Amfa And Long Term Disability


Jul 20, 2003
If AMFA wins, what happens to the long term disability that the TWU offers? Will AMFA offer their own plan? The vote can't be completed by the open enrollment period in October, so what kind of bridge will there be until the next enrollment period, and who will provide it?
Cavu...I see you have found another board to post on... :p

If this is where you rely on to get your information...We're in BIG trouble!.. :blink:

TWU...the only way to go
Buck said:
Are the Dispatchers leaving the TWU?
Buck, please answer the question, or call AMFA about an answer.

I don't care what the dispatchers are going to do, maybe they are tired of having the mechanics riding their coattails.

Is the dispatcher also is a FAA reuired position? One where you can't have a wannabe do the work and someone else sign off on it?

There is a disorganized drive and a raid going on by a rouge organization masquerading as a trade union called pafca.

The TWU will prevail.
j7915 said:
Buck said:
Are the Dispatchers leaving the TWU?
Buck, please answer the question, or call AMFA about an answer.

I don't care what the dispatchers are going to do, maybe they are tired of having the mechanics riding their coattails.

Is the dispatcher also is a FAA reuired position? One where you can't have a wannabe do the work and someone else sign off on it?
"Is the dispatcher also is a FAA reuired position? One where you can't have a wannabe do the work and someone else sign off on it?"

Just fixing some typos.

Is the dispatcher a FAA required position?

Yes Dispatch is required and are licensed professionals like the mechanics.

But some in this rouge organization called pafca believe the mechs and FS pull them down.

I can tell you this, the majority of the dispatchers support the TWU and the Mechanics and FS.

I care about the representation of the Dispatchers, will Jim Little be able to maintain his ATD position if his union is replaced?

As for the original question, I do not know.

Tell us about how the TWU is going to protect us from Singapore Maintenance Facilities.....


Thanks for the answer...
First time to post here.
Just could not listen to anymore
TWU miss information.

There is an election to change
representation at AA due to the
select group of TWU hard-liners
who have grown to believe
they are the union and not
the dispatcher.

If the TWU local was doing such a
great job then there would be no
vote to remove them as union representation.

We have heard from these leaders
TWU to the end
We support the TWU
PAFCA is a rouge group doing a hostile takeover.

All bull...
If the leaders spent as much time
talking with and finding out what the MAJORITY
of the dispatchers wanted at AA and not
what they or TWU wants, then a vote to remove
them as union representation would never have
come up.

The VP of the local at AA said
"They are sheep and will do whatever we say"

AAdisp. You are not telling the truth here and I will not debate you on that here. If you are half a man you would approach me in the office and say that directly to me. I doubt you will.

Just what another forum needs. Someone who hides behind an alias and lies.
AADispatch said:

Yes Dispatch is required and are licensed professionals like the mechanics.

But some in this rouge organization called pafca believe the mechs and FS pull them down.

I can tell you this, the majority of the dispatchers support the TWU and the Mechanics and FS.
If the majority supports the TWU, how were enough cards collected to file for an election?
Remember the TWU lost at Horizon by one vote.
I think some information would be helpful for those that are interested.
How many dispatchers are AA employees and where are they based?
Buck said:
Tell us about how the TWU is going to protect us from Singapore Maintenance Facilities.....
Well with Jim in control I guess the strategy is to underbid them. Thats how they have done for it the last twenty years.

Make it cheaper to keep the work in house and create more jobs at the expense of living standards for everyone. Everyone except International Officers and appointees that is. When the members complain just blame them "You guys voted it in", or the Presidents council "They voted to bring it back", or the AFL-CIO "The AFL-CIO really needs to help us on this", or even the Government "If only we had a friendlier regime in DC". But under no cimcumstances reveal the truth. The International has control over the contract. The Presidents council and the negotiations committee are facades, the ATD version of the old Local 100 "Public dramas for public and membership consumption that hid the fact that the deals were already struck. During the 2001 negotiations that lasted 18 months they reportedly only met with the company five times, were any actual negotaitions conducted between the council and the company?

Dont expect Jim to accept what he expects us to accept. He gets $143,000 a year plus loads of other perks. You see there is one standard for them, and quite another for the members.

You see Jim "needs" to pay himself that much in order to retain himself, otherwise he might take a pay cut, give up all the other perks and go back to being a dispatcher. Same with Gary and Gless, we all know that all sorts of people are trying to lure them away since they have SOOO much to offer.
Bob Owens said:
Buck said:
Tell us about how the TWU is going to protect us from Singapore Maintenance Facilities.....
Well with Jim in control I guess the strategy is to underbid them. Thats how they have done for it the last twenty years.

Make it cheaper to keep the work in house and create more jobs at the expense of living standards for everyone. Everyone except International Officers and appointees that is. When the members complain just blame them "You guys voted it in", or the Presidents council "They voted to bring it back", or the AFL-CIO "The AFL-CIO really needs to help us on this", or even the Government "If only we had a friendlier regime in DC". But under no cimcumstances reveal the truth. The International has control over the contract. The Presidents council and the negotiations committee are facades, the ATD version of the old Local 100 "Public dramas for public and membership consumption that hid the fact that the deals were already struck. During the 2001 negotiations that lasted 18 months they reportedly only met with the company five times, were any actual negotaitions conducted between the council and the company?

Dont expect Jim to accept what he expects us to accept. He gets $143,000 a year plus loads of other perks. You see there is one standard for them, and quite another for the members.

You see Jim "needs" to pay himself that much in order to retain himself, otherwise he might take a pay cut, give up all the other perks and go back to being a dispatcher. Same with Gary and Gless, we all know that all sorts of people are trying to lure them away since they have SOOO much to offer.
Bob, so what are your proposals to keep the work in the US. Accepting market rate may not be the only answer, but you either don't have any better ideas, or you are going to take your ball and go home unless they make you team captain.

Since you were the very first post on this thread and all the AMFA boys failed to answer you, I thought I’d at least address the question. There is NO evidence (that I can find) that AMFA offers an LTD plan of any type, at any of the carriers they represent. However, some of carriers they represent do offer LTD, but it’s not Union sponsored. Therefore, NO plan, NO bridge from AMFA! :down:
jake said:
Since you were the very first post on this thread and all the AMFA boys failed to answer you, I thought I’d at least address the question. There is NO evidence (that I can find) that AMFA offers an LTD plan of any type, at any of the carriers they represent. However, some of carriers they represent do offer LTD, but it’s not Union sponsored. Therefore, NO plan, NO bridge from AMFA! :down:

Another damn LIE!

We don't pay the bargaining agent two hours pay per month to sell insurance, we pay them to negotiate benefits. It is the industrial union that leads the way in insurance benefits sales for plans that used to be negotiated into the contract. I cannot believe one of you were stupid enough to jump in and expose this industrial union weakness, are you guys losing it because of fear?

Maybe you cannot find the evidence of any AMFA LTD Plan because the headlights of the Bus Shrine are on high beam and blinding you! Try looking in a contract book, under NEGOTIATED BENEFITS! That is where we used to find our LTD plan, until the "superior" TWU decided to become insurance agents instead of bargaining agents.

GOOD GRIEF, this is a simple seek and find, but you have to be willing to read, and open your eyes to the truth.

Look here:

Read AMFA/NWA Contract- Article 27 Insurance Benefits


NWA Management even SHARES in the cost of the AMFA Contractual Plan.

American used to offer a cost free plan, until the TWU decided to get into the insurance sales business, and now you pay out-of-payroll every two weeks for plan that has premiums that far exceed the coverage liability. Teh Mechanic and Related could get a much better deal on LTD on their own, the Fleet Service is much higher risk and more Fleet Service clerks are drawing benefits than Mechanics are. Thus, we fund another unskilled liability.
