Kudos to Crew Scheduling


Aug 20, 2002
I wanted to take the time to post something postive on the boards for a change.

With the April schedule adjustments due to the war in Iraq there was a tremendous burden placed on the Crew Scheduling Department. The men and women of the Crew Scheduling Department once again rose to the occasion and performed above and beyond, giving the company 110%. Very few people even realize or recognize the amount of work that went into repairing what was a scheduling nightmare. The reduction of flying in PIT and CLT on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday created a real nightmare for this department. Since the schedule was already posted, and trip pairngs built and bid, these people had to work long and hard to make the changes seemless to our customers. Rebuilding trip pairings, rescheduling crews, building deadheads, notifying all crew members and recovering the crew aspect of the airline was a huge task taken on by this department. Countless man hours went into performing these tasks and it goes virtually unnoticed by nearly everyone. For once I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You Crew Scheduling, for your undying committment to the customers and employees of USAirways. I for one appreciate all your hard work.

Nice comment, Has anyone ever noticed the great work they do during weather problems....Hats off to all of them, they do a great job.....Thanks folks...
Great remarks,I couldnt agree more. They have always been the behind the scenes poeople who are the backbone of the airline! Thanks Crewschedulers!