Glo-Bull Warming and Science

The process is inherently incredibly destructive, dangerous, and environmentally unsound. The product is all of that multiplied.

That's odd. I know people in the industry and they tell more of green compliance than the green freaks horror stories.
What would you expect them to say?

Legitimately, I am sure they spend tons of time and money complying with what standards there are.

A good part of it working on ways around the standards, exemptions, and figuring how little they can do and get away with.

I said it was inherently dangerous, and environmentally risky.

It is

So is flying, and driving.

I also said that realistically, it is going to happen. Obvious, since it is, but is going to continue into the foreseeable future. What most environmentally conscious people (eliminating both extremes at the ends of the curve...) want is real, responsible, honest stewardship.

Most probably are willing to stick their head in the sand, repeat the industry mantra, and ignore the reality.

Some have a few more questions.

That's a good thing
What would you expect them to say?

Legitimately, I am sure they spend tons of time and money complying with what standards there are.

A good part of it working on ways around the standards, exemptions, and figuring how little they can do and get away with.

I said it was inherently dangerous, and environmentally risky.

It is

So is flying, and driving.

I also said that realistically, it is going to happen. Obvious, since it is, but is going to continue into the foreseeable future. What most environmentally conscious people (eliminating both extremes at the ends of the curve...) want is real, responsible, honest stewardship.

Most probably are willing to stick their head in the sand, repeat the industry mantra, and ignore the reality.

Some have a few more questions.

That's a good thing

Companies and people I know go the extra distance to comply and show how they are.

What would you expect them to say?

Yeah, like frack for both sides, Pal.
Most probably are willing to stick their head in the sand, repeat the industry mantra, and ignore the reality.
What would you expect them to say?

Legitimately, I am sure they spend tons of time and money complying with what standards there are.

A good part of it working on ways around the standards, exemptions, and figuring how little they can do and get away with.

I said it was inherently dangerous, and environmentally risky.

It is

So is flying, and driving.

I also said that realistically, it is going to happen. Obvious, since it is, but is going to continue into the foreseeable future. What most environmentally conscious people (eliminating both extremes at the ends of the curve...) want is real, responsible, honest stewardship.

Most probably are willing to stick their head in the sand, repeat the industry mantra, and ignore the reality.

Some have a few more questions.

That's a good thing

A good part of it working on ways around the standards, exemptions, and figuring how little they can do and get away with.

What would the fracking industry hope to gain by circumnavigating very well established safety, ecological and environmental standards?

Do any home work?
Only 2001-2010 has been the hottest decade since temperatures have been recorded.


Study based on solar sunspot cycles.

Plates 7 and 8 dispute your source.

David Archibald, an Australian scientist and visiting fellow at the The Institute of World Politics (IWP) in Washington, D.C., said during an IWP presentation Wednesday that contrary to a perceived consensus among the scientific community, the planet’s climate is not warming. Global temperatures have essentially remained flat in the last thirty years, he said.
While temperatures have increased by a modest 0.8 degrees Celsius in the last 150 years, that rise is unremarkable compared to previous increases in earth’s history, he said. Temperature spikes have occurred for hundreds of thousands of years and were slightly higher in the Roman Empire and Medieval periods, he added, according to a Swedish study and data from ice cores in Vostok, Antarctica.

“The IPCC models have failed,” Archibald said, adding that meetings like the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark are “hilarious.”
Archibald, credited as the first scientist to develop a method for using solar sunspot cycles to predict temperatures, instead said solar activity suggests global temperatures will cancel out previous warming and fall 2 to 3 degrees Celsius by 2040.
That could wreak havoc on the world’s food supply by potentially reducing global grain production by 400 million tonnes—mirroring the skyrocketing crop costs and 200,000 European deaths sparked by the 1816 eruption of Mt. Tambora in Indonesia.
“There will be at least one consolation. Phil Jones, Michael Mann, James Hansen and Al Gore will all, most likely, still be around to see their entire religious belief system collapsing around their ears,” wrote James Delingpole, a writer for the Telegraph, in a post last year on Archibald’s work.