Simulator Techs stike the first blow

Too the link.

Simulator technicians vote to reject IAM at Delta
The technicians who operate and maintain flight simulators for Delta Air Lines in Atlanta and Minneapolis have voted against representation by the International Association of Machinists. The IAM had represented technicians at Northwest Airlines before its merger with Delta, whose techs have been non-union. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Don't worry IAM..."the sun'll come up tomorrow"...
Too the link.

Simulator technicians vote to reject IAM at Delta
The technicians who operate and maintain flight simulators for Delta Air Lines in Atlanta and Minneapolis have voted against representation by the International Association of Machinists. The IAM had represented technicians at Northwest Airlines before its merger with Delta, whose techs have been non-union. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Don't worry IAM..."the sun'll come up tomorrow"...
February 26, 2010 - Despite a high number of votes for the IAM, the election for 91 flight simulator technicians at the recently merged Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines was declared invalid by the NMB when fewer than 50 percent plus one of eligible employees participated in the Internet and telephone voting. The Machinists Union received 40 of the 43 valid votes cast.

Delta Air Lines interfered in the election process in violation of the Railway Labor Act and IAM attorneys are reviewing what steps to take next. This matter is not closed.

Unlike traditional political elections in the U.S., as well as representation elections for workers covered by the National Labor Relations Act, a simple majority of votes cast is not sufficient to prevail in elections for the nation's air and rail employees.

In addition to a 50 percent plus one participation requirement, the current NMB rules count all un-cast ballots as votes against union representation.
In addition to a 50 percent plus one participation requirement, the current NMB rules count all un-cast ballots as votes against union representation.

As it should be ! If I wanted a union, I would take the time to vote! If I didn't want a union, I wouldn't waste the time to vote ! K.I.S.S.
As it should be ! If I wanted a union, I would take the time to vote! If I didn't want a union, I wouldn't waste the time to vote ! K.I.S.S.
Get ready for a hole new campaign from your neutral management at Delta. Once the rules line up for the union, its will be a matter of time.
February 26, 2010 - Despite a high number of votes for the IAM, the election for 91 flight simulator technicians at the recently merged Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines was declared invalid by the NMB when fewer than 50 percent plus one of eligible employees participated in the Internet and telephone voting. The Machinists Union received 40 of the 43 valid votes cast.

Delta Air Lines interfered in the election process in violation of the Railway Labor Act and IAM attorneys are reviewing what steps to take next. This matter is not closed.

Unlike traditional political elections in the U.S., as well as representation elections for workers covered by the National Labor Relations Act, a simple majority of votes cast is not sufficient to prevail in elections for the nation's air and rail employees.

In addition to a 50 percent plus one participation requirement, the current NMB rules count all un-cast ballots as votes against union representation.

I don't see how Delta interfered.
I guess we'll find out here soon enough?
The only thing I can find on the NMB site is the election results. I went to the IAM site and found what has been posted here but there is no link to the NMB statement that I can find. I would think that if there were any interference on the part of Delta, the IAM would have splattered the wrong doing all over their website and in the papers. Maybe the IAM is scrambling to find something to back up their statement.

I went back to the NMB site and did find this. Just because 50% +1 didn't vote the election is no good? Or is it saying they won't be represented? Talk to me Kev.
Not Kev but it means the union lost the election. Any time there is a representational election under current rules, 50% + 1 have to express a preference for being represented by voting for representation. In this case, 46 members of the group had to vote for representation, but only 43 employees did so - 40 for the IAM and 3 for "other" representation (write-in's are allowed).

If the 50% + 1 threshold isn't reached, the group either remains or becomes unrepresented. If that threshold is reached, the union getting the most votes wins.

Just because 50% +1 didn't vote the election is no good? Or is it saying they won't be represented? Talk to me Kev.

...Or to look at it the other way, less than 50%+1 did vote, therefore the petition to have the IAM as the collective bargaining agent was dismissed.

Still haven't heard/seen any sort of specifics as far as interference claims go...

They have to wait 1 yr. before filing again, and will fall under whatever policies and procedures PMDL sim techs operate under ASAP.
As it should be ! If I wanted a union, I would take the time to vote! If I didn't want a union, I wouldn't waste the time to vote ! K.I.S.S.

This is a perfect example of the apathy in the work force today. Why get involved when someone else will do the work for you? Archaic laws that hamper organized labor were written for an era that no longer exist and should be changed, until the people inform themselves it will stay the same.

Southwind, I am not trying to personally attack you (I know nothing about you) but more to the fact that too many people simply will not get involved unless they have a personal stake in the matter. Isolating oneself and hoping things go well will work for some but being involved and educating your self is better for all.

Simple may work but it can also be very dangerous.