Here She Is

Just another little Barbie Jet.....flavor of the week

Word. It's a narrowbody RJ, despite the illusion the length and wing mounted engines liken it to a seven eighths scale 737-400. At least the F28/F100 and DC9's were real airliners. least it's mainline.
The E190 comfortably seats 100 in a two-class configuration. It has a 2300nm range (near transcon). It probably doesn't have the durability of a DC-9 - time will tell - but somebody please explain how it's an RJ.
- but somebody please explain how it's an RJ.

I've been on one, and while not unpleasant, feels noticeably more narrow and confining than a Fokker or DC9. They could extend its length to accommodate a very un-RJ-like 175 passengers, but then our little world ( 1 passenger in 1 seat ) wouldn't feel much different, would it?
I've been on one, and while not unpleasant, feels noticeably more narrow and confining than a Fokker or DC9. They could extend its length to accommodate a very un-RJ-like 175 passengers, but then our little world ( 1 passenger in 1 seat ) wouldn't feel much different, would it?
are you sure that you are talking about an emb? There is nothing confining about the airplane. Pax love the airplane...
Pax love the airplane...
Slight correction - pax love the 170. A good part of that is the extra leg room, something that looks like will be missing from the 175 and the 190 in coach with their 31" seat pitch.

this plane is not an rj. please stop bitching about it. it's a mainline jet. you should be happy it is going to mainline instead of xpress. it is a very nice a/c and it's part of the MAINLINE FLEET once again. treat it as such. it does not say xpress on the fuselage it sais USAIRWAYS. it still amazes me how some people can find negativity in things. i know that the pilots are getting a cut in pay in flying this a/c and the f/a's are not . but please be gratefull that this airplane is not being flown by republic,mesa,peidmont,or psa. it's being flown by our excellent mainline pilots and flight attendants. as it should be.
Thank you etops!

OK can I just say I'm so over our F/As.... they complain about the sad state of our airline (7 years most junior, 20 years reserve) and then SNEER when a new plane joins the fleet for the first time in YEARS? Bringing people back to work, improving quality of life for a few people as FLYING and AIRPLANES come back to the actual airline itself????

Us MDA people fought tooth and nail and talked to anyone who would listen about how this was a mainline plane with the 170. Thats gone and lost- thats 60 planes and jobs and blocks that could have been ours but at least we got the 190- it almost went to Express which would have been MORE job loss. And people complain.

I wanted to slap around some of our old dinosaurs at 190 training. Not only were they complaining about having to go to the training center (oh waaah you have to learn a new skill once a year jeez) they were complaining about anything they could find about the plane which they had never been on. One squat creature acted as if the whole thing were below her and kept mentioning how she only does Amsterdam and how she's "international". She was acting like she was a Singapore Girl because she waddles up and down the aisles of our rotting (woo-wee) 767-200s!! She even had the tacky green bag you buy at the airport in Paris!!! We were laughing at her but you couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

Newsflash bitches! You work for US AIRWAYS... not exactly Pan Am! Neither it or it's predeccessors have been anything you could really call exotic or glamourous... none of you are too good for a 100 seat narrowbody, in fact thats what most of you have spent your career on. A few of you flew Jesus to the Last Supper on who knows what so get over it.

And if you dont like (which you couldnt possibly know yet), dont bid it! Bid reserve and me and my gal pal will be thrilled to have our Embraer back! I would LOVE to have my block again, fun at work again, and a life outside of it! And bring back some of my "Mid" sisters and brothers who got thrown out and replaced by Republic but aren't senior enough to be recalled yet... I absolutely loved the plane... clean, pretty, F/A and pax friendly... there is nothing "RJ" or "commuter" about it. That's management propoganda that got our jobs outsourced in the first place... y'all stay on the ship of horrors 737s. I feel in need of a flea bath after being on one of those things.

I'm glad this an actual mainline plane (the rest of its siblings need to be too!!!) but in some ways I'd like to have our Embraer division back... it was nice to be fenced off from all that negativity at "the rest of mainline"... it starts to affect you after a while and has to lead to premature aging... unless its just those terrible mirrors on those sacred "three four hundreds".

:rolleyes: OK thats my rant. Look for me on the E190 whenever I can get on it!
The part of EMBFA was played by Adam Sandler and the the groaning sky cow was played by Bob Barker.

Stay Happy!
Look closely, who do you see... EMBFA looking hopefully to the future, or bitter crone looking for more cheesecake on the galley floor, oblivious to the world around her....

Look closely, who do you see... EMBFA looking hopefully to the future, or bitter crone looking for more cheesecake on the galley floor, oblivious to the world around her....

Hey, If the senior MAMAS want to #### a little, then let them, they've been with this CRUMMY airline longer than U !!! Get over YOURSELF ALREADY