Whatever happened to the Southwest traffic?


Aug 19, 2002
Got a peek at the old planebusiness boards today. How nostalgic was that.[BR][BR]Anyhow, I noticed that the Southwest board on PBB was quite robust and active. Something like 2500 posts in 300+ threads.[BR][BR]So, where did everybody go after the PBB boards shut down?
I think most made the switch. It's just that by comparison to other carriers, there's not much to talk about at SWA lately.
I think most made the switch. It's just that by comparison to other carriers, there's not much to talk about at SWA lately.
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True....Often the discussion was either US v. WN or UA v. WN.[BR][BR]Much of ther remaining conversation revolved around WNs next airports with RIC and ORF discussed ad nauseum.
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True....Often the discussion was either US v. WN or UA v. WN.[BR][BR]Much of ther remaining conversation revolved around WNs next airports with RIC and ORF discussed ad nauseum.
Satisfied employees working for an airline that didn't lay them off and that is making a profit doesn't have near the entertainment value of the others.
Satisfied employees working for an airline that didn't lay them off and that is making a profit doesn't have near the entertainment value of the others.