Trump's Spiritual Advisor Warns of 'Consequences'

So where did you find this? CNN? And why haven't you named this so called "Spiritual Advisor"? Smells like more fake news folks!
The cooler has turned into the National enquirer, don,t believe ck out some recent threads
IT's funny....why would a Muslim be listening to the pastor of a Christian church?

Idk maybe you should ask him? But then you being the typical liberal, I’m sure you think you know the answer and what’s best for everyone.
The cooler has turned into the National enquirer, don,t believe ck out some recent threads
I'm trying to find Insp4's qoute you are referring to. But here's some links to help

My fave though is this picture of her trying to escape his "laying on of hands" on her puzzy.

Try to think of another answer KCFrier, the Hildabeast or Obammy isn't president deflection is all but played out.
Is Jerimiah Wright Trump's spiritual advisor? If not....what was your purpose in posting his videos? And I'll ask you....Was Obama a Muslim, or did he attend Trinity United Church of Christ
IT's funny....why would a Muslim be listening to the pastor of a Christian church?
"Abu Huraira reported: The messenger of god, peace be and blessings be upon him, said, "Islam began as something strange and it will return to being strange, so blessed are the strangers."
-Sahih Muslim

The Way of the Strangers
Encounters with the Islamic State
Graeme Wood
"Abu Huraira reported: The messenger of god, peace be and blessings be upon him, said, "Islam began as something strange and it will return to being strange, so blessed are the strangers."
-Sahih Muslim

The Way of the Strangers
Encounters with the Islamic State
Graeme Wood

So why was Obama attending a Christian church?
Why do you care?
Nobama is not is not POTUS.
Or did I miss the vote.
Why do you keep defending every stupid act Trump does?
Just a caring guy xUT. If Trump attended a white supremacist church for 20 years, would he have been allowed to run for the POTUS? Trumps beloved daughter is married to a Jew, and became a Jew, but he's a racist and KKK member? Huh, that's kinda weird. He hates blacks, but has Ben Carson (yes, he's black) as Secretary of HUD? Huh, that's kinda weird too. Also has many strong women in his cabinet.

Obammy sure acts like he is still POTUS, as he keeps running his mouth and degrading the sitting POTUS because his failed policies of destruction are over. Same with the Hildabeast, runs her corrupt mouth, comes out with an ignorant book called "What Happened?" Poor ol girl just can't get a grip and get over she lost...again.

You seem to be missing a lot xUT. You also seem to be rather confused, and flip-flop more than a Denny's pancake.

Trump has a big mouth like most of the East Coast, but I like he says what he thinks. Haiti is a s-hole, that's why they all want to come here, right? The libtards need to clean up their own filthy backyard with piles of excrement before they whine about Trump. They have said and done much, much worse.
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