Dennis Burchette is now head of negotiation

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  • #76
Good Question...

...but to some TWU stooges, anything short of an ass kissing union that will give management anything they want without a fight, while producing "free" t-shirts with slogans is burning the house down fear mongering change.

Somehow they think that having a real democratic union that doesn't think for us and believe they must save us from ourselves is the equivilent of the end of life as we know it.

They seem to ignore the fact the TWU was on the property at both PanAmerican and Eastern Airlines. Instead they focus on AMFA at Northwest and disregard any facts that point to the truth about the TWU.

Actually I thought it may have meant losing there million dollar palace on Mingo that membership repeatedly voted down
How would removing the TWU be burning the house down?

I was just quoting what another person had said at one time, I believe on another site while expressing their logic at that time for trying to fix the TWU. That was before that person was told officially that those in bad standing can't run for office. DUH! Now, he's back to promoting amfa. He still thinks this is Burger King.

I haven't a problem with canning the TWU - the bastards need to go. However, it would be nice to replace them with something better instead of the only outfit that would run a campaign at AA because they won't honor "no-raid" policies inherant to AFL-CIO affiliates. That being the only "plus" factor leaves me scratching my head.

It seems all unions are scratching for membership (dues payors) and the 'TWU Informer''s favorite association is no different, except, that is, for its lack of meaningful affiliations and having pissed off other unions to the point of not lending support regardless of the cause. I doubt there will be any improvement re: their earned ill-will in the future, and that doesn't seem to be an intelligent choice to make for representation of one's livelyhood and person.
Somehow they think that having a real democratic union that doesn't think for us and believe they must save us from ourselves is the equivilent of the end of life as we know it.

They seem to ignore the fact the TWU was on the property at both PanAmerican and Eastern Airlines. Instead they focus on AMFA at Northwest and disregard any facts that point to the truth about the TWU.

No facts are being disregarded about the TWU, at least not by me.

The "real, democratic union" you favor is not a union at all, but an association. amfa and NWA negotiating committees agreed on a contract, but amfa would not allow its membership to vote on it. Is this your definition of democratic? "We vote on everything". Yeah - right. I'll not tolerate any outfit that says what agreement I can or cannot vote on, especially when it's a contract.

Let's not be unclear - the TWU sucks big green ones as it stands now. This could be changed in the same manner it was screwed up, at the National Convention.

Now, if we could just get a few people to shut their damned mouths long enough to get out of bad standing, run for office (since they have so much to offer) and straighten out the TWU ...
It seems all unions are scratching for membership (dues payors) and the 'TWU Informer''s favorite association is no different, except, that is, for its lack of meaningful affiliations and having pissed off other unions to the point of not lending support regardless of the cause. I doubt there will be any improvement re: their earned ill-will in the future, and that doesn't seem to be an intelligent choice to make for representation of one's livelyhood and person.

So by your way of thinking the IAM Inter association of machinist is not a union either or the allied pilots association or the assocition of professional flight attendents etc etc as far as ill-will Amfa has been party to labor coaltions at Mesaba ALPA AFA AMFA at United ALPA AFA AMFA notice no iam more of the same old SH#T the twu sucks but we cannot do anything about it.

Well if you don,t like Amfa then you get a drive started to replace the twu. I assure I will sign a card to support the girl scouts if they will agree to represent us.

But staying with the twu would be a intelligent choice what a joke
I was just quoting what another person had said at one time, I believe on another site while expressing their logic at that time for trying to fix the TWU. That was before that person was told officially that those in bad standing can't run for office. DUH! Now, he's back to promoting amfa. He still thinks this is Burger King.

Goose, please feel free to offer any evidence that I am "back to promoting AMFA".

You are nothing more than a common liar, and so full of fear that you create the fantasy version of reality in your own head.

I tend to agree with aapitbull, if you really are fed up with the TWU (Which I find Suspect), and your choice is not AMFA. Then you go round up the alternative of your choice and form a committee to organize on AA property.

Don't just sit around and complain about what others are doing, because you do not have that kind of time left. Just step up and do something productive yourself.

Or even offer an acceptable detailed solution to our demise and maybe someone that actually does something more than whine and complain will pick up your solution and run with it.

You throw the word intelligent around like maybe you know something about that, well show us your "intelligent" alternative or solution to the TWU problem we all seem to agree we have.
You throw the word intelligent around like maybe you know something about that, well show us your "intelligent" alternative or solution to the TWU problem we all seem to agree we have.
The intelligent solution for the goose is to #### and complain but not do a damn thing about it. His solution are the clasic,"you've got to do something." When faced with a solution, it's "now is not the time," or the clasic "they are not the answer."

We had this conversation with goose about a month ago in order to divert the attention from another thread at the time. This thread is now about a domestic dispute on a Hawaii bound flight involving our fearless leader.

So goose what do you have to say about ATD Leadership, or are you going to duck, duck, Goose again? ;)
The intelligent solution for the goose is to #### and complain but not do a damn thing about it. His solution are the clasic,"you've got to do something." When faced with a solution, it's "now is not the time," or the clasic "they are not the answer."

We had this conversation with goose about a month ago in order to divert the attention from another thread at the time. This thread is now about a domestic dispute on a Hawaii bound flight involving our fearless leader.

So goose what do you have to say about ATD Leadership, or are you going to duck, duck, Goose again? ;)

I'm not sure what answer you're expecting - the ATD "leadership" is not vulnerable at this point and will not be until changes are made in the international constitution. I believe that comes at the convention after the one upcoming. By what means do you advocate doing something now, other than jumping from the frying pan to the fire?

Change of subject (no, not trying to evade you) - I've read odds and ends on this board re: Birdsh|t (our fearless leader) and his antics, but haven't heard exactly what he did. Something about his wife, or was that Yingst (his b|tch)?
The intelligent solution for the goose is to #### and complain but not do a damn thing about it. His solution are the clasic,"you've got to do something." When faced with a solution, it's "now is not the time," or the clasic "they are not the answer."

We had this conversation with goose about a month ago in order to divert the attention from another thread at the time. This thread is now about a domestic dispute on a Hawaii bound flight involving our fearless leader.

So goose what do you have to say about ATD Leadership, or are you going to duck, duck, Goose again? ;)

I have heard that Gary Yingst and his wife had a fist fight on the flight to Hawaii. Rumors claim the Flight Crew was unable to break the fight and the Captain had to leave the Flight Deck to obtain civility on the plane. Then rumor has it the wife locked herself in the restroom and refused to come out and be seated for landing.

These type of rumors, true or not, serve no purpose to advance the working man at American Airlines.

Gary Yingst should resign or be removed from Office. As far as termination of employment, if these rumors are correct, I surely do not want the negotiators of my labor agreement have a company stick hanging for their heads before we begin.

This matter must be faced and dealt with swiftly to whatever extent it takes to insure the event does not place us in a bad position going into section 6 openers.

Maybe the Goose, can tell us where we can get a ballot or re-call procedure on Mr. Yingst?

Goose, before you start claiming the Consitution can be changed at the convention, you best read the proceedings of the 1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, and 2005 conventions and come up with a plan that hasn't already been tried at each of these conventions to get some accountability within the TWU. It's easy to talk about change, but documented and recorded history of past TWU Conventions seem to point in a direction that you would have to be smoking pot or crack to acutally believe change is within your grasp.
I have heard that Gary Yingst and his wife had a fist fight on the flight to Hawaii. Rumors claim the Flight Crew was unable to break the fight and the Captain had to leave the Flight Deck to obtain civility on the plane. Then rumor has it the wife locked herself in the restroom and refused to come out and be seated for landing.

These type of rumors, true or not, serve no purpose to advance the working man at American Airlines.

Gary Yingst should resign or be removed from Office. As far as termination of employment, if these rumors are correct, I surely do not want the negotiators of my labor agreement have a company stick hanging for their heads before we begin.

This matter must be faced and dealt with swiftly to whatever extent it takes to insure the event does not place us in a bad position going into section 6 openers.

Maybe the Goose, can tell us where we can get a ballot or re-call procedure on Mr. Yingst?

You know well there isn't a recall procedure. That's why you raise hell all the time - and I agree with you on that point. Yingst needs to go, along with the rest of the trash at the international level. The local (514) is just a start.
You know well there isn't a recall procedure. That's why you raise hell all the time - and I agree with you on that point. Yingst needs to go, along with the rest of the trash at the international level. The local (514) is just a start.

Goose, before you start claiming the Consitution can be changed at the convention, you best read the proceedings of the 1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, and 2005 conventions and come up with a plan that hasn't already been tried at each of these conventions to get some accountability within the TWU. It's easy to talk about change, but documented and recorded history of past TWU Conventions seem to point in a direction that you would have to be smoking pot or crack to acutally believe change is within your grasp.

Do you really think everyone just woke up one day decided we needed a new union? There are plenty of documented facts that demonstrate change from within is not easy or even possible within the TWU. You just seem to be coming along the information path a little behind some others, but you will eventually get there.

Truth is, if looked at honestly and with an open mind, it is much easier to get a new union, than to get worthwhile accountability within the TWU Consitution. But go bang your head on the same wall as others before you. You obviously wont listen until you do.
I have heard that Gary Yingst and his wife had a fist fight on the flight to Hawaii. Rumors claim the Flight Crew was unable to break the fight and the Captain had to leave the Flight Deck to obtain civility on the plane. Then rumor has it the wife locked herself in the restroom and refused to come out and be seated for landing.

This matter must be faced and dealt with swiftly to whatever extent it takes to insure the event does not place us in a bad position going into section 6 openers.

Maybe the Goose, can tell us where we can get a ballot or re-call procedure on Mr. Yingst?

His travel status is suspended, along with his wife. Something major must of happened to suspend the ATD Director from all travel, business and pleasure, A9, OAL, etc. This leads to me thinking the rumor is actually fact, and I expect to confirm this story this week or next from some FA's who have heard of the story but have yet to talk to.

As far as the convention changes, I do believe a union called AMFA started in 1962 as a result of the impossible task of changing anything at the convention. He might need to read a few books like "Mike Quill--Himself" by Shirley Quill. Maybe "In Transit" by Joshua Freeman might help in enlightening the goose to the "formality" called the convention.

He must be one of those who think the push for a new union was started because of the concessions, if that was the case, wouldn't it be nice to get the 5 years before the concessions back? ;)
Goose, before you start claiming the Consitution can be changed at the convention, you best read the proceedings of the 1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, and 2005 conventions and come up with a plan that hasn't already been tried at each of these conventions to get some accountability within the TWU. It's easy to talk about change, but documented and recorded history of past TWU Conventions seem to point in a direction that you would have to be smoking pot or crack to acutally believe change is within your grasp.

Do you really think everyone just woke up one day decided we needed a new union? There are plenty of documented facts that demonstrate change from within is not easy or even possible within the TWU. You just seem to be coming along the information path a little behind some others, but you will eventually get there.

Truth is, if looked at honestly and with an open mind, it is much easier to get a new union, than to get worthwhile accountability within the TWU Consitution. But go bang your head on the same wall as others before you. You obviously wont listen until you do.

Are these proceeding transcripts you reference available for reading? Where? I would love to read them - I'm not quite as closed minded as you obviously believe.
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  • #88
Goose, it’s time to step up. You don’t have many options on representation to pick from. You can count out the teamster as one of your choices, reference this letter This leaves you with our own union or AMFA. If you pick our own union then you must write a constitution, name the officers and file it with the DOL. Once you have done this please let us know, you just might have more support then you might think.
His travel status is suspended, along with his wife.

So now our dues pay for them to travel full fare on another airline. Maybe they can get Jerry Springer to fly them to his studio for a show. They could even BE the show.

Yeah, the TWU is a class act.
Are these proceeding transcripts you reference available for reading? Where? I would love to read them - I'm not quite as closed minded as you obviously believe.

Call the TWU International Office in New York on Monday.

Ask for publications.

Then ask the publication department to mail you copies of the PROCEEDINGS of the 1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, and 2005 Conventions.

Or send formal correspondence to: Publications, TWU, 1700 Broadway, Second Floor, New York, NY 10019.

By the way, while you have been bitching about AMFA the Association, notice the TWU now offers ASSOCIATE Membership. They do take parts of AMFA that will allow them to collect dues money, but not the accountability part.

Constitutional Amendment # 4
Associate Membership

Amend Article XIII by adding to it the following Section 12:
Section 12.
(a) A member in good standing who retires because of age or disability and who has not continued his/her good standing membership status shall be eligible to become an Associate Member in the International Union for the purpose of participating in Associated Member Organizations (see (d) below) and in the programs established for the members of such Associate Member Organizations. An Associate Member under this Section 12(a) who returns to regular employment shall be reinstated to membership without payment of fee, if such employment would otherwise make him/her eligible for membership in this Union.

(B) An individual who is not employed within a collective bargaining unit represented by the International or any of its locals and is not covered by a collective bargaining agreement to which the International or any of its locals is a party, but is within any category of employees defined by the International Administrative Committee and designated by the International Administrative Committee as appropriate for Associate membership, shall be eligible to become an Associate Member of the International Union for the purpose of participating in Associate Member Organizations and in the programs established for the members of Associate Member Organizations.

© An individual who is eligible to be an Associate Member shall become an Associate Member by joining one of the Associate Member Organizations created pursuant to (d) below. The International Administrative Committee shall assign any eligible individual who wishes to apply to become an Associate Member to the appropriate Associate Member Organization. Any eligible individual may join the appropriate Associate Member Organization by filling out an application provided by the International Secretary Treasurer or the Associate Member Organization. An eligible individual who has applied for Associate Membership may maintain that status by paying dues of $50 per year to be paid annually. The International Executive Council shall have the power to change the dues requirements for Associate Members, provided that any increase in dues for Associate Members approved by the International Executive Council shall be effective only until the next International Convention.

(d) The International Administrative Committee may issue charters for Associate Member Organizations based on a geographic, industry or any other basis, which charters shall contain such provisions as the International Administrative Committee may require. The International Administrative Committee may revoke a charter issued for an Associate Member Organization. Each Associate Member Organization shall be governed by its charter and the Organization’s By-Laws, as approved by the International Administrative Committee. The By-Laws shall provide for the election of the Associate Member Organization’s principal officers every three years by the Organization’s Associate Members. An Associate Member shall be allowed to: (a) vote in any election for any elective office in the Associate Member Organization to which he/she was assigned, (B) be nominated for and elected to any such elective office or to hold any office (if appointed) in such Associate Member Organization, and © participate in member meetings in such Associate Member Organization, subject to the provisions of the By-Laws and charter. Only Associate members who are members of an Associate Member Organization may hold office in or vote in that Organization. An Associate Member Organization shall not become or function as the collective bargaining representative of any group of Associate Members or employees, nor deal with or attempt to deal with any employer concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours or other terms of employment.

(e) Except as provided in Section 12(d), an Associate Member (1) shall have no vote in any election for any office in the International Union or any Local union, (2) shall not be eligible for nomination or election to any office in the International Union or any Local Union, nor may he/she hold any such office, and (3) shall have neither voice nor vote on any collective bargaining or other issue or any referendum of the International Union or any Local Union. An Associate Member is entitled to attend membership meetings sponsored by the International Union or held by the Local Union of which he/she was a member when he/she retired, provided that the International Administrative Committee may vote to exclude Associate Members from a membership meeting sponsored by the International Union and the Local Union Executive Board may vote to exclude Associate Members from Local Union meetings. Each Associate Member Organization shall be entitled to send one non-voting observer to the convention of the International Union.