Another Afl-cio Sellout!


Sep 15, 2003
AFL-CIO turns its back on U.S. workers,
endorses illegal immigration & open borders

For the second year in a row, the AFL-CIO has endorsed an illegal-alien amnesty

Editorials lambaste union decision in New York Times, New York Post

Another bad globalization: free trade in labor (NY Times)
Union membership continues to decline

by Roy Beck

The AFL-CIO in May reissued its endorsement of an amnesty for 6 to 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States. This is the second year in the row that the AFL-CIO has astonishingly rejected one of organized labor's most honored traditions: protecting U.S. labor markets from being flooded by foreign workers.

In February of 2000, the executive council of the national union federation voted to urge Congress to begin granting amnesty to the 6 million illegal aliens currently avoiding arrest in this country. The union bosses would reward their lawbreaking with U.S. citizenship.

The council also voted to seek a repeal of a law that makes it illegal for companies to hire illegal aliens. The AFL-CIO had been one of the major supporters of passing the law in 1986.

As a result of the new action, the AFL-CIO has placed itself on the same side as sweat shop operators and the most egregious of cheap-labor industrialists in their desire to globalize the U.S. labor market. If foreign workers are free to take jobs in the U.S. whether or not they have a legal right to be here, then one can expect the surge of illegal immigration to become even larger. And American workers will be forced to compete on a global level. Since global wage averages are a small fraction of current U.S. wages, the AFL-CIO has adopted a policy that condemns American workers to a race to the bottom in wages and working conditions.

Why would the AFL-CIO do such an anti-worker thing? Good bottom-line business.

That is, the AFL-CIO ceased acting like a champion of American workers and made a good business decision.

As a business, the AFL-CIO makes its money off dues. Immigrants -- and especially illegal aliens -- have proven to be much easier to organize and to make into new union members. The AFL-CIO sees illegal aliens as a lucrative market for dues to keep the bureaucracy of organized labor humming.

So the AFL-CIO as a business is willing to sell out the American worker for the same reason that other businesses pay huge contributions to Congress to keep the supply of cheap foreign labor coming.

The leaders of the AFL-CIO knew that their actions are likely to anger the rank and file American laborers. But they took a calculated risk for the sake of the two groups which represent the future of the labor movement: foreign workers and government workers who see the business of government growing to meet the needs for social services in cities of high immigration.

Adding to the callousness of the AFL-CIO's strange move is the story behind the illegal aliens they are now championing. Those aliens are in low-wage non-union occupations, many of which were unionized and much higher paying 20 years ago. But the presence of so many illegal aliens, as well as the highest surge of legal immigrants in the nation's history, resulted in busted unions and the driving out of American workers. Now, the AFL-CIO is working for the illegal aliens. But the gains will be very short-term. If the amnestied illegal aliens join the unions and manage to raise their wages, they are likely to lose their gains to the next swarm of illegal aliens. Nothing draws illegal aliens like an amnesty. The 6 million present illegal aliens mostly rushed to this country after the nation's first amnesty in 1986. Another amnesty is sure to draw even more new ones, especially if the AFL-CIO succeeds in offering the new illegal aliens the chance to work legally without companies being threatened with sanctions.

All of us with personal connections to the labor movement (I grew up in a union household and earlier was a member of the AFL-CIO and a local officer) have reason to feel disappointment. The greatest moral high ground of union leadership was always the claim that it cared not just about members of the unions but about the plight of all workers. With its decision to emphasize adding membership among illegal aliens above protecting the wages and working conditions of American workers in general, the AFL-CIO has given a great deal of rhetorical ammunition to critics who have always assumed the worst about organized labor. The hope for the American labor movement is that American workers will rise up and shout down this ill-informed amnesty policy when it is trotted out in union locals across the country this year. We'll hope the American workers who built the unions -- and pay the salaries of the union chieftans -- will bring their leaders back around to living up to their core responsibilities.
Clearly you need better education. But with how you ended your statement, for go amfa. You have nothing inside your head to educate. Except of course, vote to lose your fellow brothers and sisters jobs. But then, amfa stands for : aircraft maintance for asia. Notice all lower case. For that is what you all are. Low! Don't forget! Un-educated!!
Princess Towers said:
Clearly you need better education. But with how you ended your statement, for go amfa. You have nothing inside your head to educate. Except of course, vote to lose your fellow brothers and sisters jobs. But then, amfa stands for : aircraft maintance for asia. Notice all lower case. For that is what you all are. Low! Don't forget! Un-educated!!

Who are you writing to? Rusty or Roy Beck?
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Princess Towers said:
Clearly you need better education. But with how you ended your statement, for go amfa. You have nothing inside your head to educate. Except of course, vote to lose your fellow brothers and sisters jobs. But then, amfa stands for : aircraft maintance for asia. Notice all lower case. For that is what you all are. Low! Don't forget! Un-educated!!

Princess Towers, I will try hard to remember that by your accord, I am not educated; on the other hand if you will take the time to read, you will see that I am not the author of this article. I will not dwell on your education but, maybe you could brush up on your English just a tad!

If you would like to debate the article (by Roy Beck) I will happily oblige you.

Please tell me why the afl-cio wants to legalize illegal aliens that number 6 to 11 million in the US, other than to try and keep an affiliation base??? Personally, I agree with the article and I believe it is the only logical answer for their stance.

Do you believe these type actions undercut American wages and benefits???

PS, I did not say "for go amfa", I said "AMFA NOW!!!" :shock: :up:
Now then Rusty ole boy....when you stated AMFA NOW!.. was that a voice to be heard from say Singapore? Or possibly some 3rd party vendor awaiting the next amfa winner you...HAHAHAHA

and Booby...put down the burger and re-read Towers' post...even you can bear witness to her don't put down the burger...saweeee...forgot to set attainable goals for ya...HAHAHAHAHA

Fact= AA Outsourcing down 1 % in 2003
Fact= NWA is at 45% less manpower than prior to amfa, has 4 heavy chex in Singapore, has provided employment for more 3rd party vendors than any other airline. Has left devastation at every airline it has fooled into bargaining for.
Fact= Allowed NWA to immediately go to over 38% outsourcing due to their "strong language". What did ALf state? "We saved the airline from 62% outsourcing!" ...Ya got to be kidding me here...even you Bob can see the ridicule in that statement.
Fact= AA Outsourcing down 1 % in 2003




FACT= A whole lot more hungry furloughed amfa boys and girls on the street due to amfa's bargaining ability...

FACT= amfa gives ya a chance to retrain into other career fields.

FACT= only leader to hold president as long as Alf is Castro.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...........*ya killing me here*......................HAHAHAHAHAHA
FACT= A whole lot more hungry furloughed amfa boys and girls on the street due to amfa's bargaining ability...

FACT: NWA AMTs on lay off will be recalled to FULL pay and benefits.
FACT: AA AMTs on lay off will be recalled to LESS pay and benefits.
FACT: twu international officers are afraid to stand up in front of their members and answer for their actions.
FACT: twu/teamtwu members prefer to attack AMFA instead of list reasons why the twu is a good union that promotes and protects AMTs.
FACT...........AMFA deserted workers at BRANIFF, while company went into bankruptcy,
During the AMFA drive at UAL this comment kept coming up but the people repeating it could never prove what they were saying so I decided to Email Dell directly. He responded very quickly and I posted this on the UAL Employee Forum on MSN... Happy Reading...

I emailed the National Director of AMFA using the link above that I got off their website. My email to him is below (I xxx'd out personal information only) and his reply to me is on the bottom.... I figured it was best to go to the source and find out information. I would be happy to forward either email to anyone who wants to question the validity.

I also have a friend looking into obtaining copies of Braniff's Bankrutcy paperwork so when I recieve those I will scan further back up documentation and post it.

Subj: Urgent Question Please
Date: 3/3/2003 9:22:52 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: Away Frm it All
To: [email protected]

Dear Sir,

I know that you must be extremely busy and I have tried to find the answer to my following question from other sources but I am not having much luck so I figured I would just come directly to the person who could answer this directly.

I emailed someone from another board and he didn't kow so he suggested I just email you directly. I don't work at an airline but I have a friends that do and right now I am trying to help with the card drive at UAL (you can verify this with XXXX X. from Indy).

One of the things that keeps getting posted on various boards about AMFA & Bankruptcies is some situation at Braniff. The following is a copy and paste I took from the new MSN Message board for UAL employees:
"Those of you that think amfa will be an improvement should be aware of the amfa s action when they represented the mechanics at Braniff when it went bankrupt. They did not even appear in court, their response at that time was " We have no money to represent you, we are trying to organize ."

Basically, what I am looking for is infomation on what happened with the Braniff situation. I have seen this allegation before but they never provide any documentation or links to prove their claim and I remember reading a response once that rebuffed this but to tell you honestly I don't remember what was said. Could you please either:
1. Give me a run down on what happened? or
2. go to the following link and post a response yourself? or
3. Just let me know if you do or do not want to answer this?

If you don't have time and/or don't want to engage in this I understand but if you could let me know either way it would be appreciated. The link to the post is: if you just want to answer it directly.

Thank you for your time,

Subj: Re: Urgent Question Please
Date: 3/4/2003 6:37:59 AM Pacific Standard Time
To: Away Frm it All, [email protected]
CC: [email protected], AMFANATL, AMFANATSEC, [email protected], ASSTNATLDIRECTOR, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], SSMPLS, AMFAADMIN


Thank you for giving us the opportunity to answer the scurrilous out right fabrications and half truths that the industrial unions of the IAM/IBT/TWU have been spewing for years about AMFA at Braniff 2.

You must remember Braniff 1 was represented by the IAM for some 25 years and they closed down their local as soon as Braniff 1 went bankrupt and gave none of their members any representation or pay form collections to the court. They left their members out on their own to collect their own forms and present them to the court because they could not find any IAM officers to help them. In fact some of their IAM leadership immediately obtained jobs from AA in Dallas.

True. Braniff 2 went bankrupt while AMFA was representing them for some nine months. We defeated the IBT and the IAM in that election. In fact we were at the negotiating table when we heard news that they were closing their bases and filing for bankruptcy.

Thanks to our legal support, AMFA immediately distributed the bankruptcy pay forms to collect money owed to them. We also distributed the insurance COBRA forms to our members. We had those forms filled out within three days and presented them to the bankruptcy court. It took about 18 to 22 months to collect their money but we got what Braniff 2 owed them which amounted to two weeks pay and vacation time. At the court we worked with the MEC representing the ALPA-Braniff 2 pilots. Incidentally, the IBT represented the ramp and ticket employees and it took them six months to send their forms in to the bankruptcy court. We did not see any of the IBT officers at the court.

Two directors went to jail from Braniff 2 because of fraud. If I recall correctly, they had 100 million from Wall Street and when it got to the airline they only had 16 million left. They did not have enough money to sustain the airline.
Those company officials took their unauthorized fees off the top.

Further, less than two weeks after the bankruptcy we set up a job fair and paid advertisements to come to Braniff's 2 hangar in Orlando where our members were interviewed for jobs. Walt Disney hired most of our members because of their expertise in hydraulics, sheet metal and electricity. The A&P license has tremendous value outside of our industry.

I hope I have helped to give you our side on what happened at Braniff 2.

Sincerely, Dell
FACT...........AMFA deserted workers at BRANIFF, while company went into bankruptcy,
Fact...this is a lie, just so happen to work with 2 former Braniff 2 workers, they are laughing at your lies.
FACT...........AMFA deserted workers at BRANIFF, while company went into bankruptcy,

Only IBT and IAM showed at the hearing representing mebers of BRANIFF during bankruptcy hearings pertaining to benefits, severence package, Amfa Representatives failed to show
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FACT...........AMFA deserted workers at BRANIFF, while company went into bankruptcy,

Only IBT and IAM showed at the hearing representing mebers of BRANIFF during bankruptcy hearings pertaining to benefits, severence package, Amfa Representatives failed to show
lol Which was it MCI AFL-CIO, Branif-1 or Branif-2???lmao Where have you been MAC??
FACT...........AMFA deserted workers at BRANIFF, while company went into bankruptcy,
27 NMB No. 021: Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Dispatchers, Union, TWU, “voluntary Revocation of Certification.â€￾
Whoa...hold da phone...did someone state that NWA mech's will return with full benefits and pay? Is this figured on the strength of the yen? They need to realize that even though their membership diminished...their productivity and paircraft did not...why?...THANK YOU SINGAPORE!...THANK YOU AMFA!