Bush And Overseas Shipment Of Jobs


Jun 8, 2004
Americans Reject Bush Policy to Ship Jobs Overseas
Washington, D.C. — More than 45,000 people have signed a Democratic National Committee (DNC) petition asking President Bush to abandon his administration's stance that shipping American jobs overseas is "a good thing."

The petition cites the 2.9 million jobs lost since George Bush took office and calls on the president to focus on creating jobs here at home.

Those who signed the petition have joined Republican and Democratic leaders in criticizing the Bush position.

House Speaker Dennis Hastert said the administration policy "fails a basic test of real economics…An economy suffers when jobs disappear. We can't have a healthy economy unless we have more jobs here in America."

And North Carolina Republican Congressman Richard Burr told the Associated Press: "It would be a position (on which) the president and I would find a lot of distance between ourselves."

"This is where the president's credibility gap meets his job gap. The American people know that exporting jobs is disastrous for our economy as well as our families," DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe said Tuesday. "George W. Bush has the worst job creation record in 60 years, and it is unbelievable that he and his administration have applauded the shipping of American jobs overseas."

Thousands of Americans continue to sign the petition, which is online at

*source is Democrats.org
twuer said:
Time for ole Dubya to join his daddy in the 1-Term Presidents Club!!!!
I seriously doubt twuscrews will be able to suck anyone into your dribble on your political agendas but, have a nut.

Some are Republicans, some are Democrats, we find mutual high ground with AMFA in the fight for our profession.
Rusty- I'd have to agree with you. This isn't a republican vs democrat issue, this is a jobs issue. Anyone who thinks Kerry would keep these jobs here is misinformed. I just read an article in July's Aviation Maintenance (feedback) regarding the shoddy work being done overseas on these jets. Just below that you'll see a reply from Tom Gould who I assume works for UAL in Indy. He states that the revenue loss came from a $67M increase in costs from outsourcing. Sounds like some serious Enron accounting practices going on to me. BTW the consulting firm UAL is using is called Aero Strategy. This will also affect 1500 mechanics jobs.
I hope somebody has this on thier radar screen......
flyer5308 said:
Yup! The very same one! Not mention Heinz outsourced 70% of thier workforce as well...
One of the many things that Bush and Kerry have in common is their membership in the elite "Skull and Bones Society of Yale University".

This is a secret society that reportedly only takes in 15 members a year.

They reportedly practice bizzare paganistic rituals which incule drinking blood from a human skull.

It is not an organization that promotes things like transparancy, accountability, equality or Democracy. It most certianly is not an organization of the Judeo-Christian persuasion either.

Bush, who likes to hide his Northeastern elitist aristocratic backround and portray himself as a good ole boy from (Kennibunkport ME) Texas, has reportedly put several of his Skull and Bones Associates into high government positions. Bush tries to pass himself off as a "Born Again Christian" yet as Governor gleefully, somtimes even mockingly rejected pleas for leinency from death row inmates, in some cases even when those pleas came from prominent Christian Leaders. Bush has thrust this country into a costly war with Iraq while denying those who are in the hunt for Bin Laden the manpower required to complete the job. Bin Laden, who is reportedly on dialisys may end up dying of natural causes while our troops are tied up, dying, in Iraq.

Kerry, another Skull and Bones member married into the family of another Skull and Bones member.

It must be remembered that we are talking about an extremely small group of people here. At only 15 members a year the group only numbers around 800. Skull and Bones members can be found in many high ranking positions.

Kerry reportedly has Jewish roots, became Catholic yet is in favor of Abortion and belongs to a secret society-also frowned upon in the Catholic faith.

One has to wonder what faith either Bush or Kerry realy adhere to. Perhaps the secret lies in their joint membership to "Skull and Bones".

Recently there was a big uproar in the Society about a change in policy where they may admit women. Kerry voted for it, the Bush's (both father and son are members as was thier Grandfather Prescot) refused to reveal how they voted.

As Ralf Nader correctly points out, for the average American there is no clear choice of good vs bad, only bad and worse. Clearly this election is merely a way for the elites who run this country to gauge how much more they can get away with without triggering a Revolution. Regardless of which one is elected there will not be radical improvement for most working people.

Bush is openly hostile to the Interests of working people. He has shown this through the actions of his cabinet and his own statements such as saying that the outsourcing to foreign countries of American jobs is a good thing.

Bush has shown that he is hostile to transparancy and the rights of people. He has done this by trying to stop an investigation in Sept 11 ,his promotion of The Patriot Act, The TSA and other acts to restrict the rights of law abiding Americans.

Lets also not foget how Bush issued PEBs against mechanics at NWA and UAL. His unprecidented announcement that he was going to issue a PEB before the 90 day countdown even started was a boon to employers. He not only obstructed mechanics in their fight for higher wages but also wrote legilation that pressured airline workers into giving massive concessions. One month Bush is saying that he cant afford to let any major airline interrupt service due to a strike, then later saying that he will let all of them go permanently out of business if the workers do not agree to concessions.

Kerry on the other hand also was in favor of NAFTA, Free Trade with China and scores of other things that have hurt American workers. Kerry also supported attacking Iraq.

The fact is that if either Bush or Kerry is elected the elites have won. The question is what kind of message do we send the elites? Do we say "Full steam ahead with the outsourcing of jobs, lowering of working peoples living standards, more global conflict, less rights here at home, less transparancy, more tax cuts for the very rich?

Or do we send the message that the current course is unacceptable?

If you think that we are not going the right way, then the message must be one of change. Kerry is the only option if a choice must be made between the two. Not because you think that he will actually be "our" president but just so that the elites who really run this country know that the masses are starting to grumble.

Some will argue the "purity" of the vote. However your vote is a tool just like your hands. Use your vote to best achieve what you expect from your government. I will vote to send the message that the current course is unacceptable-that means that Bush must go, even if that means voting for Kerry. I live in NY. I feel that NY will go to Kerry. That gives me the freedom to not have to vote for either of these elitists, instead I can vote for Nader. However if I was in a swing state I would have to choose Kerry.
I agree, neither will do a damn thing to stop jobs going overseas. Must be the blood they drank out of the Chiefs scull. I defiantly don't agree with the twu's theory of lowering wages and benefits to match those overseas either.
Rusty said:
I agree, neither will do a damn thing to stop jobs going overseas. Must be the blood they drank out of the Chiefs scull. I defiantly don't agree with the twu's theory of lowering wages and benefits to match those overseas either.
Well the Skull and Bones and TWU International are both secretive elite societies.

Both demand blind loyalty, promote secrecy, hate transparancy, accountabilty or Democracy. Look at the hypocrisy of the TWU Inmternational that promotes pay cuts for us as they give themselves raises! Look at how they sit there with their huge salaries and try to talk about the struggles of the working class! They are more like the bosses than they are like us!

Try and visit the International Offices on Broadway. The guard wont let you in.

We need a change of unions and a change in the White House.
True! But since I CAN"T vote for Bush, and I WON"T vote for Heinz, I mean Kerry, that leaves Nader!
It's easy to point fingers at someone else. However if someone is intellectually honest with themselves they will say "I buy those products from overseas rather than ones produced here because they are cheaper. I book that vacation with the travel company that sent it's support staff to India. Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

Now before anyone attacks me for being a "GWB clone", (which I am not) go look in your closet, look at you TV, camacorder, DVD player are they made in this country? Now go out to your garage, is that an American car you see? If it is was it really made here? And if it is look under the hood and see how many parts are made "somewhere else".

Soory my freinds the shipment of jobs overseas has been going on for a while now. Not just withing the past four years.
There is really nothing to be alarmed about is there?

The all power AFL-CIO is behind the TWU and us, right?

I recently read in the TWU Express that the TWU had won restrictions on outsourcing. With a Union like that, why worry about who is President?

What the hell is the concern over?