Federal Bailout $$ Billions, for the Airlines, with 'Conditions' ?

Again, don't take it so personal. It is simply a reference to a certain group. Good God. You act just like these snowflakes now days. I've been called a "shade tree mechanic", "grease monkey", "wrench twister" you name it. Who cares it's only references. Get over it and grow some thicker skin. Pretty soon you guys will want us to go to "sensitivity training" classes. C'mon Man!!!
It's not the name "baggage handlers" I have an issue with it is the inference that we are "riding coattails"

I only posted that because I felt the term in that context was being used to debase me.

Being a very independent person I don't like being painted as some parasite attaching myself to a host.

How would you like to be told your whole career is based on being a parasite of another work group? I doubt you would much care for it either.
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Remember that AA has the King of Bankruptcies as a CEO.
It's obvious that this AmericaWest management team is in it for the money and short term. Everyone needs to pay attention and cut your expenses to minimum until this passes or worse.

Screw em. Declare bankruptcy again. I hope the bullshit association will not give anything back. Unfortunatley the truth is they will sell us out in a heart beat for self preservation.
It's not the name "baggage handlers" I have an issue with it is the inference that we are "riding coattails"

I only posted that because I felt the term in that context was being used to debase me.

Being a very independent person I don't like being painted as some parasite attaching myself to a host.

How would you like to be told your whole career is based on being a parasite of another work group? I doubt you would much care for it either.

It's not the name "baggage handlers" I have an issue with it is the inference that we are "riding coattails"

I only posted that because I felt the term in that context was being used to debase me.

Being a very independent person I don't like being painted as some parasite attaching myself to a host.

How would you like to be told your whole career is based on being a parasite of another work group? I doubt you would much care for it either.
Sounds to me that you have had issues with this thru-out your career.
Debase you? Really?? You may want to seek some counseling. You really are taking this way too far AND you continue to do so.
Sounds to me that you have had issues with this thru-out your career.
Yes indeed. Me and every other clerk at TULE.

I guess in the end it doesn't matter, the mechanics at TULE got exactly what they wanted, Fleet Service hitting Mingo.

Don't pretend there is no animosity toward Fleet from mechanics because there most certainly is.

In fact, it seems I am seeing some now.
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Yes indeed. Me and every other clerk at TULE.

I guess in the end it doesn't matter, the mechanics at TULE got exactly what they wanted, Fleet Service hitting Mingo.

Don't pretend there is no animosity toward Fleet from mechanics because there most certainly is.

In fact, it seems I am seeing some now.
At least you are one that will admit it. Respect to ya for that.
I can only talk about where I work, but there is no animosity between work groups. Not saying there isn't tensions from time to time, but just because someone is in another work group. Were all employees of the same co. we should all be in support of one another and hope all hope the best outcome for all groups and their fellow employees. What is really sad is the fact that this has to be said. I would not work in that kind of environment.
Some fairly big and historical institutions were allowed to fail back in the 2008 financial collapse.

The government may very well find itself in a position where it has to pick winners and losers. Pan Am and TWA were both allowed to collapse. If you'd have said that in 1979, people would have laughed at you.

Others have said it, I'll repeat it: the industry as a whole will survive, but individual airlines may not.

There are very few domestic destinations served *only* by one airline, and national security isn't hurt if Omaha loses nonstop service to Dallas but maintains connecting service via Houston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Oklahoma City, etc. It's also easy to have one carrier cease service and replace it with another. Again, look at what happened to TW and PA.

The problem I have with this scenario is that allowing one of the big 3 to fail would harm more than just the employees but also the community’s they serve as airfares will go much higher and I doubt congress wants to see that happen.
Sure they might not care but I still believe that since this was not an event that the airlines could have prevented they won’t allow any to fail.
By the way your comparing Pan Am and TWA being allowed is not the same here as they were in trouble prior
That isn’t the case this time
With ALL of us seeing, experiencing things we never thought we'd see,.......as far as the Airlines are concerned, and with conditional bailout $$ forthcoming, might it be time to Nationalize a handful of US Airlines ??
Something similar to, before deregulation ??
I'm truly an Independent voter who happens to believe there is a place for a strong Federal government but "owning" businesses isn't one of them except for a postal service and Amtrac which was a by product of private railroads getting out of the passenger carrier business so there was no alternative.
I'm truly an Independent voter who happens to believe there is a place for a strong Federal government but "owning" businesses isn't one of them except for a postal service and Amtrac which was a by product of private railroads getting out of the passenger carrier business so there was no alternative.
The reason they got out of the passenger carrier business is because there was no sustainable market. Amtrak has always been a hot button issue for me. In my opinion they should just let it fail.

I am not sure if the postal service as it exist today is even necessary. The internet (electronic bill pay, advertising, email) has mostly done away with the need for the postal service. I will admit that for legal documents going to private residences and rural areas the postal service is very necessary (however most businesses use FedEx for delivery of legal documents) but let's be honest here....... 90 percent of the postal service today is delivering junk mail. If not for junk mail (destroying trees, polluting the environment with paper, ink, and fuel emissions) you could do away with MOST of the post office.

Seriously how many TONS of trash does the post office deliver to our homes every year that go right into a landfill?