Business Conduct And Ethics Policy

Dog Wonder

Jan 1, 2004
Coming soon to your house, I got mine yesterday, is the improved US Airways Business Conduct and Ethics Policy. Think of it as your Christmas bonus. Your 'legal and ethical responsibilities required of all employees of US Airways'.

Much explanation of situations 99% of us will never be in, but one section jumps out.

page 14 E-mail and Internet Use

'You are prohibited from identifying yourself as a Company employee when posting comments on the Internet or other on-line services. This rule applies even if a statement is included that clearly states that the user is expressing his or her own ideas and not necessarily those of the Company. This rule also applies where such posting is done from your personal equipment.'

Isn't this wonderful? Who would have thought it an ethics violation to tell some one you work for US Airways? Combined with the existing prohibition on talking to the news media (p.13) it sounds like Crystal City is getting a thin skin about employees who don't worship them. They know there is nothing nice to say so they insist nothing is said.

There is also a website to report violations, Sorry lying and union busting are not violations of the Business Conduct and Ethics Policy.
First Amendment: freedon of speech!!!!!!!!

You can say who you are where ever you want.

The company may have law suits after law suits if they try to terminate anyone on these grounds.

Chip, you might as well say good bye now then.....
SAY WHAT YOU WISH.... i'd advise a look see at the corporate policy manual under the heading"INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY"-it spells in vivid detail what posting on forums is allowed....
BOB-these rules aren't b/s..they've been in corporate policy for quite some time now.its the employees responsibilty to be aware of these rules.
as for some of the things posted on this board...well i'd bet you my last buck they're the reason why we are geting this season's greetings from dave and company....BTW-wheres chip lately?
That's total BULLS**T,

Bob, we actually agree 1000% on this issue.

This pathetic management team makes policy as they go to suit themselves trying in vain to rectify all the blunders they have made since showing up on the property. They can write policy until the cows come home but that won't make them adept or make up for all the boners they pulled. This only proves how far in over their heads and desperate they are.

What if one was to have their friend or spouse enter all text. Also how would it ever be proven as long as no law is broken? I could not see this web site's owners releasing information about a user with out a judge’s order. A judge would not order the release unless a law has been broken.

pitguy said:
What if one was to have their friend or spouse enter all text. Also how would it ever be proven as long as no law is broken? I could not see this web site's owners releasing information about a user with out a judge’s order. A judge would not order the release unless a law has been broken.
pitguy,some lawyer type posted some stuff a while back and cited case law regarding UAL actions about a slow down and they confiscated hard drives and all...and the guys were all canned but one,who was on vacation. :blink:
As I understand it, the policy applies to to use of US Airways computer systems, especially to the chosen few who have web access through the copmany server.
Not many rank and file employees have this. Likewise any work that an employee creates using a US Airways computer becomes the property of the company, even if done in his/her spare time. That sort of thing is routine in buisness. SO if your write a hit song from on a company owned PC, be preapred to sign over that royalty check!
Unless employees are gving information out regarding sensitive information about a BOD meeting agenda, "censorship" is against the law. First amendment "freedom of speech" is a constitutional right. And if managment inforces such a policy they will be sued. Every union rep across the country speaks out about their employer when they are in negotiations or leafleting or picketing. Budget rent-a-car is picketing now in Pit airport against their employer.

Those policies are "unconstitutional". Figures it would come from this managment. Could you imagine, employees not being able to organize and send out newsletters to unionize in this country, or unions not being able to write out to their members via internet or e-lines?

I can see managment computers being used for purpose of communicating unethical information.....I guess that would be all of senior mangment who are on these boards, specifically when they PM. And specifically this past March when Crystal City poster put out a topic that was a Q&A to "decertify AFA". I would like to know if they were using a company computer.
Dog Wonder said:
page 14 E-mail and Internet Use

'You are prohibited from identifying yourself as a Company employee when posting comments on the Internet or other on-line services. This rule applies even if a statement is included that clearly states that the user is expressing his or her own ideas and not necessarily those of the Company. This rule also applies where such posting is done from your personal equipment.'
If you are covered by a CBA that does not specifically include this language, and if you don't post anything using company computers and networks, and if you don't give away company confidential information, there is little, if anything, that US can actually do. It becomes a first amendment issue.

If you are an "at will" employee, they can pretty much fire you for any reason, and this is probably worth some consideration.

The best solution is not to make it blatently obvious who you are or give away any information that would allow the company to positively determine your ID from your postings. The exception to this rule, of course, is to run the PIT AFA LEC and generally dare the company to stand up :up: (props to PB, while we don't always agree, I do have a great deal of respect for his/her proverbial "cajones").

Can somebody from the US Avaiation staff confirm that they are not in the business of releasing IP info to the airlines?
As was said previously: This is not a First Amendment issue. The company policy is not unconsitutional. The First Amendment protects citizens from the GOVERNMENT abrgidging their freedom of speech.

The Consitution and the Bill of Rights protects individuals from an overreaching GOVERNMENT. It is a limitation on government only.

In this case, the government is NOT infringing on your rights, and therefore there is no Constitutional right to bad mouth USAirways on the Web. Barring any libelous or other illegal statements, I doubt that USAirways can bring action against a poster in court, either. Whether or not they can take disciplinary action at work, though, (and get away with it) remains to be seen.
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Dont call me Shirley said:
As I understand it, the policy applies to to use of US Airways computer systems, especially to the chosen few who have web access through the copmany server.
The policy says 'This rule also applies where such posting is done from your personal equipment'