We lost another one


Apr 7, 2003
We had to put another one of our cats to rest today. This makes number four in about as many years. The first was Gandalf, then boot, Boo and today Angel. We believe she was about 15 or so. She, like the rest has lead a pampered and privileged life.

The hardest part of taking care of a animal is knowing when to say good bye. They cannot speak and tell you when it is time so you have to watch and listen. My wife and I were by her side when she left and it is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I have talked it over with the remaining animals in our care and I told them they all have to go in their sleep. I really do not want to have to do it again but we have animals living with us so I know I will be making the trip several more times when it is there time.

I remember telling a FA who bombed in sick becasue she had to take her dog to be put to rest that we do it for them, not for us. We have to make sure that they have a good quality of life, if not we must say good bye for there well being. I have found that it is a lot easier to give advise than to live by it some times.

Angel said it was time to go and we listened to her. I take comfort in the fact that she is no longer in any discomfort.

Today officially sucks. :(
Even though we may not always agree, I'd just like to say, I'm sorry for your loss.
It's never easy losing a pet, who is a true friend !

I am truly sorry for your loss.

Friday will be two years since we had to put our beloved puppy down--after giving us the joy of her company for almost 17 years. To this day I still get sad when I see her picture...and feel bad that it was left to my wife and daughter to take her to the vet--because I was in Tempe meeting with airline management at the time....

In any case, are you aware of the site for pet loss? Google Rainbow Bridge--you might find some comfort there.

Again my condolences--I do feel for you.....
When I lost my dog my veterinarian sent me a note.. to let me know, they had made a monetary
donation in my dogs name to the state college of veterinary medicine and included a poem that I still have today, it helped me then..and still today.

..I hope it helps too..

By the edge of a wood, at the foot of a hill
is a lush, green meadow where time stands still
Where the friends of man and woman do run
when their time on earth is over and done.

for here between this world and the next
is a place where each beloved creature finds rest
on this golden land, they wait and they play
till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

no more do they suffer in pain or in sadness
for here they are whole their lives filled with gladness
their limbs are restored, their health renewed
their bodies have healed with strength imbued

they romp through the grass, without even a care
until one day they start and sniff at the air
all ears prick forward eyes dart front and back
then all of a sudden one breaks from the pack.

for just at that instant their eyes have met
together again both person and pet
so they run to each other those friends from long past
the time of the partings is over at last.

the sadness they felt while they were apart
has turned into joy once more in each heart
they embrace with a love that will last forever
and side by side they,

cross over together.

'Grant me the courage to honor by sharing memories of my pet with others'..
I know the hurt.......Its nice coming home on a very bad day and have someone there so happy to see you....and take away the day.
So empty when they leave......
Take care buddy.
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Thank you for the kind words. This was the fourth pet we have had to say good bye to. We have several more animals in our care so I will be making the trip several times.

We both have a soft touch for stray and lost animals. Some how they seem to find there way to our home. Carla takes them to the vet, gets them fixed and names them .... game over.

We called Angle our special needs kitty. I got her from a ex girlfriend about 8 years ago. According to the vet, the part of her brain that controls balance and coordination did not develop correctly. When she would try and scratch behind her ear with her hind leg she would tip over. Instead of making biscuits she would knead big loaves of bread. She would fall out of chairs, tip over when she shook her head. Funniest cat I have ever had. Persistent as heck. I would put her down on the floor 15 or 20 times during the course of making a sandwich on the counter. The term no was not in her dictionary.

Damn I miss her.

Thanks again for all your good wishes. I know we go at it like 'cats and dogs' (sorry, I could not resist) but you are a good bunch of people.

Count me in too Garfield, to say I'm bummed out, that YOUR bummed out, over your Loss !!

"Moma Bear" and I( Large Dog Aficionado's) don't have an animal in the "3rd floor condo"(that's NOT fair to the DOG) , but I'm HUGELY attatched to my kids 100lb. male Black Labrador(named BEAR :rolleyes: ),

I pat my chest, and he stands up, puts his front paws across my(5'10") shoulders, and looks me straight in the eye ! (Sometimes there's a slice of roast beef on top of one shoulder) :blush:

Even thinking about losing that Black Beauty, would SUCK beyond words ! (Thankfully he's only 4 1/2) !

HANG in there Garfield !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Just remember Garfield that those who can't get along with animals don't usually get along with their own species either.

Funny that you mention that. I told my wife after I mt her that my friends had to like her and my cats had to like her. Fortunately, my friends and cats did. Five yr anniversary on Apr 3. She has become the biggest animal lover I know.
Gar, I am so very sorry for your loss. I've had cats my whole life, and they are endlessly fascinating. Right now, I'm "down" to only 3. The oldest is 19; so, I know I'm going to go through the loss thing again before too much longer.

My favorite quote about cats is "Dogs have family. Cats have staff." :lol:

And, let add that I agree with PB, et al on the subject of trust. NEVER trust a person who does not like animals or your animals do not like. Cats have an innate sense of who is trustworthy. Mine wouldn't come near someone of my acquaintance awhile back (and they believe that the way to show someone new their love is to coat them with cat hair). Like PB, I should have listened to the cats.

P.S. Art and Dignity, thanks for the Rainbow Bridge. I had never seen that poem before. Loved it.
My heart goes out to you for your loss. I have had to say goodbye many times in the past and it never gets any easier. We do this because we own it to them. The are not just our pets but part of our family and our love for them is real. I have a fondness for large breed dogs. My vet sent me this years ago and it still touches me deeply.

"A Dog's Prayer"
by Beth Norman Harris

Treat me kindly, my beloved master, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of me.

Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I should lick your hand between the blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me do.

Speak to me often, for your voice is the world’s sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footsteps falls upon my waiting ear.

When it is cold and wet, please take me inside, for I am now a domesticated animal, no longer used to bitter elements. And I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth. Though had you no home, I would rather follow you through ice and snow than rest upon the softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land, for you are my god and I am your devoted worshiper.

Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I should not reproach you were it dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst. Feed me clean food, that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready, willing and able to protect you with my life should your life be in danger.

And, beloved master, should the great Master see fit to deprive me of my health or sight, do not turn me away from you. Rather hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest - and I will leave you knowing with the last breath I drew, my fate was ever safest in your hands.
maybe this is inappropriate but here goes.

I have views that aren't exactly mainstream, yet most all of you have engaged in a civilized debate of the issues. I appreciate that beyond words. We can disagree without being disagreeable. Save one poster.

I find it very telling that a certain poster couldn't find it in her heart to offer condolences to Garfield and his loss. Sadly it speaks volumes about the person.

Kitty Puss passed in 1996 and I still miss the little b@stard. Expect I always will. It's amazing how those furry little friends can worm their way into our hearts.

Sadly our colleague dapoes doesn't get that and that should speak volumes

Yea, what's up with that!
It would be 'totally' insensitive for anyone 'not' to respond.

maybe this is inappropriate but here goes.

B) xUT
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maybe this is inappropriate but here goes.

I have views that aren't exactly mainstream, yet most all of you have engaged in a civilized debate of the issues. I appreciate that beyond words. We can disagree without being disagreeable. Save one poster.

I find it very telling that a certain poster couldn't find it in her heart to offer condolences to Garfield and his loss. Sadly it speaks volumes about the person.

Kitty Puss passed in 1996 and I still miss the little b@stard. Expect I always will. It's amazing how those furry little friends can worm their way into our hearts.

Sadly our colleague dapoes doesn't get that and that should speak volumes

Actually she did. See post #4.

Either way, even had someone not done so it's no big deal. At least not to me. Some people look at animals as a tool. Bull to pull a plow, Horse for transportation. Others look at them as a food source. Some kill them for sport. I treat my animals better then some people treat their kids. My pets are my kids.

Way back when I found that my first cat (Gandalf) had a tumor in his eye. Took him too my vet who recommended a good pet hospital. Holy crap on a cracker bat man. If I get sick I want to go there. IIRC it had 4 floors. I'm not talking small 4 floor condo... I'm talking 4 floor big bloody office building. They had optometrist, psychologists, all manner of surgeons and then some. Doctors and nurses walking around in full scrubs. Absolutely nuts. My vet said that the way a cats eyes are built is that the optic nerve between the two is very sensitive and short. If the eye is not removed just right, the cat may loose vision in the good eye. I'll be the first to admit that I am a tight little bastard when it comes to money. I will splurge on certain things but for the most part I am tight. I brought him for a consult and they said they could do it and set it up. I do not recall even asking the price. Ended up being a little over $1,000. I did not blink. It was Gandalf. I was not going to let him die over a stupid tumor. He ended up living several more years. Miss that little chit to this day and that was 4 years ago. He stalked Angel (the one I just lost) around the house just for fun.

Any way. Lots of people would say I am nuts for spending that kind of money on a cat. Hard to argue the point unless you are a animal person then it makes perfect sense.

I would have been more offended had someone said they were glad she was dead rather than not say anything at all. After all, mom said if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all. Granted I do not apply that in the rest of OD but when it comes to loss of a loved one or something such as that, I know when to shut up and I know when to set my political beliefs aside and say the right thing.

As pretty as Dapoes is sometimes, she did step up to the plate on this one. I may dissagree with most/some of you on a lot of stuff, but I still think most of you are a good bunch of people.

~steps off soap box~

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