US Airways CIO Shares His Crisis Management Views With Us

Well, Elevation - let's see how US "struggled to make do" with Sabre....

O/T Arrival Percentage for Mar, Apr, & May:

2007 (Combined, Shares):
- 55.5%, 63.1%, 68.0%

2006 (Combined, Sabre on East):
- 82.6%, 80.1%, 80.6%

2005 (East, Sabre):
- 68.5%, 80.0%, 83.8%

2004 (East, Sabre):
- 84.1%, 84.2%, 81.7%

2003 (East, Sabre):
- 82.5%, 84.0%, 80.7%

2002 (East, Sabre):
- 79.0%, 80.7%, 81.3%

2001 (East, Sabre):
- 75.2%, 82.9%, 83.1%

Looks like the worst same-month performance with Sabre was better than the best so far with Shares......


2002 AWA Shares
mar apr may
84.8 84.9 --

mar apr may
85.1 91.1 85.9

2004 AWA Shares
mar apr may
74.8 76.9 80.3

mar apr may
-- 85.2 85.5

Here you go Jimbo :p
2002 AWA Shares
mar apr may
84.8 84.9 --

mar apr may
85.1 91.1 85.9

2004 AWA Shares
mar apr may
74.8 76.9 80.3

mar apr may
-- 85.2 85.5
Here you go Jimbo :p

Is that supposed to be impressive, when you are comparing AWA operating primarily in the southwest vs. US operating in the congested and stormy east? US east historically had a serious handicap there relative to AWA, before you start thinking about the res system.
Don't forget that they were operating a schedule about 1/3 the size of east and their biggest problem may have been a cloud over PHX.
Here you go Jimbo :p
Yup - there you go. Proof that the home-brewed Qik/Shares was adequate for a smaller airline serving mostly domestic markets and no service outside North America. I don't think anyone has said otherwise.

Meanwhile Sabre was performing for a member of the *A selling tickets to points around the globe. It seems from the statistics that QIK/Shares is a failure in this situation.

Wonder how many more millions will be spent trying to turn QIK/Shares into Sabre lite when we had (and could have kept) the real thing?

don't forget that 4 months into the shares debacle , it still can't do international availability or ticketing with any consistency. Just ask PHL how well shares performs. I think you will hear that it is a POS and totally inadequate for our needs. Kill this pig before it kills us.
I'll play along, though, and see your small QIK/Shares airline and raise you a small Sabre airline.....

2004 Hawaiian Sabre
mar apr may
91.7 94.9 95.2

2005 Hawaiian Sabre
mar apr may
90.5 95.6 95.9

2006 Hawaiian Sabre
mar apr may
90.9 94.3 95.0

2007 Hawaiian Sabre
mar apr may
93.9 95.1 92.8

Sabre Folks went to US 3X and offered them a deal..
But the dumb F's here turned it down.
DoUgI put that in you golf club and smoke it!

Mental Midget's.
Sabre could have offered it for next to nothing and these idiots would still have chosen this crap that we have now. When will someone in the sandcastle finally open their eyes to the cluster**** that shares is and has left us with.
Yup - there you go. Proof that the home-brewed Qik/Shares was adequate for a smaller airline serving mostly domestic markets and no service outside North America. I don't think anyone has said otherwise.

Meanwhile Sabre was performing for a member of the *A selling tickets to points around the globe. It seems from the statistics that QIK/Shares is a failure in this situation.

Wonder how many more millions will be spent trying to turn QIK/Shares into Sabre lite when we had (and could have kept) the real thing?


Please don't make me post CO (shares) numbers :p Is that a big enough airline for you. :rolleyes: Jimbo you keep setting them up and I keeping hitting them out. :up: Oh, I like how you switched to HA for comparison, East didn't have the ammo. :lol: You are owned.
The main difference is CO uses mostly native shares which works (they allow their agents to turn off the overlays). We are stuck with Qik/shares and cannot shut off qik. We also have an inferior version of shares that simply doesn't work very well. If we could shut down qik and use native shares I'm sure things would improve. OCC doesn't use qik, they use native shares only, and so does executive services in PHX. If they can get away with not using qik , why can't we?
Please don't make me post CO (shares) numbers :p Is that a big enough airline for you. :rolleyes: Jimbo you keep setting them up and I keeping hitting them out. :up: Oh, I like how you switched to HA for comparison, East didn't have the ammo. :lol: You are owned.

We have told you over and over that CO uses a different SHARES system the A version....not the cheapa$$ version that we have and they dont have QIK..can you finally grasp that fact :blink:

I have also spoken to CO agts and they dont like SHARES any more than we do...that was told to me by a CO ops person in PHL

Jim can you please find statistics for transatlantic departures to show this know it all how well we operated prior to QIK...I know we were #1 for a couple years.....
I'm not internet savvy so I'm gonna rely on you
Please don't make me post CO (shares) numbers :p

Sure - post the numbers for CO using HP's QIK/Shares - if you have any..... :shock:

Oh, I like how you switched to HA for comparison, East didn't have the ammo. :lol:

Hey, if it makes you feel better comparing apples to oranges in an attempt to make some distorted point that's your problem. You tried to compare a small North American only airline operating primarily in a better weather, less crowded airspace part of the country to a carrier with global reach (*A) with operations primarily in the congested, weather prone East Coast. Wonder why you don't like a small airline to small airline, good weather to good weather, open airspace to open airspace comparison? Could it be because it makes the kool-aide taste bitter?

I guess next you'll resort to the time-honored management ploy of blaming the employees to explain the drastic drop in O/T performance that resulted from the switch to QIK/Shares...... :down:

Sure - post the numbers for CO using HP's QIK/Shares - if you have any..... :shock:
Hey, if it makes you feel better comparing apples to oranges in an attempt to make some distorted point that's your problem. You tried to compare a small North American only airline operating primarily in a better weather, less crowded airspace part of the country to a carrier with global reach (*A) with operations primarily in the congested, weather prone East Coast. Wonder why you don't like a small airline to small airline, good weather to good weather, open airspace to open airspace comparison? Could it be because it makes the kool-aide taste bitter?

I guess next you'll resort to the time-honored management ploy of blaming the employees to explain the drastic drop in O/T performance that resulted from the switch to QIK/Shares...... :down:


So you're saying US Airways will never be in the top 3 or 4 for OT again because of Shares?
So you're saying US Airways will never be in the top 3 or 4 for OT again because of Shares?
I don't think you can find where I said that. Enough money and effort can probably make HP QIK/Shares enough of a poor Sabre imitation that anything is possible. Or maybe Mother Nature will inflict horrible weather on everyone else's hubs but spare the US hubs for a few months. After all, people win the powerball despite the odds so miracles can happen.....
