WHOA ! .." STOP the PRESSES" //// G O P Full of SHITE !

eolesen said:
I'll be happy to give you more than one example, Bears.You seem to have an unhealthy fascination with dockworkers, but since you brought it up,who do you think generates all that cargo crossing the docks?...12% of all container traffic coming into the US is headed to Walmart. 8% is headed to Target.Expanding that window a bit, 40% of all container traffic is headed to Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Lowes, Dole, Sears, and Chiquita.When you add in Heineken, Samsung, Phillips, LG, and Ikea, that's 12 corporations driving 50% of the traffic. Clearly, a bunch of companies who value US labor and union wages; otherwise, they wouldn't be importing so much being manufactured overseas, right?...On the bulk and export side, one of the largest exports from the U.S is trash...The top 20 exporters are dominated by a dozen or so companies who take all that white paper and cardboard we diligently recycle, and send it off to places like China, so they can transform it into more cardboard boxes to ship all those cheap TV's and toasters back to the US...Outside of trash, it's companies like Koch (your buddies, eh?), Cargill, ADM, Dupont, Weyerhaeuser, Delong, and Dow. Not exactly bastions of liberalism, friends of the Sierra Club or Occupy Wall Street.Now... Start digging into who owns and runs those various corporations, Bears...Sure, there are a few who are known Democrat supporters, like the CEO of ADM, who directly benefits from things like farm subsidies, but in general, they tend to be a pretty conservative group.So, we're back to "No company, no jobs."Without those companies, there'd be no cargo to handle. Without cargo to handle, there'd be no dockworkers.
You seem to be talking past each other. I think this a chicken/egg situation. The market dictates the needs of workers as well as the needs of corporations. None can exist without the other.
You're correct that workers and companies can't exist without each other.

But unions? No chicken or the egg whatsoever. Companies can and do survive just fine without collective bargaining.

Unions are parasitic. And not all parasites are bad, but when the host dies, so does the parasite...
Black Magic said:
Businesses will be pulling out soon enough. Washington st. will soon be the next Detroit.
They might not need to pull back on retail locations. All they need is stuff like this:





We've all seen the effects of automation on the workforce. No longer are there large secretarial pools waiting to do the typing of memos or mailrooms doing multiple distributions daily to everyone's desk. At the airports, you've seen check-in become >70% automated, be it web check-in or using a kiosk.

As law makers push for higher wages, it just gets easier and easier to justify the cost of automating what used to be manual labor.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Stick to the exact point I made with my topic, that the business lobbies are full of SH*T when they 'claimed' that the SEA/$15 would not work !
Game........Set......Match  !!!!!!!!!!
And as far as your fallacy about ......'No Jobs....No Unions', give me ONE....O N E example of how that applies to the west coast dockworkers  who handle EVERY piece of cargo...in and out of ports like YVR/SEA/SFO/LAX, or the 'Boys working for 'Warren on BNSF, who together are getting those Chink TV's to the massive population centers of LAX/ORD/NYC...Faster than ANYONE else can ?
(Unless the price of Air Cargo goes to a Penny a pound ) !
C'mon Eric, just ONE 'lil  'ol EXAMPLE  !
Give it time Pal....give it time....... 
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  • #23
eolesen said:
You're correct that workers and companies can't exist without each other.

But unions? No chicken or the egg whatsoever. Companies can and do survive just fine without collective bargaining.

Unions are parasitic. And not all parasites are bad, but when the host dies, so does the parasite...
The Unions were born because of the pay and HORRIFIC conditions imposed upon them by the FAT CAT shippers.
One day the longshoremen woke up and said.....' THIS STOPS NOW ' , and I might add.........NOTHING has changed since  !!
WHY is that Eric.
C'mon, give me just one...ONE reason why !!
Hey Bear! Do't look now, but a boat is comming! You'd better get off your a$$ and push that button on that bridge of your's!------ Are you sure they're not training a monkey to take your place?
Don't fret about Barry-O not pressing the button fast enough. I'm sure he'll be transfered, for the 3rd time this year, before long.
Good thing he has a union to help add some stability to his life or else he could be on his 7th transfer!
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  • #26
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
The Unions were born because of the pay and HORRIFIC conditions imposed upon them by the FAT CAT shippers.
One day the longshoremen woke up and said.....' THIS STOPS NOW ' , and I might add.........NOTHING has changed since  !!
WHY is that Eric.
C'mon, give me just one...ONE reason why !!
GOD DAMMIT Eric, I'm Waiting to your response to the (my) above  !!
As for my affinity for the West Coast Dockworkers (The International Longshore and Wharehouse Union), I refer to them Often because they have NOT deviated from the 'old days' and are truly the Strongest (and) toughest Union in the good 'ol USA .
I'll be the first to admit that they have logistics, and geography on thier side, but unlike SADLY the east coast dockworkers Union (the International Longshoremans Association) the (ILA) who makes deals (side letters) with management, and the WEAK ASSS guys in the Gulf, The ILWU....'Doen't make DEALS', and it's why West coast shippers / MANAGEMENT...is to this day...Scared SHITTLESS of them.
That's true Unionism !!
You got a lot of BALLLS chiming in, all the while...banging your Union Drum at TWA, while you were in the voting booth voting for MITT and EL-CHIMPO !
Prove me wrong  MCI  !!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY LABOR DAY....to the REAL Union workers on this special day !
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  • #27
southwind said:
Don't fret about Barry-O not pressing the button fast enough. I'm sure he'll be transfered, for the 3rd time this year, before long.
Good thing he has a union to help add some stability to his life or else he could be on his 7th transfer!
You F'n Jerk (off).
Any time I move around, it's always by    M Y ....choice.  It's called UNION benefit.
(Opps....My Bad 'southwindBAG.  I forgot you can't do that @ your 'boot licking' Job)
Just HOW does 'the ' MAN's ASSS ' Taste, by the way ???????
You got a lot of BALLLS chiming in, all the while...banging your Union Drum at TWA, while you were in the voting booth voting for MITT and EL-CHIMPO !
Prove me wrong  MCI  !!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY LABOR DAY....to the REAL Union workers on this special day !
Hmm, El Chimpo eh? Well from now on when I reply to your posts I'll be referring to Obama s the "Big Eared Baboon". Seems fair to me. Civil discourse doesn't include either nickname.
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  • #29
SparrowHawk said:
You got a lot of BALLLS chiming in, all the while...banging your Union Drum at TWA, while you were in the voting booth voting for MITT and EL-CHIMPO !
Prove me wrong  MCI  !!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY LABOR DAY....to the REAL Union workers on this special day !
Hmm, El Chimpo eh? Well from now on when I reply to your posts I'll be referring to Obama s the "Big Eared Baboon". Seems fair to me. Civil discourse doesn't include either nickname.
All Right.....all right  Sparrow, Point taken.
sheesh !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
The Unions were born because of the pay and HORRIFIC conditions imposed upon them by the FAT CAT shippers.
One day the longshoremen woke up and said.....' THIS STOPS NOW ' , and I might add.........NOTHING has changed since  !!
WHY is that Eric.
C'mon, give me just one...ONE reason why !!
With your logic, why don't unions fix the low pay and horrific conditions of the sweat shops of the pacific rim who are making all the electronic wonders that union workers with union wages trip all over themselves to have without looking back?
I realize non union workers buy these items too, but isn't it hypocritical of unionists supporting slave wage/horrific working conditions by purchasing said products? 