The Bottom Line on "Trust"


Mar 9, 2012
For any devout liberals striving mightily to defend their evermore-increasingly ridiculous positions and core "beliefs"...Anyone care to even TRY to explain the "real" and "trusted" news from CNN previously offering the following? I mean, it wasn't even from "Faux"/Fox News, so it must be true...Right? ;)

I'm no huge fan of what only laughably passes for supposed "Republicans" these days, but I honestly believe even Forrest Gump would first require something in the way of a prefrontal lobotomy to trust democrat "leadership" EVER again...Period.
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Why does Trump say "Trust me"?

Oh I wouldn't dare presume to go there, but how does Trump have ANYTHING to do with what I posted proving that both your beloved obama and hillary flat-out knowingly and blatantly LIED to the whole country? I was merely posting a bit from the left's sacred CNN proving even they knew/know the dem "leadership" are total liars. How is it that you rank-and-file liberals somehow don't know the same? Seriously, just what sort of delusional spell are you all suffering under?
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What’s a double edge sword is how anti Trumpers talk about trust but ignore the fallacies of their fellow liberals.

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