Carty Resurfaces


Jul 23, 2003
Oh, dear God.... If the best that Richard Branson could do is to dig up Don Carty, then perhaps those executive retention bonuses for executives really work after all...

Feb 6, 2006 — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Virgin America Inc., the airline startup with a brand name made famous by British entrepreneur Richard Branson, said on Monday it named as its chairman Don Carty, the former chairman and chief executive of AMR Corp.

Carty quit the American Airlines parent in 2003 amid union outrage over a package of bonuses and pension benefits negotiated for him and other top executives even as the carrier's rank and file workers agreed to wage and salary cuts to avoid a bankruptcy filing.

He is now also serving as chairman of Toronto-based REGCO Holdings Inc., which plans to launch an airline that will operate out of Toronto City Center Airport. In addition, he is a member of the board of directors at Hawaiian Airlines Inc., which emerged from bankruptcy last year.

Virgin America's plans to fly between San Francisco and New York and other destinations have sparked opposition from a group of airlines led by Continental Airlines Inc. They have questioned whether new carrier violates U.S. laws barring foreign ownership of airlines.

Branson, who runs Britain-based Virgin Atlantic Airways and would have a 25 percent equity stake in the new airline, has long wanted to enter the U.S. airline market as a domestic player.

Carty is well connected in Washington, where Virgin's application to start service is pending before the Transportation Department.

He will also become an investor in VAI Partners LLC, an investment group funded by U.S. investment firms Black Canyon Capital and Cyrus Capital Partners that will provide much of the financing for the Virgin America startup.
Could this be the real reason he was hired by Branson?

Carty is well connected in Washington, where Virgin's application to start service is pending before the Transportation Department.
Just what does "well connected in Washington" mean?

I dont even think the man is a U.S Citizen.
Just what does "well connected in Washington" mean?

I dont even think the man is a U.S Citizen.

Well, neither is Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, but I think he has his own room at the ranch in Crawford. :lol:

As long as you are very, very rich, there is no need for citizenship to get you entree in D.C. (And, I'm not just talking about the Bushies.) There is no city in the world, I think, where money talks louder.
Thanks for that bit of info....

I did not know that!

I didn't either. I was wondering whether the foreign ownership/control limits required that management be primarily US citizens?

Carty the Chameleon can thus claim to be Canadian when it suits him yet can be a true-blue American when he needs to.
Look at how Donny's cookie jar collection is growing.

He has one from AA, (slight crack), one from Hawaiian and now a Virgin jar with a Canadian one in the kiln. Who needs an executive bonus!
"This" could prove VERY interesting !! :unsure:

Imagine(if you will) a scenario where Sir Richard(with DC supplying the "info/Ammo") starts "squeezin' AA. :shock:

Lo and behold, from off in the distance comes a ridin'
"Uncle" BOBBY CRANDALL! :up: :up:

Not a too far fetched scenario, I submit.

One thing is sure. RLC has/had no DEEP affection for DLC.

Ah, but the same CANNOT be said about Gerard Arpey.

Add in the fact that Virgin hates BA, who "uncle' BOBBY started courtin'(just as soon as his "arch ENEMY, Sir Colin Marshall retired), THEN I submit that the PLOT thickens !!

I think It's a safe bet CRANDALL "surfaces" on more/last time !!

An old fashioned SHOOT OUT at the OK CORRAL :shock:


BRING IT ON !!!!!!!!!!

I will not fly VA if Carty is at any position there. He screwed enough people already and now some one is letting him do it again? DAMN!!! just my thoughts......
"I am back to screw some more airline folks! I will work hard to put you in debt with paycuts and make my Golden Parachute even bigger then the one I got from AA. Just ask all the AA employees how they feel about me, Sir Carty!"

What is interesting is that Carty had no affection for low cost carriers when he was running AA. The reason he got the Virgin slot is because of his Washington "connections!"

To date Virgin has still not received US approval to start service. Hiring Carty is expected to expeditite the process.

Does anyone remember the negative impact Carty had when he was at Canadian Airlines?