The man is delusional



"I think that in retrospect I could have used a different tone, a different rhetoric," he said. Phrases such as "bring them on" or "dead or alive," he said, "indicated to people that I was, you know, not a man of peace."

Gee sparky, ya think?

Bush said that his focus for his final six months in office was to secure agreement on issues such as establishing a Palestinian state and to "leave behind a series of structures that makes it easier for the next president."

EASIER? Are you serious?

Bush's comments echo those made The interview comments follow comments Bush made in May to the Israeli Knesset that were interpreted by some as an attack on Obama's willingness to meeting with leader of Iran and others. Bush criticized politicians who would negotiate with "terrorists and radicals" and compared that approach to the appeasement of the Nazis prior to World War II.

Someone needs to give this half wit a dictionary. Opening talks does not equate with 'appeasement'. It is called talking you brain dead, self centered ignoramus. Appeasement actually would involve giving something up for nothing in return as in what Chamberlain did. One has to wonder if this idiot has ever opened up a history book in his life time.

The President knows that Republican nominee-in-waiting John McCain will have to distance himself from the current Administration

I wonder if he figured that one out by him self? Does he not realize that he just admitted that his policies have failed? After all, if he had sound policies that actually worked, his little friend McCain would not have to distance him self from W.

The ramblings of an idiot.