NWA/DAL in "detailed" merger talks

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OK. But what about this?http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070123/bs_nm/delta_northwest_dc_1

Read it earlier...What else is he gonna say.

"At the behest of our creditors' committee we recently retained an investment banker to obtain information from Northwest, a far cry from negotiating for a merger with them."

What information is needed from NW if you are NOT interested in "merger talks". I'd take the word of the WSJ over a CEO ANY day of the week. A newspaper can leak...a CEO has to abide by SEC laws.

I prefer a NW stand alone. That said, DAL is not a bad option.
I wonder if this deal includes the Minnesota Union soldier post returning the confederate flag captured in a civil war battle. Daughters of the confederacy requests are still being made for the return of that flag, and Minnesota keeps saying "no way, dudes". <_<
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I wonder if this deal includes the Minnesota Union soldier post returning the confederate flag captured in a civil war battle. Daughters of the confederacy requests are still being made for the return of that flag, and Minnesota keeps saying "no way, dudes". <_<

You are talking SERIOUS Yanks in MNN. They just as soon burn it first (which is what you should do to a flag that represents TREASON!)

Never could understand all that BS about "states rights" code for Treason/White supremists.
Read it earlier...What else is he gonna say.

"At the behest of our creditors' committee we recently retained an investment banker to obtain information from Northwest, a far cry from negotiating for a merger with them."

What information is needed from NW if you are NOT interested in "merger talks". I'd take the word of the WSJ over a CEO ANY day of the week. A newspaper can leak...a CEO has to abide by SEC laws.

I prefer a NW stand alone. That said, DAL is not a bad option.


You are 100% correct my friend...NWA / DAL Mgt will both be less than honest until the day they actually announce the word...'Merger'. Both are just waiting for the right time to pull the trigger.
You are talking SERIOUS Yanks in MNN. They just as soon burn it first (which is what you should do to a flag that represents TREASON!)

Never could understand all that BS about "states rights" code for Treason/White supremists.

Its called "revisionist history" my friend..

States rights are why you have a say in your local laws.
Why dont you just hand over your wallet and childrens lives to D.C.

You were obviously schooled "up north"

By the way "Honest Abe" only freed the slaves in the south...what a hippocrite...
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Its called "revisionist history" my friend..

States rights are why you have a say in your local laws.
Why dont you just hand over your wallet and childrens lives to D.C.

You were obviously schooled "up north"

By the way "Honest Abe" only freed the slaves in the south...what a hippocrite...

Honest Abe only "freed" the slaves because he was forced to, to save the Union. His wife, a Southerner, was by far more anti-slavery than he was. For this nation (which claimed FREEDOM from persecution from it's inception) to have enslaved human beings is the most despicable thing in our history.

The South attempted to break apart the nation and set up an independent nation...that is called sedition/treason...period. You are right about hyppocrite...all they did was set up the frame work of American Apartheid (Jim Crow, separate but BS equal)after that racist President Johnson (after reconstruction) NOT LBJ.

Being Southerner or Northerner is irrelevent, being American is what counts.


The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is punished with death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.