Dr. Christine Blaysey Ford !

I thought the Trump rally was hilarious ...
Reminds me of a Donnie Osmond fan club...:eek:
Of which you were the president until you found out Mormons forbid homosexuality and switched your allegiance to Bobby Sherman
Has anyone told Hackman that Rochester and Minneapolis are two separate cities?

Trump is flying to MSP, but won't dare show his face; instead he's attending a private fundraiser. Then, it's back in the air for a 15 minute flight to RST.

In a whale.

So much for fiscal responsibility.
You so smart Kevy. Trump is flying into MSP on AF1 but won't show his face, now that's a good one. Should be enough time to mobilize the ramper Antifa and throw some flaming Samsonite's at his plane in between loading flights.

I think Rochester and Minneapolis are fairly close right down Hwy 52 and in the same blue libtarded state are they not? I have family and friends in both cities. Trump would have no problem having thousands of MAGA supporters show up in MSP.

Obammy flew all over with Michelle's family/entourage in tow in multiple USAF aircraft for 8 feckless years. So stuff the "fiscal responsibility" gas, it smells like Wonder Mutt's breath after he dines on cat box brownies with flavor crystal sprinkles. ;):D:eek:
Has anyone told Hackman that Rochester and Minneapolis are two separate cities?

Trump is flying to MSP, but won't dare show his face; instead he's attending a private fundraiser. Then, it's back in the air for a 15 minute flight to RST.

In a whale.

So much for fiscal responsibility.
Stumping for the GOP is not gooberment business either.
The gooberment should send the GOP a bill.
Good luck on that.. :eek:
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Seems like your filthy TDS rant is once again, off in the ditch Gramps. Trump is holding a rally Rochester Minnesota tomorrow. https://www.c-span.org/video/?452500-1/president-trump-campaign-rally-rochester-mn
Then he is heading to Erie Pennsylvania on Oct 10 for a another rally. https://www.wtae.com/article/president-donald-trump-campaign-rally-in-erie-pennsylvania/23586886
I know, you really look dumb again, it's unfortunate you keep punching yourself in the face like you do. It's reckless for a old geezers health.

Tonight I'm seeing the FBI found nothing again for the 7th time on Judge or should I say Justice Kavanaugh. However, it looks like Dr. Fordstein might be in some dire straights. She lied about a few things under oath it seems, she might be in for a felony charge or two, and also her radical leftist lying attorney Ms. Katz.

In addition, I'm still waiting on what your USN service consisted of on that "Tender" that didn't get to Nam? Where you barnacle blasting? Harpooning sperm whales named Rosie in the harbor? As you always say, "curious minds want to know". I won't laugh, I promise Gramps.

Fair question, Hack Jobb.

That tender' was a big sucker, that had soooo many repair shops on it that we Always had another ship lashed alongside !! It was like a small floating Shipyard, that took the pressure off of the BIG Yard' in Portsmouth, VA, while we did smaller repairs. ' Yours Truly ' was a Ship Fitter (E-4).
Here you go bears!
And what is she up to now?
The US has entered into a contract with a real estate firm to sell 56 buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices. All 56 were built, operated, and paid for by tax-paying American citizens. Now enjoy reading the rest: The government has decided it no longer needs these buildings, most of which are located on prime land in towns and cities across the country.

The sale of these properties will fetch about$19 billion!

A regular real estate commission will be paid to the company that was given the exclusive listing for handling the sales. That company is CRI and it belongs to a man named Richard Blum.

Richard Blum is the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein!(Most voters and many of the government people who approved the deal have not made the connection between the two because they have different last names).

Senator Feinstein and her husband stand to make a fortune, estimated at between $950 million and $1.1 BILLION from these transactions!

His company is the sole real estate agent on the sale!

CRI will be making a minimum of 2% and as much as 6% commission on each and every sale. All of the properties that are being sold are all fully paid for. They were purchased with U.S. taxpayers’ dollars.

The U.S.P.S. is allowed free and clear, tax exempt use. The only cost to keep them open is the cost to actually keep the doors open and the heat and lights on. The United States Postal Service doesn't even have to pay county property taxes on these subject properties. QUESTION? Would you put your house in foreclosure just because you couldn't afford to pay the electric bill?

Well, the folks in Washington have given the Post Office the OK to do it! Worse yet, most of the net proceeds of the sales will go back to the U.S.P.S, an organization that is so poorly managed that they have lost $117 billion dollars in the past 10 years!

No one in the mainstream media is even raising an eyebrow over the conflict of interest and on the possibility of corruption on the sale of billions of dollars worth of public assets.

How does a U.S. Senator from San Francisco manage to get away with organizing and lobbying such a sweet deal ? Has our government become so elitist that they have no fear of oversight?

It's no mere coincidence that these two public service crooks have different last names; a feeble attempt at avoiding transparency in these type of transactions.

Pass this info on before it's pulled from the Internet. You can verify it on TruthorFiction and Snopes:



If this doesn't upset you, don't complain about the corruption and the ineptness in D.C.