Canadian Helicopter Pilots Association

Would you join an association to represent your interests with the regulatory bodies and set safety

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The votes continue to trickle in. We're sitting at a big 2 % of everybody. A ways to go yet, but it's not impssible. So until somebody more qualified steps in, I will try to organise something for now. Some body please step in!

To all those that have voted yes: please send me an e-mail with what you think an association's primary goals should be. No lengthy diatribes about how you're first boss beat you and left you emotionally scarred for life. Point form is good for now. I just want a quick consensus as to where everybodys head is. Don't be afraid to jump in, the waters warm - mainly because I just relieved myself. Yes, the first or second steps are always the big ones but you know it will be worth it. If you could, please provide you're input before this time next week.

To all those who attempted to organise in the past: please e-mail with you're thoughts on how we can make 2% into 100%. O.K. I would be happy with 10% for now.

Have a good weekend everybody.
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  • #17
Bubbleboy: I read your reply to Butch Grafton, well said and probably the vue of most people in the industry.

AME's have thier own association.

The owners have thier own association.

Pilot's just complain about getting the short end of the stick.

The industry (VFR) has been short changing itself for ages.

The best paying jobs in the industry seem to be in the offshore. (dull)

Most jobs in the VFR field are far more challenging than the two pilot IFR.

Pilots can elect to have an association and try to educate the operators to the facts of life on a civilized basis.


Form a union, that is sometimes required, but have binding arbritation.

This is the time for some PDM.
Bubbleboy: PM me again with contact info.

To all others: I can incorporate a non-profit Association in Alberta with a generic set a bylaws in 48 hrs. All I need is 5 names, and $50. I'll put in one name (mine) and The $50. I need 4 other names, real addresses and contact info. The other four names and addresses can be from anywhere in Canada.

From there, we can set a membership drive up, strive to achieve a critical mass of a pre-determined number of members (say 50 e.g.) and then move forward on a founding meeting, held via teleconference and on-line in realtime to elect a bona-fide executive with a mandate.

So, PM me with the names and let's get this thing going.

I like the comments and attitude of the Bubbleboy's post. Agreed totally. No disrespect meant to Kyle or the site here, but I believe that the industry has two magazines that are perused by most within the industry with interest, whether they subscribe or not. I wonder if an approach to both magazines would not be in order? I believe the responses would be greater than here and give a better insight into what a larger majority think. One way or another it is coming folks. You can agree with the idea or disagree with the idea, but it's coming. Argue all you want about when, but 'baby', she's coming. Lastly, for comparison, feast on this: in 1968 my income was $17,000 per year. By StatsCan I was in the top 11% of wage earners. There were others like me.....lots. That was wages out of Calgary, by the way. At the time, my RCMP Constable friend was making $4,500 per year after 4 years service. Same rank now exceeds $50,000 +. Then again, the industry had something called 'Designated Bases' back then. There were some 'hoops' to jump through before you just set up across the runway from someone that had been there for 20 years........and that operator across the runway had some say in it, including the other local operators. Other examples of the 'problems to be erased': 212's that go for $1,490 per hour (85 hr. contract); 'straight' Rangers that go for $499 per hour(300 hrs. per year for 3 years) and B2's at $650 per hour (casual). At least Alberta Forestry has nipped that last problem 'in the bud' somewhat.

Blackbeard ----- your last statement is exactly correct. is sad.
I had some type of computer hiccup this weekend which resulted in my username and contact info being dumped. I think I got her fixed now, my apologies to those of you who tried contacting me over the weekend. To those of you who did get through, thanks for your input - all good ideas. So far we have: 1) industry recognition 2) compensation 3) safety 4) professional standards as priorities. Keep em coming boys/girls.

Saturnman: Welcome back to the fold. I will PM you with info and my $100 (the other $50 is for stamps, advertising etc). I could probably get the remaining three names by the end of today.

Blackmac: Yes it is time for helicoter pilots to come together. This effort is going to reveal a number of things about ourselves though - do we "talk the talk" or "walk the walk". Therefore I issue a challenge to all who voted "yes" so far. If you do not take it any further than voting "yes", well than the idea of an association will be pointless. An association will require all of us to continue to take an active role in our future. So please take advantage of this opportunity to speak up! Saturnman requires a few addresses, and the equivalant of a couple of cases of beer. Tough decision, I know.

Cap: I agree, those of us who frequent this site believe we have the attention of the whole industry! Of course the reality is that we have a very small percentage who are logged on. Yes, I would like to see some advertising in the current industry mags, the problem is that we all just received them so we will need to wait for the the next run. I think the objective for now should be to concentrate our efforts in the west (BC, Alta, Sask, & MB) and begin advertising in a number of strategic newspapers providing both a mailing address and 1 800 number for recruiting members. Those in the East: the reasoning for the division is geography and ease of networking. We have roughly 1300 pilots concentrated in a relatively small area. We still need your votes and help in the west, and then we will hammer the East with a membership drive.

I want to share one of my ideas of what an association could do. How about a quarterly publication? Inside would be member's marriages, engagements, births of children, deaths, etc. Recognition of of some of the wily veterans of the industry. Recipes, I keep reading about ribs. Etc, etc, etc.

Pretty harmless stuff huh, an association doesn't just have to be about money, injustice and all those things. It is what it is: "an organization of persons having a common interest".

Let's make it so. :up:
How about a convention (Pilot's Round-up) every Thanksgiving Weekend in Southern B.C. or Alberta.
A golf course in that area should still be open, and hopefully the bar fridge is well stocked !!!!!

Hey, lookit that ! There's a Thanksgiving Weekend coming up real soon !!!!!

Let's get together, Give Thanks, whack some balls, and drink some beer.

Should be easy to organise, just pick a town, (maybe between Field and Rogers Pass) and see who shows up.
I can guarantee for you that this website reaches the smallest minority of the canadian market. There is a lot of interest in something like this out East. One note however, IT NEEDS TO HAVE TEETH.
I cannot see the employers taking it seriously considering their attitude is to "vote with your feet" in respect to pilot concerns.
Cyclic Monkey: That is a great idea. I'm just not comfortable with a bunch of guys drinking beers, holding putters and 9 irons, and getting into the meat and potatoes of an Association. I already got a nasty scar on the back of my melon. Rather than trying to organize a golf tourney/convention at this time, would you be interested in another project? I will PM you with the details.

Chairmanofthebored: My earlier posts regarding organizing the west first were not meant to divide the country up permanently. I live in the west and thought it would be easier for us to try and organise this back yard first. If some of you guys want to start the ball rolling out in the east, please do and we can meet somewhere in the middle. Better yet, let's not differentiate between the east and west, you might have more contacts out here than I do! We are running out of time though, as the countdown to next season will be starting soon. Please contact me with the name/s of you're spokesperson/s ASAP so we can keep in touch.

How many of the owners and operators out there are in this business to lose money? We won't need teeth if we as an Association adopt an attitude of working with these guys in trying to find remedies for what is currently ailing this industry. I will try and give a quick illustration of what I mean.

An Association should approach all the owners and offer to find ways to combat an increasingly de-valued service. Every operator laments about the increasing cost of doing business with decreasing revenue, yet nobody does anything about it. What's wrong with this picture? But it's not the owners that need an education in helicopter economics, it is our customers! If the guy I work for is selling his machine for the same tariff as the guy down the road, competition suddenly focuses on the level and quality of service being offered. Those operators that take the revenue from a proper tariff and re-invest it in quality service i.e: salaries, equipment, paint, etc, should stand out on a level playing field. Can an Association make this happen? Well let's find out. I have some ideas if you are interested.

We all suspect that an Association might provide us with the tools to affect change, but wait on the side lines for some signal to get moving. Well myself and a few other people are out here waving our arms.

There are more than enough people who have posted on this site to form a steering committee. Give me a PM or e-mail and I'll let you know what the game plan is.
Bubbleboy, PM replied to.

Hey guys, let's all try and get this thing rolling in whatever way we can.
If you don't want to write your ideas here, please PM them to Bubbleboy.
Even if you don't have any ideas, please just let him know you are interested in the concept.
No Money or Commitment necessary just yet, just your support.

Let's not just sit here and watch this thing die again, start typing to help it on it's way.
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  • #25
There is a certain individual who has just returned from a tour of western Canada.
I do believe that after all the time in the helicopter industry he must realize by now that working for the government is not that much fun.
I do believe that he still has alot to contribute and if he became the head of a pilots assoc., could make it happen.

Come on BV help the pilots and the GD industry on the road to success.

:up: :shock: B)
Yeah, it's me again, I don't want to PO anybody, but we need to keep this alive.

To all those that responded with PM's, I got back to each and every one of you, but one got sent back as un-delivered. Please check to see which one of you it was and PM me again.

Professionalism: That's what it seems to boiling down to. With that in place everything else will follow. We all want to be recognized as having a specific set of skills that only 2500 people in this country possess. We are not back-hoe drivers, as some would have us believe. We need to come together and decide what that word actually means to us, and then stick with that definition. Why is it that when a bunch of us are stuck in a camp somewhere watching TV, it is usually a hockey game, TLC, Discovery, Speedvision or the History channel that we gravitate towards. I would watch beer TV if there was such a beast. Not too many "Will and Grace" watchers in this crowd. This industry attracts a certain type of person; intelligent, and independant. An association is not going to take those things away from you, it will define our better qualities! We all want to do the job well, an Association is a means of empowering us to do just that.

This puppy is gathering momentum, I would like each and every one of you to work within you're comfort zone or circle of influence. Make a phone call or get together and promote this thing. We need names (if provided), maybe a license number, and address (a must). You can give them my e-mail address: [email protected]. or you can gather it all up and send me the details. We need to do this quickly though. I am also in the process of setting up a contact phone number, possibly a 1 800 number - until my wife finds out, at which time I will not be allowed out to play anymore.

Myself and Saturnman had a face to face and are in the works of establishing a start-up association in Alberta for now. At this point we are unsure how this could be recognized accross the country. Anybody with some insight please PM me.

I am not trying to be morose, so forgive me if this offends some, but this is what I think an Association is about. Who was Gord Collett, or more recently Ben (I could have looked his last name up but I'm trying to illustrate a point)? I knew Gord because he was a friend and mentor. A great guy who left behind a wife and young son doing something he loved. From what I understand Ben was the same.

We need something other than statistics to acknowledge the lives and accomplishments of these fine people who always seem to leave us too soon. This is such a small industry; is there any good reason why we shouldn't have a trust fund, or ensure that every member has access to adequate life insurance? Is there something an Association can offer to the ones left behind to show that they were important to the industry and they're presence will be missed.

Once again, my apologies, but these are the things that are important to me.
If you agree with me, then prove it.
Saturnman I will let you know what it's like to work for a large company with a union, I'm living in Texas now and will be working for one of the big three in the GOM this fall. Just have to do a 80 question ATR test and a IPC ride with an inspector. The wife is getting me my work visa, god bless her heart. Be thinking of you and the old moose this winter. Don't know if I can get used to a year round tan.

Guys continue to come forward with offers of support and help in getting this baby off the ground. Please don't hesitate to PM me if you want some ideas how to torque it up in you're neighborhood. For now this a "grass roots" effort with several guys talking to fellow employees or calling buddies. Keep up the good work guys!

I learned today that an Association will probably not have a made in Alberta solution, continue to buy our beef though! No, the Association will have to be incorporated with the Feds. This will ensure recognition in all jurisdictions. No big deal, paperwork is essentially the same. I am awaiting the information and application package.

I will keep you posted.
Welcome aboard Grover! You are the type of person we are looking for. You liked what you were reading, logged on and posted interest in this association. Now if only more people like you would come forward. Please PM me if you want to kick it up a notch.

Butch's and any advice from the PHPA is welcome. The only caveat is that we in the Canadian VFR industry have no need or desire to become unionized. Butch has done many great things for the industry down there, but our industry is too small for a union. They probably have as many EMS pilots alone as we have in the entire country. Most importantly, any mention of the "U" word will have owners and many pilots jumping all over the effort. I firmly believe that pilots working together with owners can better serve our industry without the negative influence of a union.

I have a general idea what it is required to get this going, and this will sound self-serving because it is, but I and others agree that we need to keep focused on a few simple concepts right now. The introduction of other groups and ideas right out of the gate is going to confuse and bog down in debate an already complex undertaking. Other issues can and will be addressed once we have enough members for a quorum. This includes our friends the engineers. I have spent time twisting wrenches, and have nothing but respect for these people. I foresee a time when the pilots association will approach the engineers to ask if they want to become a part, or assist them in doing their own thing.

I now have the information to incorporate a not for profit association, and will advise what we need to do next in the coming days.

Cheers :D