Airline Service Recovery

So I guess my name huh? That's pretty cool. Didn't my last name confuse you?

Thanks Black Bear for the welcome. It's very all right, at least I got some traffic to the thread! This is a pretty heated sub-forum. It's like I walked into a hornet's nest.

Someone who was educated under the American System. =] I keep up with current events and the American Election was a prety big deal (understatement of the year). So I'm guessing you're Republican?

What I don't get is, if you call yourself a member of a political party, does it mean you subscribe to all its ideologies? Religious, socioeconomic, and economic? And what if you don't, then you splinter off into another faction?


If you only (ever) learn one thing about the USA, always remember this;
That the two MOST DANGEROUS types of Americans are,


after that, there are some pleasant things here !
Like tell him about how your party started the KKK as a Democrat Social Club, or how the DNC put down the Black vote through Jim Crow laws....need I go on?
No need, because that party of people evolved into the modern Republican Party, and you know it.

No need, because that party of people evolved into the modern Republican Party, and you know it.

I see your point.


Don't try and rewrite history.
Welcome. We're glad your here, and for my part I apologize for USUING you and your legitimate posting !
For the most part, the regulars here are good people.
But as I'm SURE you have already realized, this 'joint is Pro-UNION/Anti-UNION.....Pro-Democratic/Anti-Democratic.....Pro Republican/Anti-Republican,...Pro-Christian/Anti-Christian, an Atheist, and a guy named Sparrow Hawk who's a legitimate Libertarian.

You also are most likely aware that our DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT was re-elected for 4....M O R E......Y E A R S, and some folks are "Struggling" with that (to say the least)
Again, WELCOME !

Don't believe a word of it ! It's just Barry-O's way of "Suckin' Up" !

Here in 'good old America' (with regard to the political party) in general terms, you'll find that us Democrats welcome all people (black/white/poor/wealthty/gay/straight/christian/jew/hindu/buddha/atheist/transvestite's/..even WHITE people from South of Washington DC. !!!!!!!!!!!
The Republican Party is MUCH MORE (how shall I say..) ..."Choosy" (like WHITE-Wealthy, and definitely christian) ! ! ! ! !
I'm calling "Bullsh!t" on the WHITE people from South of Washington DC !
Look at the number of minorities and women in the GOP verses DNC. Look at the leadership that the GOP in the house wanted to put in place. Every single one of them was a white male until the chit hit the fan and then the GOP put a woman in charge of the Admin Committee. Basically a house mom.... OH the irony.
The GOP is still the party of the rich white guy. Others need not apply except for window dressing.
And I see you still have nothing to contribute to an adult conversation. Guess that makes you a republican.

Here in 'good old America' (with regard to the political party) in general terms, you'll find that us Democrats welcome all people (black/white/poor/wealthty/gay/straight/christian/jew/hindu/buddha/atheist/transvestite's/..even WHITE people from South of Washington DC. !!!!!!!!!!!
The Republican Party is MUCH MORE (how shall I say..) ..."Choosy" (like WHITE-Wealthy, and definitely christian) ! ! ! ! !

So why was it the republicans who welcomed me and other immigrants at my citizenship ceremony? They even asked if we want to bring any relatives over.

If you only (ever) learn one thing about the USA, always remember this;
That the two MOST DANGEROUS types of Americans are,


after that, there are some pleasant things here !

Actually the Anti-religious patriots and the blind Libtard Patriots are the problem.