You Guys And Gals Are Still The Best

Art at ISP

Aug 20, 2002
Dix Hills NY
I know things are tough around here, and I am not going to pontificate on reasons or outcomes...I just hope it all works out...

As I sit in the PHL club on my way home from the second trip of the week, I just wanted to extend my thanks and appreciation to all of you who work at U, and are putting your best face forward during this difficult time. My experiences during the past week have been nothing short of outstanding, and every employee from gates to clubs to in flight have been absolutely wonderful.

This is just more proof that you guys and gals are still the best in the business and you continue to live up to that standard despite all that is happening.

Regardless of what is going on with the company, we, the former roaches (FFOCUS) members and the rest of your loyal customers DO appreciate you and we will do what we can to help....

I will be visiting home for about 12 hours and take off again tomorrow Saturday I will have done 12 segments in 12 days.

My special regards to the agents in DFW--it was great chatting with you all this morning.

Thanks truly are the best.

My best to you all.......
Thanx so much Art and is people like you who fly us and support us that makes going into work every day worth doing!!!!!