Phl Commuters-beware Of The Lagoon

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Sep 30, 2003
Hey just a quick note for those that Commute to PHL especially if you stay for an extended period.

When I moved out of the Lagoon after staying a few Months. Phyllis told me that I owed her a whole months rent and before I could fight her on it she charged my Debit Card w/out my Permission.The Credit Union said that she had my SIG on file so it was accepted. Put me in the hole over 300.00.

A friend of mine just moved out of there and Phyllis tried to tell him and his roommate that they owed another Month just because one of them moved out on the 2nd of NOV. A whole months rent because he stayed 2 days over instead of charging for the 2 days..... BE VERY CAREFUL.... :angry: :angry:
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