Wahter Happened To Viasa?

Hello Newman

Aug 23, 2002

I just noticed recently that the VA code now belongs to another carrier. Did Viasa
shut down or what?....
Hello Newman said:

I just noticed recently that the VA code now belongs to another carrier. Did Viasa
shut down or what?....

Yes. Iberia decided to quit shoveling money down a bottomless pit and VIASA was shut down...
...in January, 1997!
Viasa, on paper at least, was an impressive airline in South America. It had a fleet of 6 DC-10-30's, flew to all the right European cities including LHR ( one of few Latin Airlines to do so). These Dc-10's connected Caracas with Miami, Jfk, Europe and many other regional destinations. In an era when most Latin airline flew 707's and DC-8's Viasa was a dream built on Petro-dollars to be displayed with nationalist pride. Iberia bought Viasa, the rest is well known history. Iberia's empire building ended in ARgentina with Aerolineas and bankruptcy.

During the late 1980 and early 90's Spain bought Banks, airlines, telephone monopolies and electric utilities in their former colonies. Iberia's empire building was a very expensive lesson, the other industries have proved far more profitable in stable(latin american) economic times.
There has been rumours within the local Venezuelan media that the Chavez government is looking at reviving (restarting) Venezolana Internacional de Aviacion Socieded Anonima with the proposed new carrier to be named Conviasa filling up the void left open by the former Venezuelan flag carrier.... ;)


  • VAdc10.jpg
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Venezuela needs a proud airline to represent its international ambition. Viasa or whatever name it takes, how about AIR VENEZUELA. Not original but recognizable. Hey, If the french have," AIR FRANCE" and not some french name no one could pronounce then Venezuela should Aglify its "new Airline".
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Now that the Viasa mystery is solved....Does anyone know if the Dutch carrier
Martinair is stll in business? I remember they flew DC10 chartes from BWI (and
other points) to AMS?