IAM US Fleet Service topic 11/2-11/14

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and lastly stay out of the union issues . You buttered your bread as a company lackey so stick with that
believe me some day people will respect you when you stick to one side of the fence

it's true , i'm not a finical adviser, i have no college degree and barely understand math ...so yes , if anyone should listen to my advise , know who it's coming from ... with that said if you have a 401k ask yourself , where is the rebound coming eh ? because it's not .... at the LEAST put your money in safer long term investments such as gold or t notes ... i know some of you have had your asses handed to you on a platter with your 401k's so far , but yes it CAN and will get worse ... when you ask ? sometime next year , or even as soon as the week after thanksgiving sales ... libor is increasing again , and if retail sales go into the worst case scenario , kiss everything good bye ..

As for staying on one side of the fence , i'm on the same side of the fence your on ... union is important ..being treated fairly and equally at work is important ... i'm now seeing first hand the fear of others who don't work in union jobs of being fired without cause .... i thank god i don't exist in such a work place where you are beholden to your management , to be fired without even a valid reason ..

oh and O-man , my views on union issues and our future are and have been validated ,As i did predict the us economy is heading into the garbage bin , not one of you can disagree with a straight face as to that aspect .. everything that we do and that affects us and our company going forward is now going to be in relation to the us economy ...
to all of my brothers and sisters out there who may hold 401k's or stock in any particular company , i strongly urge you to either cash out or seek safer investments such as gold or T bonds or something ...

No offense, Freedom, but that is horrible advice. No one has lost any real money in their 401k's until they sell. Then there's no way you get your investment back. The money you think you've lost only exists on paper. You haven't lost it until you cash it out at today's lower price. The market will eventually go back up. Actually right now is a great time to be buying. Prices are low, so you're getting more for your money. To quote Suze Orman "This is when fortunes are made." The market will eventually go back up. It's never not gone back up. It would be unprecedented. Now is not a time to sell.
obviously this is your first real recession as a young adult.. well listen recessions come and

recessions go period. If you go hit the panic button when all your value is at it's lowest that money is lost

for ever .. You have not lost a dime in real money in your 401k UNTIL you go and CASH OUT. the lose

is only on paper. 401k's are LOOOOOOOONG term investments . my advice is to stop looking at your

statement every other day and just ride out the storm it will rebound it make take a few years but it will

Once again they disrespect the membership with blameless apologies as to why the newly printed contracts are late! Not only are they late but the leadership needs to review them to make sure they didn't change a single letter or punctuation as this could affect the meaning of the language? HOW many points do they get for being late????? :angry:

The contracts aren't late, at least not yet. According to the update on May 23rd the TA was signed earlier that week. Since the day isn't specified I'd assume the 22nd. I'm also going to assume, and someone correct me here if need be, that the TA isn't ratified until signed. The TA states that new contracts are due out within 6 months. I'm no math whiz, but I interpret that to be November 22nd.

Freedom, you're an idiot. Rule number 1 of selling stocks is sell high and buy low. If you choose to sell your stocks it was time two years ago. Everyone that actually understands the markets knows damn well that now is the time to INVEST. If I can scrape up the money I'm even planning on opening a brokerage account in January or Feburary, likely just after Q4 earnigns are released. Cashing out now is stupid not only because you've already taken a hit (which actually only happens when you cash out anyway, until then you've lost nothing) and second you're facing some HORRENDOUS fees and penalties for taking money out of your 401k early. STUPID!

Also, my roommate used to do financial planning. I talked him into checking his 401k last month. He logged is, saw a 40% dropped, shrugged, and went on with life. If you want to chase the markets, get into day trading, just don't come here and cry if you lose everything. Your 401k should be added to constantly, and tweaked maybe every quarter, probably only annually.

now is NOT the time to invest ... we have NOT hit the bottom ....

you invest now your going to screw yourselves!!! you are the IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! moron !!!!!!!!!!!

do NOT invest a dime more , no no no ......

Have you even WATCHED the news ? do you know the situation ????????? do you read business news ???

i'm begging you !!! please !!!! if your thinking about investing , please , please read a business publication like the wall street journal for at LEAST two weeks before deciding to invest your money , and i secondly urge you to wait until sometime next year so you can see how retail sales turn out !

i may not have lived through a recession , but from what others who have said , you take job losses at the end of the recession not the start !

fannie may and freddy mac have not stopped hemorrhaging , banks acting independently of the government who have attempted to modify loans have failed , people are now losing their homes because they are losing their jobs , the sale price of homes is going to continue to decline .... CREDIT in the general market has dried up , preventing people from making serious purchases , such as cars or other big ticket items , manufacturing continues to decline , the rest of the world has now entered the recession ... remember the GM effect !!!! if it pops up in the retail sector this year and holiday sales go doomsday you can expect layoffs at the start of the next year in the hundreds of thousands ...

no , do not invest you money now , do not believe the analysts on the TV telling you to buy , do not believe those who tell you we CANNOT enter another great depression ...i urge the most strident caution !!!!!!!!!

EDIT: oh , ok i reread your post and saw your waiting to invest sometime next year either in January of February ... ok that's sound ..by then however , you'll be too scared to invest , so problem solved.
I hate to type so bad, I swore I would never get on here but I have been a long time reader and there are some things I think need to be said. First all I think everyone needs to know that our union is against this new sick policy going through, and while there are many points on where the union thinks this violates our contract, people have to remember that it dosent violate any part of our contract until the company actually implements it on the work group, thats when the union can say our contract has been violated, and proceed from there, which I am sure they will do. Yes I would love to see it get squashed before it comes out, but if the company dosent meet with the union until Dec 1, which I here they are going to, but if they dont, the Union cant really do much until a violation takes place Imo. And secondly, those who have a problem with RD making a decision to put MC at the point over this instead of NH dont jump so quickly. I know both MC and NH and while I dont think either of these guys have any weaknesses, I do think that both of them realizes what they are best at, and I think thats whats going to make both of them great AGCs. And I know that neither one of them have to big of egos that they cant put that aside and work together for the best of the membership. Im sure there will be times when NH will need to be in control of things, just like when they visited phx, and there will be times when MC needs to be in control, like when they went to this meeting, and IM pretty sure that RD knows what both of these guys strongest points are, and IMO thats how its best to use these guys, together.And last for those out there thats ready to jump off the band wagon just over the first test( new att. policy) then IMO those people werent looking for a New Direction, but you are looking for a miracle, we didnt get ourselves in this hole with on thing, and we arent going to get out in one swoop, its going to take time. But I do think we for sure have the group in there that is fully capable of doing that. HEY OMAN THANKS FOR THE HELP

You need to warn us prior to the novel posting .. THAT was a 2 beer post . give us a heads up next time

so we can prepare LOL...

good job for a rookie.

You need to warn us prior to the novel posting .. THAT was a 2 beer post . give us a heads up next time

so we can prepare LOL...

good job for a rookie.
Sorry for the long post, but I had a lot of things built up. And Oman while I dont know who you are, I was just thanking you to throw JOE Dirt a curve ball.
Once upon a time.

There was a Lead in a hub widely believed, based upon his words and actions, to be dumb as a stump. This lead, let us call him Stump, was a devoted fan of the local pro football team. It wasn't a good team but it was his team.

Stump went to Vegas and found on his fifth try a sports book. There he discovered his beloved team was a 1000 to 1 shot to win the Super Bowl. "Let's see" says Stump. "If I bet $100 dollars on my heroes, and I know this is the year, I will be a millionaire. Then I can buy the airline and fire those guys who tie my shoelaces together while I sleep through my shift". Armed with true fan love and the aforementioned intellect Stump laid $100 down.

Then his team took off. Defied logic and the odds and made the playoffs. They kept winning and suddenly Stump's boys were in the Super Bowl. In the local media frenzy Stump was a minor story. Dullard could get rich. He went on TV, met his heroes, and truly believed a well-intentioned lucky guess made him smart.

Stump designed a play sure to put his team over the top and allow him to avenge those calling him "Bitter Beer Face". The play involved goats, helicopters and kung fu.

Alas, no one else recognized Stump's genius. The play was never run. Stump lost his $100. Fell asleep at work and was duct taped to a chair.
Charlie welcome to the board. If a poster is measured by his first post you will be a great addition to the voices heard here.

Dog Wonder you know there had to be a bookie about to have a fit in Vegas the night of that Super Bowl.
To those wondering the AGC'S position on attendance policy, they are totally against it! They are being disrespected as far as having phone call's returned by Harbinson etc., Please stay together for the AGC's are working on all these issues!
I have the utmost confidence in our AGCs and the fact that they will look out for our best interest. MC and NH both have their strong points and I'm sure that RD will use that to his and our advantage.
i believe that there is only one man who can take on this company ....

our DAVID to defeat the Goliath ! There is only one man from our village who can slay this dragon!!

Hurra hurra hurra!

you all know of whom i speak!

hurra hurra hurra! :up:
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