Question for UA Employees

Please Straaight, go back to your hole. AMR was a punk @ss little airline that wasn't supposed to survive deregulation. AMR INVENTED B-scales. They started the downward spiral. That's the facts. Now go enjoy the job you kept by screwing the TWA folks and quit embarrassing yourself. I'll take the Beauty over you any day.
AA may have started the B-scale but it was Continental that started the downward spiral back in 1982. The B-scale was in response to Lorenzo's use of the bankruptcy code where he abrogated all contracts, fired half the workforce, and paid the half that remained about half of what they were making with little or no benefits. And that is a fact! At that same time there was People Express, Northeastern, and EAL with their pay cuts (and they wanted more). As for TWA, I find it interesting that you were lecturing the more senior US East pilots about how they can't expect to repair their damaged careers on the backs of the US West pilots but somehow that same logic doesn't apply with the identical situation at AA/TWA.
Straaight, you shouldn't talk so much about UA; AA having a similar sort of "garage sale" isn't at all out of the realm of possibility.

I harbor no illusions that management would not sell us out in a minute, especially as they have done it before. However, the chances of a fire sale at UA in the short term are reflected in Tilton's continued references to such an event.

Those delusional posters from UA, who seem to think that the picture is rosy at UA, and that their carrier will conquer the world, are just that....delusional and in serious need of meds. The best days of UA are over.

Personally, I believe our only true competition right now is Delta, and they seem to be doing a lot right.
I also know donttouchthebeauty. She is a great person and actually has some very good insight on the industry. People on here are like a family from the south. 10 shades of crazy. And AA F/A's don't have room to talk about anything after the way they conduct themselves certain issues. ^_^ Right StrAAighttalk? This is not the USSR and people can have different views. Get over yourselves.
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I also know donttouchthebeauty. She is a great person and actually has some very good insight on the industry. People on here are like a family from the south. 10 shades of crazy. And AA F/A's don't have room to talk about anything after the way they conduct themselves certain issues. ^_^ Right StrAAighttalk? This is not the USSR and people can have different views. Get over yourselves.
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Your prominent picture of the TWA MD-80 completely reveals the reason for your back-handed snide remarks.

Entertaining, yet pathetic at the same time. :lol:

Donttouch has about as much insight into the industry as Brittney Spears has about raising children. You're obviously no better. B)
Personally, I find it entertaining how you UAL groupies want so dearly to see employee groups at other airlines, namely, AA, fail.

When you rolled over and played dead, beginning in the late 90's with that horrible contract, you set new lows for the flight attendants at other legacy carriers. YOU are the reason we will have a harder time in negotiations because YOU have set new lows in the industry. YOU, however, will benefit if/when we gain improvements which you, no doubt, will try to meet or exceed whenever you re-enter negotiations.

Your bitterness clearly comes from the knowledge that you are locked into a majorly concessionary contract for several more years without any hope for significant improvements.

If we fall, you will fall further.
So where does your "insight" come from?

It comes from being an interested union member cognizant of the fact that everything that happens at other airlines will affect us one way or another, ie the Continental BK in 1983 shaped our own 1983 negotiations; our own 1983 negotiations shaped others; the replacement of the TWA f/a's during their strike in 1986 affected our ability to threaten a strike in 1987; and so on.

Are you really trying to say that what happens at one airline does not affect the pattern of bargaining elsewhere in the industry? If you are, you are as delusional as donttouch.
It comes from being an interested union member cognizant of the fact that everything that happens at other airlines will affect us one way or another, ie the Continental BK in 1983 shaped our own 1983 negotiations; our own 1983 negotiations shaped others; the replacement of the TWA f/a's during their strike in 1986 affected our ability to threaten a strike in 1987; and so on.

Are you really trying to say that what happens at one airline does not affect the pattern of bargaining elsewhere in the industry? If you are, you are as delusional as donttouch.
I didn't say anything...I jUSt asked where you got all your "insight". I wonder how the Huge Contractual Improvements you all are hoping to get will affect the contracts of US "lesser" carriers?
I didn't say anything...I jUSt asked where you got all your "insight". I wonder how the Huge Contractual Improvements you all are hoping to get will affect the contracts of US "lesser" carriers?
How come all the recent BK airlines now want AA to make the same mistakes as your unionized employee work groups? Misery loves company. Just a thought!

What are you going to change your USAviation screenname to when you get spun off from UAL? "OUTSOURCEDTECH"? Maybe you can follow your job to El Salvador. :lol:

How much does a starting TWU OSM Make? :shock:
How's that Collins contract working for you? :p

No, it will be XUal_tech. Nothing more, nothing less.
I'll sit on the side lines and watch all you 'good union' folk stab each other in the back and blame everyone else. :lol:
Personally, I find it entertaining how you UAL groupies want so dearly to see employee groups at other airlines, namely, AA, fail.

When you rolled over and played dead, beginning in the late 90's with that horrible contract, you set new lows for the flight attendants at other legacy carriers. YOU are the reason we will have a harder time in negotiations because YOU have set new lows in the industry. YOU, however, will benefit if/when we gain improvements which you, no doubt, will try to meet or exceed whenever you re-enter negotiations.

Your bitterness clearly comes from the knowledge that you are locked into a majorly concessionary contract for several more years without any hope for significant improvements.

If we fall, you will fall further.

Not exactly, You, for some reason want to blame everyone else for your (in the near future) concessions. It does set a tone, it doesn't set it in stone, you have a bargaining agent, so use it.. It also supposed to be a fabulous agent that is true to its members and won't sell you short, so if I were you, I wouldn't be worried :lol: ... Something to ponder, When US, UAL, went into BK, they did it b/c they needed to.. DAL and NWA did it as well, because they realized the laws were changing and realized that if they didn't do it then, it would be much harder later on, and they would eventually probably have to face the facts, you can only tread for so long... IF AA has to restructure it will be under new laws, it will be difficult - very difficult... AA made a HUGE mistake by trying to keep itself out of BK to shed debt. UAL DAL US NWA, have the advantage AA and CAL do not.. Luckily for CAL they have 3 main hubs that aren't penetrated with LCC, that is the only thing that saves them... AA has MANY factors working against it, I don't think people wish you bad, its just that facts are facts, and we have all had to face them, now its your turn - so you paint doom and gloom on everyone else again... I wish you the best StrAAight, so go out there and set the bar and raise that industry standard, since you always talk about everyone setting your lows,, why haven't you set a high??? Ponder it, and don't rely on others, I know I don't..
Not exactly, You, for some reason want to blame everyone else for your (in the near future) concessions. It does set a tone, it doesn't set it in stone, you have a bargaining agent, so use it.. It also supposed to be a fabulous agent that is true to its members and won't sell you short, so if I were you, I wouldn't be worried :lol: ... Something to ponder, When US, UAL, went into BK, they did it b/c they needed to.. DAL and NWA did it as well, because they realized the laws were changing and realized that if they didn't do it then, it would be much harder later on, and they would eventually probably have to face the facts, you can only tread for so long... IF AA has to restructure it will be under new laws, it will be difficult - very difficult... AA made a HUGE mistake by trying to keep itself out of BK to shed debt. UAL DAL US NWA, have the advantage AA and CAL do not.. Luckily for CAL they have 3 main hubs that aren't penetrated with LCC, that is the only thing that saves them... AA has MANY factors working against it, I don't think people wish you bad, its just that facts are facts, and we have all had to face them, now its your turn - so you paint doom and gloom on everyone else again... I wish you the best StrAAight, so go out there and set the bar and raise that industry standard, since you always talk about everyone setting your lows,, why haven't you set a high??? Ponder it, and don't rely on others, I know I don't..
Wow Bernice, seems the Arteries are on full flow tonight :lol:
It has nothing at all to do with the Superiority Complex some of the AA posters have...I assure you that!

It is definitely a superiority complex, It is getting ready to come back and bite them hard though.. Management is going to exceed double penetration and move StrAAight to triple penetration or "Fisting" as we call it in SFO... I am just worried that they will set a new low for everyone else - - WAHHHH - - Sell it to someone else, if they go into BK, the others will have cash stock piled to put the pressure on, and maybe make an offer to the shareholders for more than they would get ala BK... It is much harder to come out of BK when all your peers are doing "well" and you are not... Maybe it will be, UAL and CAL DAL and NWA and USAIRWAYS buys AMR in BK... The obvious is getting ready to happen... Looks like you may want to go ahead and extend those furlough rights to more than 5 years. <_<