HUD Launches Scheme To Racially Diversify Suburbs


Oct 29, 2002
Move out to the suburbs to get away from high crime and poverty? Obama intends to export it to your neighborhood in the interest of diversity.


Diversity: Now even ZIP codes are racist, and according to this race-obsessed administration, you're racist for living in a suburban area with little public housing. And it plans to change that.
In what may be the most ambitious social-engineering project undertaken by the federal government, the administration is mapping every neighborhood in America by race. The stated purpose is to use the data to compel local officials to loosen zoning laws and build more public housing, thereby offering more poor inner-city minorities better opportunities for housing and education.
But the unstated purpose is forced racial integration. The suburbs are just too white for Obama and his race-mongering social engineers. They think they "geospatially discriminate" against minorities, never mind that more and more middle-class blacks are flocking to them on their own.

Donovan promised the NAACP he'll "put an end to these disparities." His scheme to map "racist" suburbs for targeting by diversity cops is just the first step toward mass relocation of inner-city poverty and crime to the suburbs, a key tenet of radical icon and Barack Obama mentor Saul Alinsky organizing under the banner of ending "spatial segregation" and "suburban apartheid."
This project could degrade the lifestyles of tens of millions of Americans — including hard-working middle-class minorities — who moved to the suburbs to get away from crime and bad schools.
It's time Republican leaders in Congress train their sights on the race-mongering zealots running amok at HUD.

[background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investor...m#ixzz2ZpLvwUu1[/background]​

Say goodbye to your gated community.