Hey pal, the ee-i-ee-i and peanut thing was out of line. I apologize.
Your post gave the impression that your a FSC. To whine about working conditions to a mechanic is a little misguided and you won't get much sympathy from us. I'll say it again, ramp should be a stepping stone to pursue a better quality of life after. Talk about misguided, a FSC that boasts 1960 something seniority really should set his bar a little higher. Just an opinion.
Unsure why you want to put words in my mouth, never said we should take $$ from you. But I gotta tell ya, my Mom was a saint and she always told me I was special. Don't have any reason to doubt her.
I would agree with you if it were not for one SMALL problem. There is No upward movement anymore. The days when you hired on and used the entry level positions to step up are over. Would you agree to one senority date? Just use hire date only and then you could advance into any area without a negative loss of senority. If there is one thing we all should have learned is it did not matter what title group you are in. We all will lose bigtime! Title 1 proved to be no more valuable than title 2,3,or 4. As far as the comment about Mechanic representing Mechanics. Well yeah sounds good. But Tulsa is a different animal. They carry the vote and they could not find 1 mechanic out of 6000 title 1 people to vote in. A fleet service guy wins the vote with 85 fsc in TULE. SIMPLY AMAZING! I still scratch my head on that one. Why did he win? Because the majority voted the best man in! So lay your blame somewhere else. Just an opinion.