APFA Constitution referendum results

So your friend has no sick time? Last time I used mine, I got paid up to 80 hours of pay, per month. If your friend is out of sick time, did she take the voluntary short term disability insurance? If not, she should have. If she exhausted those, did she elect to take the long term disability? If not, she should have. If she is really in a pickle, maybe she should contact wings for help. Either way, you make it sound like she is on food stamps and welfare. Problem is she has or had sick time and had the opportunity to elect short and long term disability insurance. It isn't your, mine, APFA's or AA's responsibility to coddle those who make bad choices. It is only the individual employees choice. Plus it is irrelevant what her husband has chosen to persue as a career choice. So, NO it isn't APFA's fault she might have no income, because she could and should have if she made the right choices.
The people that voted fall into 3 groups.

1) "The apfa said I should vote yes, so I voted yes." in other words "sheep"

2) Those that had someone tell them what the resolutions stated and voted on that basis. The uninformed allowing themselves to be bullied.

3) People that actually read and understood the resolutions. And actually have at least half a heart and compassion for their fellow F/A.

Too bad 1 and 2 outnumbered 3.

The people that voted fall into 3 groups.

1) "The apfa said I should vote yes, so I voted yes." in other words "sheep"

2) Those that had someone tell them what the resolutions stated and voted on that basis. The uninformed allowing themselves to be bullied.

3) People that actually read and understood the resolutions. And actually have at least half a heart and compassion for their fellow F/A.

Too bad 1 and 2 outnumbered 3.

Anyone with a half of brain can see these resloutions were put forth to shape the union up finacially .
Gee, just look around and see many organizations are doing the same thing to improve the bottom line.
Not with 10,000 not voting. I don't think the APFA will ever pass a dues increase. You'd be surprised at how easy it would be to get people current... except that would validate poll tax for no representation. Yeah those 400 votes really threw a wrench in the vote. Seriously....
Okay.... NEVER get a dues increase again from the membership??? That makes no sense at all.... sounds like you are pulling these posts from thin air.... Come on now...
Anyone with a half of brain can see these resloutions were put forth to shape the union up finacially .
Gee, just look around and see many organizations are doing the same thing to improve the bottom line.

The resolutions had nothing to do with finances.

It all had to do with taking power away from the membership and moving more power to the board of directors.....which, you are right, is exactly what major corporations are doing.

So your friend has no sick time? Last time I used mine, I got paid up to 80 hours of pay, per month. If your friend is out of sick time, did she take the voluntary short term disability insurance? If not, she should have. If she exhausted those, did she elect to take the long term disability? If not, she should have. If she is really in a pickle, maybe she should contact wings for help. Either way, you make it sound like she is on food stamps and welfare. Problem is she has or had sick time and had the opportunity to elect short and long term disability insurance. It isn't your, mine, APFA's or AA's responsibility to coddle those who make bad choices. It is only the individual employees choice. Plus it is irrelevant what her husband has chosen to persue as a career choice. So, NO it isn't APFA's fault she might have no income, because she could and should have if she made the right choices.

I never said she had no sick time. I never said she did not apply for short term disability. The bottom line is, it is cruel to expect someone who lost their job through no fault of their own(furlough) or accident(in the case of my friend) to be forced to back pay dues or pay dues. You don't know my friend, you don't know me, yet you feel free to criticize and demean us. Have a good day.
Now some on here can thank APFA for something else. APFA convinced AA to absorb any overage through August. Which means that AA has agreed to no more furloughs through August.

Oh, and you know for a fact that this is all the APFA's doings. Please, spare me. They can't even get the company to come to terms on a new contract. More likely, it's the company decided to live with the overage and the APFA decided to take credit. Though, this time I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. I think it is YOU giving credit where credit is not due.

Funny thing, the announcement has been made on Jetnet, but the group that according to you engineered the decision has not even put out an InfoRep announcement, nor is there a word on the APFA website.

I won't quote your other post about the flight attendant who is bad off financially because she made poor choices and therefore deserves her fate. Typical compassionate response from you.

P.S. You just shot down the justification for the f/as who never retire "because they can't afford to." No pension plan, no Social Security was ever intended to be a person's sole support in retirement. So, if they haven't saved a dime toward retirement, I guess they deserve to live at the county home and eat cat food since they didn't make good financial choices. Huh?

Oh, and spare me the WINGS exhortations to give up PVDs for those senior flight attendants who made bad choices in the past when they called in sick for a minor illness and now have no sick time left. They just chose the wrong illnesses. Bad choices will get you everytime.
Oh, and you know for a fact that this is all the APFA's doings. Please, spare me. They can't even get the company to come to terms on a new contract. More likely, it's the company decided to live with the overage and the APFA decided to take credit. Though, this time I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. I think it is YOU giving credit where credit is not due.

Funny thing, the announcement has been made on Jetnet, but the group that according to you engineered the decision has not even put out an InfoRep announcement, nor is there a word on the APFA website.

I won't quote your other post about the flight attendant who is bad off financially because she made poor choices and therefore deserves her fate. Typical compassionate response from you.

P.S. You just shot down the justification for the f/as who never retire "because they can't afford to." No pension plan, no Social Security was ever intended to be a person's sole support in retirement. So, if they haven't saved a dime toward retirement, I guess they deserve to live at the county home and eat cat food since they didn't make good financial choices. Huh?

Oh, and spare me the WINGS exhortations to give up PVDs for those senior flight attendants who made bad choices in the past when they called in sick for a minor illness and now have no sick time left. They just chose the wrong illnesses. Bad choices will get you everytime.
I have one question for you.... Why in the world are you working a union job ???
You seem to blame everything on APFA.... Our union can not move mountains.
And remember that it takes years to obtain a contract from AA. It can take 3 to 4 years easily to see a contract. AA moves very slowly when it comes to handing out the cash. No union on the property can make it move any faster. Just take a look at the other unions.... No contract for anyone. So dont blame APFA for no contract. We are in for a long winding road trip before we see a contract so sit tight. And be unified!!!
Funny thing, the announcement has been made on Jetnet, but the group that according to you engineered the decision has not even put out an InfoRep announcement, nor is there a word on the APFA website.
I first heard it on the APFA weekly hotline that was emailed to me yesterday afternoon.
I got the info from the e-mailed hotline as well. Too bad jimntx doesn't subscribe, as he would have received it as well. It is easier to shoot the messenger and continue to complain than to seek answers and facts.
I continue to be amazed at how easy people on here get their panties in a twist. This is an anonymous(sic) message board that is mostly used by the bitter, jaded, disgruntled and poor me types. Some complain on here about their lot in life like it is someone else's job to fix it. Wrong, it's your life, do something about it. Blaming AA or APFA is not going to fix anything. Yet the same people are on here day after day doing as such. Be it for themselves, their family or some "friend" of theirs. Then you have the large group with no attachment to AA at all or the retired with a huge ax to grind. Unfortunately, most use this site for trying to find facts. Problem is that most on here wouldn't know one, or how to find one if it bit them on the hand. I personally use this forum as a form of entertainment. I give my opinions from time to time and try to set the many misinformed in the right direction. I have found that most would rather stay uninformed or misinformed as that is more conducive to their mantra of being mistreated and held down in life. To each his/her own. I wish people would take responsibilty for themselves a little more and quit crying poor me all the time. It gets old and is like crying wolf too many times. Eventually you might need the help that won't come. Start the attacks, I am ready.
APFA will ask for another dues increase when the time is right and without inactive F/As voting , the vote will pass. There will be no more mass voting to throw things off.

Uh, guess again...

Item number 4: 2,735 yes; 4,394 no (Monthly Dues Amount )

Even with the former TWA flight attendants not voting, this would still have been REJECTED!!!
I got the info from the e-mailed hotline as well. Too bad jimntx doesn't subscribe, as he would have received it as well. It is easier to shoot the messenger and continue to complain than to seek answers and facts.

What an intersting perception.
Uh, guess again...

Item number 4: 2,735 yes; 4,394 no (Monthly Dues Amount )

Even with the former TWA flight attendants not voting, this would still have been REJECTED!!!
You must believe this is the first time the membership has turned down a dues increase. It is not and as Mark said when the time is right they will do it again.
You must believe this is the first time the membership has turned down a dues increase. It is not and as Mark said when the time is right they will do it again.

I thought Mark implied that if brought up again (and the time was "right") the membership would vote "yes". I disagree. Not when you have over 10,000 unwilling to vote on C&B changes. And with those furloughed being knocked out, the workings of the APFA will be controlled by between 1/4 to 1/3 of the entire membership. Hummmmmm Hope that works for you all.