Where are the protests for her kids? Permanently Separated!

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Them southern boarders jest eat all yer food and won't pay rent.
Especially them stray Wonder Mutts that cross the suthern boarder, converse in one-liners, and eat cat fertilizer.
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Back on topic. An illegal with 2 DUI's given probation and kills an only child. But the progressive leftists want more of this...to win back power at the voting booth.
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[QUOTE="Dog Wonder, post: 1 a week ago. Stick to your first love, animal porn.[/QUOTE]
Libtards like you Wonder Mutt played for fools again by Trump, illegals are still separated and will be for sometime. How's the cat fertilizer today? Nice and fresh I hope. ;)
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Illegal migrant gang banger shoots a young black star athlete the same day he gets released from jail. 3 weapons charges, and still gets released in Commiefornia.

Here's five illegals the tax payers of Texas won't have to pay for. Wonder where the 60-70k new Suburban came from? Drug cartel most likely. Hopefully the wall will stop most of this horse shite.


You'll see JESUS First, HACK JOB, before you Ever see a F WALL.
(( A WALL along the southern border keeps out bodies that all the giant agra corps.(Owned by huge GOP Donors), need to pick strawberries for $5 a hour. IF you think your white T-Rump voting 'hommies' in TX, FL are going to do it for TX. minimum wage of $7.25, then you're more Stupid than you already are HACK JOB ) !

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