Hehehehehe. Wow, I always had Hackman pegged for a bleeding heart liberal that thinks women are men and men are women. I’m truly impressed.
Impressed but pretty unoriginal. I've noticed that the right wingers tend to hear something on radio or TV and run with it. "TDS" or "Trump Derangement Syndrome". Hear, repeat, repeat again, and repeat again. Is anybody on that side capable of originality?
There is a plethora of information out there that shows what a great job Trump is doing for this country yet it goes right over your head.
That fact doesn't go over his head. But his fanaticism won't allow him to ever acknowledge it.
That fact doesn't go over his head. But his fanaticism won't allow him to ever acknowledge it.
He's done some good short term things. How about that Zom? But he gives up too easy. His presidency is like his real estate deals...if he didn't "win", he moves on.

As long as an adult in the room won't take away his cell phone so he can't twit at all hours of the night, then I'll never respect him. Can you honestly say that you are proud that this guy represents America? Like I said...he did some good short term things. But the real test is when trouble hits. Will he guide the country, or will he just twit out crap and try to blame someone.

Edited to add....despite my dislike of the toddler in the white house, I was willing to admit he did some good things, which is far more than ANY of you guys did for the previous 8 years.
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