Woman Disrupts Boston-San Fran Flight


Feb 14, 2006
Denver, Colorado
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A United Airlines passenger faces federal charges for allegedly making statements about a hijacking, trying to open a cabin door and fighting with flight attendants while aboard a flight from Boston to San Francisco.

Erin Callahan Lambert, 28, who apparently was intoxicated during Flight 179 on Sunday, was taken into custody after the plane landed at San Francisco International Airport, authorities said. She was charged Monday with assaulting a flight attendant and interfering with the performance of duties of flight crewmembers.
Read the entire story

Basketcase, anyone? She later requested an attorney. I can only guess what her excuse will be:

"I was drunk."
I've been very drunk at times in my life as well, but I still don't understand why some people get so unbelievably stupid when drunk.
I can empathize with a DRUNK that is acting stupid (they are't thinking clearly/rationally) but Stupid Is as Stupid Does......I have no tolerance for stupid people (and a lot of it stems from being self absorbed/self-centered and utterly clueless!)I always think of it as "Welcome to the REAL WORLD, not Your World!" :lol:
I can empathize with a DRUNK that is acting stupid (they are't thinking clearly/rationally) but Stupid Is as Stupid Does......I have no tolerance for stupid people (and a lot of it stems from being self absorbed/self-centered and utterly clueless!)I always think of it as "Welcome to the REAL WORLD, not Your World!" :lol:
I always thought that the Irish could handle their alcohol. :blink:
Being drunk is no excuse.

She endangered other lives.

I would've duct-taped her to the seat.

Poor behavior in the air by ANYONE is inexcusable these days.

Certainly similar episodes of immature acts are happening every day in our skies.

Why does this one merit an article in USAToday?