October Obamacare Numbers are Out


Jul 23, 2003
A whopping 27,000 registered thru the Federal exchanges, and another 79,000 thru the state agencies.  California, hardest hit by insurance policy cancellations, made up over 25% of the total (35,000).
Short stat:  24 people enrollments per day per state managed by Healthcare.gov.....
Talk about a return on investment for all that advertising and website development.
Since HHS has decided to include people who've gone thru enrollment and selected a plan but haven't yet paid for it, all of those numbers are suspect.
At the current rate of enrollment, they'll meet their target sometime in 2019....
If they somehow manage to convince Millenials that it's OK to spend money on insurance instead of paying the IRS penalty, and the rate of enrollments manages to jump up to 500,000 enrollments per month, they'll meet the target closer to February 2015.
The CBO says that they need 7M enrollments by March 31st for the program to meet its current projected budgetary impact, and needs half of those to be Millenials (e.g. people in good health who don't usually need to file claims)...  Demographics aren't being released yet, but there are lots of reports that the actual makeup of the enrollees is much, much older.  My guess is that it's weighted heavily towards people whose coverage was canceled, or self-employed folks who couldn't afford a policy on the open market.  That's going to really mess with the actuarial projections.
Shutdown?  What shutdown? The only shutdown people are talking about now is Healthcare.gov
Sorry Yet?
If you're not outraged, You're not paying attention....
You should always worry when a President begins by quoting Lincoln...
Looks like they've got a new gig !

southwind said:
Err...........where are the Howler Monkeys ?
Must be trouble in River City......
See no one on the left reaching out here for help and sympathy for their vote to the Obamascare debacle.....sad....truly sad when they go bunker syndrome.
why would they talk about this colossal failure, when they call talk about a coke snorting congressman?
southwind said:
Looks like they've got a new gig !

I think I could name those four....lol
Dog Wonder said:
Continuing their four-year screaming session about Obamacare, and throwing feces at each other
Says the Dog, apparently not affected by BaRack-O-Care............................YET!