Where To Get The Camp Stoves


Apr 21, 2004
I thought I'd get one of those drip style stoves to assist if the power goes out here again,.anyone have any idea what they were called,besides POS..thanks
I've always known them as "Yukon stoves". Try the local army surplus...they may be able to point you in the right direction.

I found one place on the web in Billings, Montana. Very small picture though.
having lived in Yukon for a long time....we don't call them 'Yukon Stoves".....we call them Nova Scotia stoves because in Yukon, WE HAVE RELIABLE ELECTRICITY!

That was just a joke directed at all those places south of me that think they have it so rough because the lights went out. Just like when Toronto called in the Army because it snowed.

I find it even more funny that these same folks that cry the loudest about no electricity and big dumps of snow wouldn't consider even for a second, living north of 60. I have an everage winter Temperature around -5C, and less than 2 feet of snow all year.....that sure is a nasty cold winter, isn't it?....lol You want friggin' cold, try Sask, Man, or N.Ab...YIKES!

Anyway...just pokin' a bit of winter fun at you all living "down dere' on the udder coast, b'ye Jeeezz, anyways

I'll be selling my snowmobile soon due to lack of snow

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NO one else besides me work in a camp?? surely someone remembers ??
Try Ribtors in YYC as they seem to carry everything including Herman Nelson hoses so they might have what you need