Worplace Violence Training

Ok, as I have hijack a thread or two, I am willing to try and not do this any longer. I did not start the Line vs Overhaul fight., but I will attempt to stop discussing it.

However the line vs overhaul is not the only issue where decorum has been lost.
208 more pages of anti-violence training

Attended the training myself. Very worthwhle and professioanlly presented.

This should not be taken lightly and is a great discussion and information to hear.

Could actually save somone's life or even better possibly prevent a bad situtation.
Prevention by awareness and reporting would be far better than allowing a situation to get worse. The emphasis is on identification, reporting, and preventing, as statistics show than long before these events take place, there are indications that something is wrong, and should not be ignored. Not every case of course but in many.

Interesting statisitcal data provided. Hopefully none of us or our coworkers face this problem at manifestation of violence, but at least the company is proactive in their training.

Kudos to AA Management in Tulsa for providing this information,
That sounds better than what I've experienced, where the focus was more on "what should we do once we hear gunshots?" The answer to that, of course, is hit the deck and perhaps play dead or determine if you have the means to neutralize the gunman.

If the focus is on recognizing potential threats and how to actually prevent the gunshots, that sounds like a very useful presentation. If it helps co-workers recognize warning signs in their colleagues and helps make sure that those co-workers get help before anything bad happens, so much the better.