Furlough Flight Benefit Questions


Aug 20, 2002
I know this has been asked before, but I can't find where it was answered.
Furloughed employees have flight benefits for 3 or 4 years? Also, when listing
for flights, what two letters do we use instead of US?
the copy of contract i have(cwa) has flt benefits up to three years..recall rights were extended from 3 years to 4.....

Hi Bradly71,

Lavman is correct. MI (just think "MIssing")

THe duration of furloughee benefits is a bit more complicated:

Furloughee travel benefits are for the duration of your furlough. The duration of your furlough depends upon how long your contract keeps you on the seniority/recall list. AFA contract, for instance keeps you on for the life of the contract, and traditionally that seniority/recall list gets rolled over to any new contract. I understand that the CSR's have a different duration in the CWA contract (I assume because the union is newer and hasn't yet established a longer shelf-life for seniority/recall lists).

I hope that helps!

In solidarity,