Turkey Day NE storm

Aug 20, 2002
The storm system given the silly name "Boreas" by the otherwise good folks at the Weather Channel is getting top billing on TV.  Looking at flightaware,com, it doesn't seem that bad.  Yet.
I am glad that I am not behind - or in front of - an airport ticket counter today.  Good luck to those who are.
Happy Thanksgivukkah, everyone!
Dont call me Shirley said:
The storm system given the silly name "Boreas" by the otherwise good folks at the Weather Channel is getting top billing on TV.  Looking at flightaware,com, it doesn't seem that bad.  Yet.
I am glad that I am not behind - or in front of - an airport ticket counter today.  Good luck to those who are.
Happy Thanksgivukkah, everyone!
The storm is being hyped--like everything else these days--by the failing news industry--in an attempt to boost ratings.
and to divert attention from the Obamacare disaster.   With heavy loads lets hope for a smooth an operation as possible