Gun Threads - Merged

Comey has no answers...

Then you have this typical Obammy official.
Insp4 said:
 Wonder what these youngin's would say about gun control? 
Whatever it is, it most likely isn't "pry it from my cold dead hands".  I'm not very good at identifying guns...which one is holding the AK47?
KCFlyer said:
Whatever it is, it most likely isn't "pry it from my cold dead hands".  I'm not very good at identifying guns...which one is holding the AK47?
Just some good kids out hunting, and being trained in safe firearm use. Normally, children don't shoot AK47s, especially to hunt small game. Only in certain 3rd world counties (or in the libtard mind) are small children allowed to handle high powered firearms. The rifles the kids have are most likely 22LR. That just ruins your future alarmist libtard child abuse claims.
Hackman said:
The snowflakes are gonna meltdown over this. Guess it's to pack up the Prius and move to Commiefornia.
You mean the "Peoples Republic of"?    Hate to admit it but I grew up out there. Thank God I no longer live there. Let's just say things have changed a little since my childhood days. Weather is great, but what comes with it, you wouldn't want to have anything to do with.