514 Membership Meeting Today 9-29


Sep 17, 2003
anyone at the meeting care to respond about the antics, damn near a few fights breaking out (YOUR OUT OF ORDER BROTHER YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THIS MEETING :shock: ) deleted by moderator

Brother D Reese,

Be assured that copies of the last meeting between the TWU and AMFA are being made and distributed according to the 6 Degrees of Separation Concept.
The message I got from the meeting....BLAME AMFA FOR EVERYTHING!
What a total mess!
People there with real questions to real problems...
One brother, his mother and father are Ill, one cancer, the other Alzimers. Asked about the difference in the flex vacation paid to the Company. The response he got from McDonald was Basicaly ...We the leadership, can't do a thing about it...
... The company lost money when pay raises were issued and you did OK.....
So Mr. McDonald....WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON????????
When asked what to do about other Shop Stewards that have signed cards. MC-D expects members to give 'em up. The term RAT comes to mind again, Doesn't it?
That's the kind of leadership we've come to know from Pine St. <_<
MCD preaching from the pulpit!! Ranting about the "raiders". LOL LOL LOL.
The TWU is falling apart and there is very little they can do about it.
I wish that the flight attendants had the ***** you guys do to get rid of your current union the TWU and bring in a new union the AMFA. The APFA needs to go as well. Hopefully after you guys succeed, maybe the flight attendants can do the same and get rid of the APFA.
I see from the posts many of these individuals were not at the meetings! If they were their honesty has been retained by someone else.

The Shop representatives need to be honest in order to represent you, If their not, than they do not deserve to hold any positions within the current organization. And yes! amfa is causing alot of distaste within the Industry and has been unsuccessful at improving this once they take over.
wrx said:
I wish that the flight attendants had the balls you guys do to get rid of your current union the TWU and bring in a new union the AMFA. The APFA needs to go as well. Hopefully after you guys succeed, maybe the flight attendants can do the same and get rid of the APFA.
Check your history, you guys left the TWU more than twenty years ago. For the most part you have done pretty well, at least you have the right to change the leadership, choose your representatives and vote on your contract, things that you really did not have under the TWU.

Hey if you're really that upset you could always go to the AFA. Seems to me that a little consolidation is warranted anyway. Flight attendants are in all sorts of different unions, the APFA. PFAA, AFA,TWU and others I believe. The AFA is having problems, problems that could probably be fixed if all the flight attendants in the entire industry were in it.

There is no doubt that the entire labor movement in this industry is going through some major restructuring, and its long overdue. If our leaders had any foresight they would have started this twenty years ago when the industry went deregulated, instead they resisted, and we have all suffered as a result.

The worst part of this is that the lost opportunities of twenty years ago mean that the changes will be brought about in a way that is convulsive, it will leave the labor movement, that just basically got busted, expending its energies fighting itself instead of the companies. Our failed leaders have turned our unions into "company unions", more concerned about the profits of the airlines and their own Treasuries than the standard of living for the members who toil for the airlines.

Getting back to the topic,
Did anyone bring up who gave the OK for the $6000 ad in The Chief attacking the NYC Transit workers President?

I wish you guys the best at kicking TWU to the curb. Yes, we did do it 20 years ago and so can you. We're trying to remove our National Officers, click here for details: http://www.newapfa.org

Good luck to all my fellow brothers and sisters on removing the TWU!
Wondering...you're going to get a bad name in here for asking your elected officials to keep their integrity intact.
I see the wantabes are at it again, Do you know how much support they have in Tulsa?

After amfa urged their supporters to go down and show their support for the shop stewart who had an amfa shirt on, none of the amfa wantabes showed at the noon meeting to back him.

This continues to be the case, even when cunningham had his second trial he was even afraid to show up and for sure none of amfa supporters were their!

Everytime the amfa wantabes are pressured they fold and go home with their tails between their legs!!! :D
Checking it Out said:
This continues to be the case, even when cunningham had his second trial he was even afraid to show up and for sure none of amfa supporters were their!
2 things, first it was a closed trial, not open to the public like the first and 2, they refused everyone on the defense side UB pay. Funny the twu has money to rent a hall at the Sheraton, free food for their paid supporters but can't come up with the cash for a man to defend himself. It is still our money unless you don't want our money anymore just put it in writing.

CIO...If you lie to your children like you do on this board, you must be one hell of a father.

Your just that scared to actually have to work on the floor again that you would say just about anything to keep your UB. Between Kirk Wells, Steve, and yourself talking we are guranteed 60 cards a week. Thanks for the quotes, they will be hanging at work today with your real name attached. :up: :shock:
AMFABOY...who cares what you post at work...come by and I'll autograph yours. And why would the TWU offer to pay for Cunningham and his defense...you are with stupid for sure...fact being..you're by yourself a lot huh? Let's see..I wanna pay this guy that wore an AMFA shirt to his own trial (good defense) that the TWU put him on trial for? Are you really that dumb...no need to answer..you already did.
Rat Boy Steve is not only a rat. As evidenced on this posts by answering his own questions, Rat Boy is apparently delusional and talks to himself quite often. :p

WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that drinking TWU Kool Ade causes delusional behavior, and brain damage in laboratory animals!