What Barry has done to our military

Hackman said:
To be sure, there is far too much waste and abuse of DoD funds, but the pay, benefits, and careers of the troops should not be what gets cut....period.  They don't make nearly enough for what they do, not even close.
Maybe if Obammy could curtail his golf outings abroad with the white rich people he so despises on camera or maybe dial back Michelle's Paris shopping trips with her 40 rich friends on Air Force 2, or even start charging Nasty Pelosi for abusing her flights on her private government funded Gulfstream Jet service....the military might have more funds for the grunts. 
After we cut all that, how do we fund them the other 51 weeks? 
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Ifly2 said:
Contrary to the above comment from someone who does not know, Robert Gates, who does know, says that Obama did, and always, listened to both him and the rest of his military advisors.  Wrong. He did not listen. I got more too. http://www.weaselzippers.us/230337-general-dempsey-obama-ignored-my-military-advice-on-iran-nuke-deal/

Gates goes further to say that he always got what he needed from Obama.
The story I posted fit right in fine with the teaser on "Mr. Straw Man's" self-aggrandizing video.

( "I will not obey that order...")  If you say so, but that "teaser" was 50 years ago. Were talking about Obammys hatred of the military, try to keep up.

Once again, someone who never served "speaking for" those who did...
You mean like Obammy does??? He never served did he??? And you voted for him Mr. veteran.

That is laughable, and carries zero weight with this veteran.
Stop being such a light weight Mr. veteran.

The US spends more on defense than the next Twenty-Something countries, and all but one or two of those are our allies. Enough is in fact enough.
Unfortunately we are the worlds policeman, and we have to be first to help in all the disasters in the third world sh*t holes.  

You might want a country run by and bankrupted by the military industrialist complex, or a warrior state, but some of us do not, and...

Neither did The Founders Of course not, libtards hate a "warrior state". The money is much better spent on illegals and supporting those SNAP folks that won't work.

Obama has made mistakes, but it ain't the end of the world.  Tell that to ISIS, Iran, and Russia.  Obammy is the mistake.

ISIS was a W creation,which arose from his adventurism, which destabilized an entire region, which is the evil genie he and his neocon buddies left for Obama and whoever is next to stuff back in the bottle. Bull hockey. ISIS was created by Obammy pulling out of Iraq and creating a vacuum. 

So far, overall, O is doing more right than not.
The only thing "O" has done right is prove that the first black president was a BIG mistake

You can quote people's sour grape opinions all day, so can I.
Post away, but the opinions of Obammy failures are growing louder by the day. He's the worst president in history.

They prove nothing.

I was there, I went because I thought giving back was the right thing to do. Still do.
You were where. With Seal Team Six on the raid where Obammy claims he killed Bin Ladin
Did you?

I know what military politics is really like, and saw first hand the bloated sense of entitlement and ego/empire-centric world view. The sour-grapes quotes are just serve to refresh the ol memory
A Seal Team Six member at the Pentagon were ya?  Impressive.
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Ifly2 said:
Contrary to the above comment from someone who does not know, Robert Gates, who does know, says that Obama did, and always, listened to both him and the rest of his military advisors.  Wrong. He did not listen. I got more too. http://www.weaselzippers.us/230337-general-dempsey-obama-ignored-my-military-advice-on-iran-nuke-deal/

Gates goes further to say that he always got what he needed from Obama.
The story I posted fit right in fine with the teaser on "Mr. Straw Man's" self-aggrandizing video.

( "I will not obey that order...")  If you say so, but that "teaser" was 50 years ago. Were talking about Obammys hatred of the military, try to keep up.

Once again, someone who never served "speaking for" those who did...
You mean like Obammy does??? He never served did he??? And you voted for him Mr. veteran.

That is laughable, and carries zero weight with this veteran.
Stop being such a light weight Mr. veteran.

The US spends more on defense than the next Twenty-Something countries, and all but one or two of those are our allies. Enough is in fact enough.
Unfortunately we are the worlds policeman, and we have to be first to help in all the disasters in the third world sh*t holes.  

You might want a country run by and bankrupted by the military industrialist complex, or a warrior state, but some of us do not, and...

Neither did The Founders Of course not, libtards hate a "warrior state". The money is much better spent on illegals and supporting those SNAP folks that won't work.

Obama has made mistakes, but it ain't the end of the world.  Tell that to ISIS, Iran, and Russia.  Obammy is the mistake.

ISIS was a W creation,which arose from his adventurism, which destabilized an entire region, which is the evil genie he and his neocon buddies left for Obama and whoever is next to stuff back in the bottle. Bull hockey. ISIS was created by Obammy pulling out of Iraq and creating a vacuum. 

So far, overall, O is doing more right than not.
The only thing "O" has done right is prove that the first black president was a BIG mistake

You can quote people's sour grape opinions all day, so can I.
Post away, but the opinions of Obammy failures are growing louder by the day. He's the worst president in history.

They prove nothing.

I was there, I went because I thought giving back was the right thing to do. Still do.
You were where. With Seal Team Six on the raid where Obammy claims he killed Bin Ladin
Did you?

I know what military politics is really like, and saw first hand the bloated sense of entitlement and ego/empire-centric world view. The sour-grapes quotes are just serve to refresh the ol memory
A Seal Team Six member at the Pentagon were ya?  Impressive.
Made up exaggerated responses or cartoons, which are more pointless?

I never said half of what you post back. Obviously I wasn't on Seal Team 6 when they got Bin Laden. For example.

I did serve, and I did see how rhe military works, and yes every one makes a huge committment but no not everyone is a selfless god-like hero of some sort.

I never advocated in any way reducing pay or benefits for service-members, and neither has Obama.

W did though. One of the first things he did in his first 100 days was order a reclassification of Veterans by the VA meant to reduce the number of vets who would get care provided by the VA, to save money. I noticed because I was basically classified out of existence.

Then he sent our friends and neighbors to fight two wars against an insurgent force in lightly armed Humvees when they needed MRAVs.

He "listened" to the future big project procurement mil-industrial wing of the pentagon instead of listening to his battlefield commanders at a time that we were fighting two actual ground wars and the actual brave soldiers and heroes were being killed and maimed unnecessarily because he wouldn't divert the $$ from his donors' projects in order to give the fighting forces the equipment they needed. Remember the school kids sending socks and the like to the soldiers?

That Alone Is Enough To Make W The Real Worst President Ever.


Gates worked for W and O, read what he has to say.

And, btw, you served where, again?

ISIS had its genesis at Abu Gharib, during the occupation, years before Obama

You are entitled to an opinion, it wouldn't hurt to make it an informed one.

Fox and Rush and the like aren't doing you any favors there
Your boy, and he is a boy, in his video, runs a teaser saying "I will not obey that order"

I posted that story because it was about a man courageous and intelligent enough to actually refuse to obey what would have been an improper and disastrous order.

Big difference between a man actually doing it, and actually makimg the right decision for the right reasons, and some smug slip of a boy making a video.

A video full of lies and distortions
Hackman said:
To be sure, there is far too much waste and abuse of DoD funds, but the pay, benefits, and careers of the troops should not be what gets cut....period.  They don't make nearly enough for what they do, not even close.
Maybe if Obammy could curtail his golf outings abroad with the white rich people he so despises on camera or maybe dial back Michelle's Paris shopping trips with her 40 rich friends on Air Force 2, or even start charging Nasty Pelosi for abusing her flights on her private government funded Gulfstream Jet service....the military might have more funds for the grunts. 

How the money gets spent is not the purview of the President. The DoD and Congress is in charge of that. They are the ones who decide that a F35 is more important than paying the soldiers well or funding/overseeing the VA. They are the ones who do not hold the contractors accountable for the cost overruns.

The golf trips and shopping trips would not buy a single plane much less pay for the solders salary increase.

Can you cite the abuse of which you speak? I am sure that you are aware that after 9/11, President Bush signed an order that the Speaker of the House had to travel on secure government transportation. They are third in line of succession. If you have any issues with the travel arrangements you should take it up with Mr Bush or the the House sergeant at arms. Paul Ryan will not be afforded those same benefits for home to travel between DC and his home state of WI. Given his declaration that his family time is of the utmost importance, I suspect his travel between work and home will be frequent. I'll await your outrage with baited breath.

The shopping trip of which you speak was paid for privately. That is well known and unless you have proof to the contrary I suggest you come up with some new material which has not been disproven.

And before you even go there, as of 2014, Obama has taken 125 days of VC as opposed to Bush who had amassed 407 days during his 2 terms. If you add Camp David visits, the totals are 232 and 1,024 respectively.

None of that really matters since a president is never really on vacation. They have staff and full time communications with the WH and anything that needs to be done can be done on vacation.

Which of the current candidates have served in the military?

Cruz - Nope
Jindal - Nope
Christie - Nope
Paul - Nope
Bush - Nope
Trump - Nope
Fiorina - Nope
Carson - Nope
Huckabee - Nope
Walker - Nope
Rubio - Nope

Who on earth will you vote for if that is a requirement for you? Of is it just important when you are criticizing the Dems?

The vacuum for ISIS to come to power was created when Hussein was removed form Iraq.

Are you saying the military members who have said that OBL is dead are lying? I am sure you have proof of that right?
W "listened" to the big project procurement mil-industrial wing of the pentagon instead of listening to his battlefield commanders at a time that we were fighting two actual ground wars and the actual brave soldiers and heroes fighting them were being killed and maimed unnecessarily because he wouldn't divert the $$ from his donors' projects in order to give the fighting forces the equipment they needed.

That Alone Is Enough To Make W The Real Worst President Ever.


Gates worked for W and O, read what he has to say.

(Yes, that needed to be said again, and again, and again...)
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Ifly2 said:
Champion of the military
Tell us about your service...
I don't have to tell you sh*t, but just for you buddy I will. Another one of the "Do you know what I did in the military" guys. That it makes you special in your mind I guess. Of course, nobody would ever compare to you as a Seal Team 6 Member at the Pentagon and its "politics, but I did in fact serve in the USAF. I come from a military family, many in my extended family also. My grandfather in WW2 against the Nazis in France (lost his brother to a Nazi sniper), uncle as a Marine in "Nam and did 2 tours, dad in the Navy during the Cuban Missile Crisis, cousin a Navy lifer with 22 years. Good enough?
Don't be this guy Iflew2, its a bad way.
"Check me out" I'm a Navy Seal....and I need help.
What would one call all these armchair tough guys who believe that the U.S. has to use other people's kids and moms and dads to be the world's policeman, and couldn't be troubled to join up for a tour of their own?

Surely there's a name that adequately describes their "courage" and "bravery".

Yeah, I know O never served in military, McCain would have washed out of flying school after the first (of three...) crash if it wasn't for his daddy and grand-daddy's names, and W did the fun part - getting trained in jets - and then went AWOL.

At least Trump "feels" like he got more military than those who actually serve.

I guess those "feelings" count for something.
If you served, good on you.
A bunch of these hard core tough guy folks didn't.
Doesn't make me anything special, I just did my duty and gave back a few years.
The only shooting while I was in was an engagement in the Gulf of Sydra (sp?), and I was Pacific Fleet.

You know then that what I say is true.
Everyone makes a committment
Not everyone is a hero

Politics, back-stabbing, self-promotion, incompetence, empire building, waste, feather-bedding and did I mention just plain old incompetence and all the rest are rampant and pervasive.

That's why most of the people with some ambition and ability get out, isn't it?
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Ifly2 said:
Champion of the military
Tell us about your service...
How about you Iflew2? When your not being a military hero, what was your service to our great nation we can all really believe?
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I guess you beat me to it, thanks for your service. Now. lets get back to Nobammy destruction of the military.
I prefer to think of it as standimg up to and reining in the military industrial threat that Ike warned us about, and right-sizing the military itself.

Let's talk about W sending our friends' kids and moms and dads to invade and occupy a country in order to force our values and system on a people who do not usderstand, want or respect them, and how he sent those brave men and women to do an impossible job in leftover from the last war's worn out humvees so that they could be even more unnecessarily killed and maimed.

Maimed being the usual result, and then dumped into a VA system that was already overworked and underfunded, and that he W had personally chosen as ine of his first cost-cutting projects.
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Ms Tree said:
Which of the current candidates have served in the military? Cruz - Nope Jindal - Nope Christie - Nope Paul - Nope Bush - Nope Trump - Nope Fiorina - Nope Carson - Nope Huckabee - Nope Walker - Nope Rubio - Nope Who on earth will you vote for if that is a requirement for you? Of is it just important when you are criticizing the Dems? The vacuum for ISIS to come to power was created when Hussein was removed form Iraq. Are you saying the military members who have said that OBL is dead are lying? I am sure you have proof of that right?
I never questioned leaders military service here, your buddy IFlew2 did. Never said it was a requirement either, IFlew2 brought it up questioning my service. Keeping the military, locked, cocked, and ready to roll is not the Obammy goal. They are bad, bad baby killers. However, when you can't call the enemy the "Islamic Radical Terrorists" that they are, or let Putin stomp around with nary but a peep from Nobammy, subsequently we all lose the fight before it starts. Under Obammy is weakness, the USA is not feared, and thought of as a paper tiger by the world. Obammys "Red Lines" mean nothing, cross them at will. Our "big stick" has been whittled down to a tooth pick.