A loooong read, but a MUST read, about the SICK REPUBLICAN PARTY.

Kev3188 said:
So a reality TV star can run for the highest office in the land, but an author can't write an Op-Ed?
sure they can but the OP and resident Hillary apologist refereed to it as factual  
Kev3188 said:
What parts of the article do you feel are false?
Try to keep up Kev.

Newhampshiredoorknob posted an op-ed written by a LWNJ, hosted on the biggest LWNJ blog there is and somehow thinks it's factual.
Kev3188 said:
What parts of the article do you feel are false?
With respect to GOP extremism in areas like climate denial, gun violence or reproductive rights.
Only the left speaks the truth?
Long since, the GOP killed its moderates and trashed everything they stood for.
GOP? What of Pelosi killing all the blue dogs? And moving the party to the extreme left?
They are folks that few of us know very well: evangelicals; modestly educated whites threatened by economic dislocation; and people whose distrust of government partakes of paranoia.
Somehow one party control in both houses gives rise to 'paranoia' in legislative action....ala ACA for one.
Abortion remains legal; gay marriage became a right; the constitution prevents government from enshrining religious preferences as law.
At the same time dems push to trample the equal protection rights of people exercising their 'free exercise of' religion.
Republican politics became not faith-based, but hate-based.”
Utter bullshit.  Play me the race card, Bro'....
I could go on but this clown is doing what the left does best, operate on outright lies and half truths and sadly, most here follow this logic.
Kev3188 said:
What parts of the article do you feel are fals
as I mentioned I felt it would be a waste of time to read it so I didn't .It appears, one I was right and two ,looks like dell has summed it up nicely .
Kev3188 said:
So a reality TV star can run for the highest office in the land, ... ... ...?
If a community organizer can do it, why not Trump?
BTW:  although he may be a TV star - I would not know, I don't care for or watch too much TV - he did have other achievements/accomplishment, another job.  But belittling somebody is all that haters can do.
delldude said:

Richard North Patterson
Fiction writer · richardnorthpattersonbooks.com

Richard North Patterson is an American fiction writer.
And it's in the Huffing and Puffing Post.  Is there ever going to be anything objective written about the GOP there?
I am a little curious though:  if he is a fiction writer, why is he not employed by the NY Times?
And, there you have the reason why civil debate does not exist in this country anymore.  If you disagree with me, or say anything at all negative about my favorite candidate, you are a liar.  Problem with that attitude is your candidates adopt the same attitude and end up eating each other.  Witness the Republican "debates" this campaign season.  Pictures of the candidate's wife spread across news media are much more important than stating a position on the Brussels bombings.  Of course, pictures are spread by an "independent" PAC; so, the candidate doing the smearing has "plausible deniability."  Remember that one?
Worked an event last night and it was for Paul Ryan, they pretty much summed up they will lose the White House once again. they are working overtime to try and keep the House and Senate.
jimntx said:
And, there you have the reason why civil debate does not exist in this country anymore.  If you disagree with me, or say anything at all negative about my favorite candidate, you are a liar.  Problem with that attitude is your candidates adopt the same attitude and end up eating each other.  Witness the Republican "debates" this campaign season.  Pictures of the candidate's wife spread across news media are much more important than stating a position on the Brussels bombings.  Of course, pictures are spread by an "independent" PAC; so, the candidate doing the smearing has "plausible deniability."  Remember that one?
You must be new to the world of politics. It has never been "civil".

Putting Our Uncivil Presidential Race in Historical Perspective
An example from 1884 proves that campaign debates have always been uncivil?  We could extend that and say that Richard Nixon was proof that all Republican Presidents are crooks.  Or, Jimmy Carter is proof that all Democratic Presidents are Baptists (perish the thought).  Closer to home..TWA proved that unionized airlines can not survive.  Or, was that Eastern?  (We'll just ignore the example of Southwest and it's 17 straight years without a losing quarter.)
Oh, and don't forget to mark this post as a negative.  Just further proof of what I posted in #25.  You have no reasonable argument against what I posted; so, the proper solution is to go and mark the post as negative.  That totally negates what was said in the post.  And, for emphasis why not some more ad hominem attacks?  Get an educated person to explain what that means.
jimntx said:
An example from 1884 proves that campaign debates have always been uncivil?  We could extend that and say that Richard Nixon was proof that all Republican Presidents are crooks.  Or, Jimmy Carter is proof that all Democratic Presidents are Baptists (perish the thought).  Closer to home..TWA proved that unionized airlines can not survive.  Or, was that Eastern?  (We'll just ignore the example of Southwest and it's 17 straight years without a losing quarter.)
Oh, and don't forget to mark this post as a negative.  Just further proof of what I posted in #25.  You have no reasonable argument against what I posted; so, the proper solution is to go and mark the post as negative.  That totally negates what was said in the post.  And, for emphasis why not some more ad hominem attacks?  Get an educated person to explain what that means.
Again you must be new to the world of politics.