse here as far as industry.

However, people seem to think or at least propagate the idea we are bunch of hillbillies (despite living in the flat lands and not the hills) living at an 1800's technology level and frankly that is pretty insulting. The first time I moved some kid in the neighborhood was absolutely stunned that someone from Oklahoma had a Nintendo (this is back when they first came out). Even at that young age he had been convinced (most likely by his parents) through pure ignorance that Oklahoma was some throwback in time.

I have lived in St Louis, Chicago, Huntsville, Tucson, and Atlanta, and besides some very minor cultural differences and political ideology people are pretty much the same wherever you go. Tulsa is no different. We have our share of backward, uneducated people but we also have scientist and doctors, just like anywhere else.

People run Alabama down to but where I lived you could hardly take 10 steps and not run into someone with a PHD (NASA has a large presence in Hunstville, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center).

Admit it Bears, you look down on "Okiehoma".
I look down on Oklahoma, yes I have been there, only because of the backward resident residing on his board.
I see Bears has been reduced to calling names again! just goes to show his true intellect!....... Now, this guy has a different kind of problem!
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With a Pandemic fully engulfing the M O R O N,...40 MILLION people signed-up for Unemployment, Millions of people nation-wide, never to return to the jobs they vacated in March, because those jobs will never return, 'this' A Hole, of All A Hole's is doing the greatest Pied Piper act ever in History, AND the Ultimate GLORY of it ALL, is that he has now, brought ALL of his ARSE-KISSERS, AND Himself to the Precipice of DESTRUCTION !!

SADAM HUSSAIN will have a greater chance of getting elected in Nov., than the Orange Baboon !!

Stay tuned kiddies, because you sure-as-helll Do NOT want to MISS the SHOW in November !!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !
Trump walked into the pathetic republican house and took it from them then blew the Dems out of the water against all odds. Would love to see him run on an independent ticket and win. Problem is republican voters call themselves free thinkers but their just as much sheep as democrat voters. Herd mentality is all you guys have. Perot proved that back in the nineties.
Trump walked into the pathetic republican house and took it from them then blew the Dems out of the water against all odds. Would love to see him run on an independent ticket and win. Problem is republican voters call themselves free thinkers but their just as much sheep as democrat voters. Herd mentality is all you guys have. Perot proved that back in the nineties.
Only two years since the previous response, but I'd love to see that too, although the most Trump would get is 30%...the base he still has and who still believe that the 2020 election was stolen. That 30% will come at the expense of the Republicans. And the Democrats will end up with more votes, although anymore it doesn't matter because as Republicans have shown, unless a Republican wins....there was cheating.