Whats It Worth.

Well for what it's worth that signed it for me.

Don as far as I'm concerned, your word here is nothing. Whatever you're trying to do and for whom is lost. The best thing that can happen it that you're tossed off this Forum.
Quit wasting our time, you've cashed in.

Dave Weir.
Thanks XoNe, yes people back on topic please. I know the leafs lost last night but the tone of this topic is way off base.

Well Kyle, how about a little from column A and a little from column B:

I also found some reticence(sp) about talking wages but I have always disagreed with it. The less we know the more the shady employers can get out of us for nothing.

Back in Canada I was making $70,000 per annum as a VFR driver and found it to be competitive where I was. Now I am offshore, in Africa no less, and its in Euros but the same applies.

You'll probably have the best luck talking to the guys/gals in person, not on the net.

OK, now for column B:

Don, I have been a big fan of the idea of HEPAC and even posted the paticulars at work. Now you have driven me to regret that. Every time you post on here you degrade my commitment to the whole concept of an asocciation.

What else can I say, as a representative of the association, which you have now become, you have a responsibility to hold yourself to a certain standard. If you cannot act in a profession manner then give that position up. Otherwise, you have done the business a disservice.

Note, I will add my name:

Wade Pelly
This is a great forum. It can be very informative for the curious, the new comers, the up and comers and those that have been around a few years. It is a real shame that it has to turn into such a s**t flinging from time to time. It was a good question that started this thread. (Good luck in the greener pastures, its the right move). HEPAC should not be pushed on everone who reads this forum. I send my dogs after people like you who ring my doorbell. But its up to the rest of us to show some professionalism aswell. Even though annonomous, we are still setting an example and representing our industry.

"Keep your sticks on the ice"


Heloteacher- Good to hear your still out there. Enjoyed working with you in AB.
A few folks have asked me where I've been for the last while and, while I have been dealing with more things than usual, I've been absent from the Forum more for just the reasons this thread exemplifies than anything else.

I agree that the Forum offers great potential for any and all interested, but it also affords people the opportunity to vent their spleen in the most unprofessional and unsavory ways. I admire the patience and restraint of our Moderator. There's no easy way to handle some of what comes up here without unduly risking people's willingness to be open and frank, thus minimizing the benefits. Unfortunately, the fine line between frankness and curmudgeonry, or blatant vilification, is far too narrow.

That said, I still believe there's plenty to be found here worth the price of the less savory contributions. The excellent information on synthetic longlines is a case in point. There's plenty of food for thought there and, after all, it's not really difficult to skim through these threads and stay away from the less reasonable and reasoned.

Terry Jones

P.S. Thanks for the compliment, 412. I keep trying to avoid that sort of thing for just these reasons (the same ones for which I stayed out of politics).