Uh Oh, trouble in (GOP) Paradise.

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Ms Tree said:
You would think that after 7 investigations they could find something to charge her with.
C'mon 'Tree.
I mean afterall,...............Trey,  HOWDY  DOODY  GOWDY....needs just a few more 'sit downs' to show the 50.1 % of voters, who WILL vote on 11/08/16, that he  IS an incompetant FOOL.
As for tuesday nights Debacle.............err, I mean...Debate,  it should be a  ' pissa '  cause'  FAUX news (entertainment and Sports channel) is hosting the  ' CLOWN CAR '....this time !
southwind said:
Typical reply from a Demorat, don't bring up Benghazi, email scandals, lying to congress, or trying to destroy subpoenaed information and it will all go away!....NOT!
There are other threads to do that in. You have shown you are capable of yelling Benghazi in those. Do it there to your hearts content.

This thread is about the GOP and the debates. Do try and keep up.
southwind said:
Typical reply from a Demorat, don't bring up Benghazi, email scandals, lying to congress, or trying to destroy subpoenaed information and it will all go away!....NOT!
And that's coming from the democrats who are trying to HELP the GOP.  There was an article in that lefty rag that most of you all won't pick up....Mother Jones.  This country is made up of far more than rabid right or left wing voters.  There is a vast middle ground.  The democrats are playing more to those people.  And this article sums up the state of the republican party:

Every party faces conflict between its center and its base, but the emergence of the tea party and the Fox News echo chamber has put this dynamic on steroids. Moving even to the moderate right, let alone to the center, is all but impossible for the GOP. Its base demands not just a border fence, but the repeal of the 14th Amendment; not just opposition to gun control, but rejection of universal background checks, which even the National Rifle Association used to support; not just skepticism about climate change, but insistence that global warming is a grand hoax perpetrated by liberals to subvert the free market.
and then this

It's hard to see any way out of this. If Republican candidates appeal to nativism, they lose the Hispanic vote. If they appeal to social conservatives, they lose the millennial vote. If they appeal to older white voters, they energize black voters and do the Democrats' grassroots organizing for them. And if they throw up their hands and rely on endless hysteria about Benghazi and Hillary Clinton's email server, the tea partiers will turn out in droves but they lose everyone else.
There's the truth...http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/09/no-escape-republicans-obamacare-speaker]you can read the entire article here...that is, so long as your hard drive doesn't melt for going to a "lefty liberal" website.  
KCFlyer said:
And that's coming from the democrats who are trying to HELP the GOP.  There was an article in that lefty rag that most of you all won't pick up....Mother Jones.  This country is made up of far more than rabid right or left wing voters.  There is a vast middle ground.  The democrats are playing more to those people.  And this article sums up the state of the republican party:

and then this

There's the truth...you can read the entire article here...that is, so long as your hard drive doesn't melt for going to a "lefty liberal" website.  [/size]
lol at the MotherJones opinion editorial.

So what they are saying is the right should move to the left....like that's gonna happen.
townpete said:
lol at the MotherJones opinion editorial.

So what they are saying is the right should move to the left....like that's gonna happen.
Because you won't read the article, I'll summarize - the left has addressed many of their "wedge issues".  The republicans haven't.  Fed by Fox news, they play up the extremes and lose the middle.  Yep...Fox News has the highest rating and draws the biggest audience....but even if every single Fox News viewer went and voted..the republicans still lose.  
I'll feed you small pieces of that article that you won't read because it's Mother Jones, and they don't have any really good cartoons:

This is the point at which liberals are supposed to sneer that the GOP is now the party of no new ideas. But that's not really fair. The difference between the two parties isn't so much one of ideas, but of unity behind those ideas. Thirty years ago, Democrats were the ones torn apart by wedge issues: affirmative action, crime, abortion, taxes. These tensions haven't gone away completely—just look at Black Lives Matter activists heckling Sen. Bernie Sanders over the summer—but they no longer dominate the party. Now the tables have turned. A recent survey showed that nearly half of Democrats agreed with their party's core position on at least six of seven major issues. Only a quarter of Republicans were in such broad agreement with their party. And the discord is coming at the worst possible time, just as long-term demographics are starting to seriously eat into their base.
There's some good, rather unbiased facts staring at you there....but the fingers go in the ear and the eyes go closed.  There's other good stuff....none of it bashing republicans...just pointing out where they are.  But...Benghazi...e-mail...liar liar pants on fire....Obamacare (which not many candidates have talked about in this campaign)...HIllary is ugly....marriage is between a man and a woman...anyone who speaks Spanish should be sent back to their country....all pretty extreme rants that end up costing republicans votes.  
delldude said:
Gentlemen, both investigations haven't concluded as of yet.
"Key Clinton emails did not contain highly classified secrets, inquiry finds"

"The U.S. intelligence community has retreated from claims that two emails in Hillary Clinton’s private account contained top secret information"

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/hillary-clinton-email-no-highly-classified-215599#ixzz3qkDRLNAO

"The determination came from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper’s office and concluded that the two emails did not include highly classified intelligence secrets. Concerns about the emails' classification helped trigger an on-going FBI inquiry into Clinton's private email set-up."
Glenn Quagmire said:
"Key Clinton emails did not contain highly classified secrets, inquiry finds"

"The U.S. intelligence community has retreated from claims that two emails in Hillary Clinton’s private account contained top secret information"

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/hillary-clinton-email-no-highly-classified-215599#ixzz3qkDRLNAO

"The determination came from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper’s office and concluded that the two emails did not include highly classified intelligence secrets. Concerns about the emails' classification helped trigger an on-going FBI inquiry into Clinton's private email set-up."
This the same guy?
At the tail end of a rare open session of the Senate Intelligence Committee on March 12, 2013, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked National Intelligence Director James Clapper whether intelligence officials collect data on Americans.
Clapper responded "No, sir," and, "Not wittingly."
delldude said:
Gentlemen, both investigations haven't concluded as of yet.
And if HIllary is elected, they never will conclude.  Just look at what the republicans did during her husbands term....taking office, there was this "issue" involving a real estate deal gone bad.  Special proscecutors....investigations into it (found nothing), but we kept interviewing for drug deals, travel problems , drug dealing, Vince Foster murdering, and finally...blowjobs.  All from a real estate deal gone bad when he first took office.  If HIllary is elected and the repbulicans don't come to their senses, they will still be "investigating" Benghazi well into her second term. 
KCFlyer said:
And if HIllary is elected, they never will conclude.  Just look at what the republicans did during her husbands term....taking office, there was this "issue" involving a real estate deal gone bad.  Special proscecutors....investigations into it (found nothing), but we kept interviewing for drug deals, travel problems , drug dealing, Vince Foster murdering, and finally...blowjobs.  All from a real estate deal gone bad when he first took office.  If HIllary is elected and the repbulicans don't come to their senses, they will still be "investigating" Benghazi well into her second term. 
I think its in the HC 2016 thread, a 19 minute video on HC. It provides many things regarding the Crintons investigations I never heard of in MSM.
Here it is:
There should be an independent, and thorough, investigation
Say by the FBI, (yes, I know...)
IF there is credible evidence, as in the same standard that would be applied to any other allegation of a crime

Seven investigations, and "investigations" that go on indefinitely are fishing expeditions, political theater, self promoting grandstanding, and just plain witch hunts

Yeah, that's sort of appropriate, but not very"American"
Things are getting desperate in GOP candidate land.
Oh my 
Louisiana picks Democrat as next governor, rejecting Vitter

"NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Democrat John Bel Edwards won the runoff election for Louisiana governor Saturday, defeating the once-heavy favorite, Republican David Vitter, and handing the Democrats their first statewide victory since 2008.

Edwards, a state lawmaker, will take over the office from term-limited Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal in January.

Voters' rejection of Vitter was a stunning turn of events for the U.S. senator, who has been a political powerhouse in the state for years and started his campaign nearly two years ago as the race's front-runner. Edwards' win offered a rare pick-up of a governor's seat for Democrats in the conservative Deep South."...

..."The rebuke from Louisiana voters will create an open Senate seat for the 2016 election.

"I had decided when I decided to make this race with (wife) Wendy that I wanted to pursue new challenges outside the Senate no matter what. I had reached my personal term limit," Vitter said, announcing he wouldn't seek re-election to Congress."

Anyone who was paying attention knew Vitter was weak and vulnrable of his own doing. It's not that much of a shocker actually.