Background on Barack

the problem with that line of thinking is simply you dismiss that people change.
The right is pretty much know for that. Look at 2004...Kerry was painted as an America hater and a fraud by the Swift boat captains. The book's accuracy was and is still in question...but Kerry "had the gall" to "throw his medals" and speak out against the Vietnam war. Apparently the right simply dismissed that people could change (serving in the war to opposing the war). They painted him as a "flip flopper" (I voted for the war until I voted against it). Apparently the right dismissed that as people learn more, they change.

The right has operated on character assassinations in the past...for goodness sakes, McCain was a VICTIM of a Rove character assassination in South Carolina in 2000. That he readily undertakes one out of desperation just goes to show that people really do change, I guess.
out of desperation just goes to show that people really do change, I guess.
bringing up 2004, I also recall in 2004 the Democrats demanded that military experience was imperative an absolute requirement for Commander in Chief while in 2008 its not so much a requirement(actually no experience at all) so you are right, they do change..
bringing up 2004, I also recall in 2004 the Democrats demanded that military experience was imperative an absolute requirement for Commander in Chief while in 2008 its not so much a requirement(actually no experience at all) so you are right, they do change..

I don't think that they said it was fact, one of the most successful democratic presidents in history wasn't.

They DID say that when you are sabre rattling all over the middle east, and using your Army before your diplomats, it might be a good thing to have SOME real battlefield experience, versus protecting beach houses on Padre Island to decide when to use the military. Because ordinarily, the USA did not deploy troops in a first strike offensive effort.
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  • #79
Was that like the present drug user in the White House? Can you confirm what drugs Johhy boy used with his hookers in Asia?

That isn't the issue...why do you attempt to avert the obvious question?

Can you prove Johnny did in fact have hookers and or drugs in Asia or are you surmising from your own past indiscretions?
the problem with that line of thinking is simply you dismiss that people change. while I fully understand what you are attempting to imply, it is not fair game what it really is simply, poor taste on your part stooping to a level that you feel the need to participate calling people names who you do not know based merely on political choices.

If the purchasing of wine before noon on Sunday is that much of an issue for you, address those concerns to your lawmakers and attempt to have them changed, keeping in mind however..majority rules(maybe the majority in your community supports that law)

Yes perhaps people do change. Does that apply to Mr Ayres as well? Just curious. The point I am trying to make is that if the right continues to try and pretend that they are in some manner morally superior to us lefty heathens, then they can expect to have all their dirty laundry aired out in public. When Mr Limbaugh condemned drug users he should not be surprised when he is taken out tho the wood shed for the same indiscretions he decried. When Ms. Palin presents an argument that abstinence is the only policy, she should not cry sexist when she is called out on the fact that neither her nor her daughter could abide by the policy she endorses. If the conservative right wants to claim that Mr McCain is morally superior to Mr Obama because Obama used drugs (in his youth) and McCain did not then they cannot be surprised when the left trots out the fact that McCain cheated on his wife with Cindy. By the way, what do you call a woman who has sex with a married man? What do you call a man who screws around on his wife? You tell me what to call them and I shall oblige.

As for majority rule .. are you sure you want to stick with that theory? I though we had a constitution to protect us from majority (mob) rule? A few examples come to mind .... Jim Crow, Plessy V Ferguson, school integration, womens suffrage just to name a few. There were laws that were 'obviously' wrong until the courts stepped in and reversed them. One would be hard pressed to argue that a majority of the people supported the reversal of those laws. As I recall, the national guard was called out to protect the students going to school in Alabama IIRC.

The bottom line is that I do not care that the majority of the people in my county/city do not want me buying liquor before 12n on a Sunday. The US constitution gives no basis for this law. The State Constitution gives no basis for the law. Unfortunately, the cities have been given free reign over this issue. Until a few years ago, my county was dry. That means no where in my county lines could I buy beer or wine much less a bottle of Jack. I had to drive 35 miles round trip to buy liquor. I had to drive 35 miles because I live in the freaking bible belt where apparently liquor is a sin but I'll be damn if this area does not have one of the highest ratio of sex clubs to people in the nation.

So pardon me if I ask the right wing nuts to keep their bloody holier then thou attitudes out of politics and my home. If you choose to believe in religion, knock you self out. This is a free nation after all. AllI ask is that you repspect my beliefs as well and not force your beliefs on me.

And I still think Clinton, Ginrich and McCain are sluts for cheating on their spouse and Cindy is a slut for banging a married man.
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If you check...the McCain marriage was well on its way out the door before sweet little Cindy came on the scene.

By the way, what do you call a woman who has sex with a married man?

His wife.....

What do you call a man who screws around on his wife? You tell me what to call them and I shall oblige.

William Jefferson Clinton
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  • #83
IMO all of this who diddled who is just a distraction to take our eyes off the ball.

Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin wrote the Declaration of Independence. Well Jefferson wrote most of but Franklin was the diplomat between the others and Jefferson.

Either way the point is those two in their prime would screw a snake if it had ears to hold onto. Eisenhower had Kay Summersby, JFK had ?????? plus Marilyn. WHO CARES??

John McCain had an affair and got divorced - SO WHAT!

Bill Clinton had a thing for young slightly chubby girl who lent a whole new meaning to the phrase "Taking Dictation" - AGAIN WHO CARES.

Maybe one of the job requirements should be only men who can't keep their zippers up need apply as if you look at the few I mentioned with the possible exception of Mr Clinton, ALL have superior leadership capabilities then the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Who by all accounts is not a womanizer.

Now that you mention it....Ben Franklin liked his women too.....many have suggested that in fact,he was the father of our country.
bringing up 2004, I also recall in 2004 the Democrats demanded that military experience was imperative an absolute requirement for Commander in Chief while in 2008 its not so much a requirement(actually no experience at all) so you are right, they do change..

Military experience is only important if the other guy does not have it. When the other guy has it, it is not important. In government, the only thing that changes are the names of the people screwing you, they fact that you will get screwed never changes.
Were you able to read all that through the eye holes in your pointy hood, and by the light of your burning cross?

Seems like you were posting anti everything but a northern white man stuff months ago and were called out on it, now you are calling someone out on something that is not so much different than some of your earlier posts (that I can't find now, probably deleted as inflammatory). You just like to fight and be right.

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