If released could AA pull an NW on TWU for line and overhaul?

Isn't that enough evidence to get a industry wide card drive to unite all AMT's into one organization....whether it be AMP, AMFA or creating a single labor organization named "BAM" Brotherhood of Aircraft Mechanics.

Do you think it would work if this labor union assigned each member a job? Say, today you work at AA and next week, month or year you work at UA. Mechanics would be qualified by the union on all equipment. Mechanics wouldn't make side deals with management. You work for the union!
Sure, there's plenty of evidence to support the benefits of a singular craft union for professional aviation workers but the majority lack the will to make it happen.
Sure, there's plenty of evidence to support the benefits of a singular craft union for professional aviation workers but the majority lack the will to make it happen.
Has the majority ever been educated on the pro's and con's with having a single craft union?

As I see it, the majority (Tulsa) are content with the TWU because they have the numbers, and the TWU uses Tulsa as an ace in the hole because they can continue collecting dues as long as AA keeps maintenance in house. Do you actually believe that the TWU will ever let Tulsa go bye-bye. Tulsa is obviously allegiant to the TWU because of the jobs.

With a single craft union Tulsa loses majority status. The labor organization would negotiate a national agreement with all airlines, covering many thousands of workers, similar to other craft unions. This way all workers allegiance is to the union and not the individual companies.

The union negotiates with one voice, and for all mechanics.

The union leadership takes ownership of the negotiations.....their pay, benefits and pensions mirror the memebership. The way it should be!

Strict internal controls. The member takes an oath of allegiance to the union, and follows an Obligation card with expectations of that member.

All members are looked after not just the majority.
There, when they strike or do job actions it affects large construction projects, residential and commercial projects, and the government listens. I haven't seen those unions buckle under the treat of the government.

They're not under the RLA, so the government has no say whatsoever in the dispute.

I agree the RLA is a hindrance, but it is by no means one-sided. Your side is the closed shop despite right-to-work laws in many of the states that AA operates in.

If you want to fix the RLA, the best bet you have for it is sitting in the White House right now. But the unions know the minute they do that, they will have half their members resign...
They're not under the RLA, so the government has no say whatsoever in the dispute.

I agree the RLA is a hindrance, but it is by no means one-sided. Your side is the closed shop despite right-to-work laws in many of the states that AA operates in.

If you want to fix the RLA, the best bet you have for it is sitting in the White House right now. But the unions know the minute they do that, they will have half their members resign...

The trouble is there are not too many mechanics who have gone through a strike. the TWU has never even THREATENED a strike or job action.
Does anyone think this time is going to be different?
When it comes down to it, those people struggling to make it on a straight time paycheck in need of ot are going to realize that their check during a strike is ZERO......If they think that unemployment benefits are automatic, they're sadly mistaken.

I just get the feeling that there are a good number of people who either deep down inside believe the TWU will never strike or have not really thought about ZERO money coming into their households.
Then there are the older crowd like myself who can afford a few weeks or several months without a check.

let's not forget that even if the TWU had the nads to strike, i believe a presidential emergency board will be appointed to settle the dispute.
And if anyone believes that we will get a great deal in that venue, well they are sadly mistaken.
<_< ------- What? No TWU strike fund? Or if there is, is it little or nothing? -------Another example of TWU planning!------- ;)
<_< ------- What? No TWU strike fund? Or if there is, is it little or nothing? -------Another example of TWU planning!------- ;)

Planning, indeed - I think they spent it on cars and raises for the International boys. Planning was paramount to insure no money was ever returned to the membership.

That would be a poor precedent to set, wouldn't it?