10 Questions Every Liberal Should Ask Every Republican, 6th Edition


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
1) Do you realize that the House Majority leader of the United States of America was just defeated in their primary for the first time ever by an economics professor who couldn’t even answer a simple question pertaining to his stance on the minimum wage?
2) If you’re so big on “Constitutional rights,” why do so many conservatives believe that we should have left Bowe Bergdahl in Afghanistan to die based on the accusations that he was a deserter?  You do realize that’s essentially sentencing someone to death without due process, right?
3) If 30 “urban looking” African-Americans strolled into a predominantly white upper-middle class neighborhood with AR-15′s and AK-47′s strapped to their backs, do you think the people living there would feel safe?
4) If a criminal, in possession of a gun, walks into some place determined to commit a crime (robbery for example) and you’re openly carrying your weapon where they can see it – don’t you think you would be the first person they’d target?
5) If “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” then why in the Nevada shooting (in one of the most pro-gun states in the nation) did no “good guy with a gun” stop the two shooters?  In fact, the third victim would probably still be alive had he not tried to confront one of the shooters (he had a concealed weapon).
6) Do you realize that had John McCain been elected president in 2008, we’d still have tens of thousands of troops in Iraq and troops in Syria, Egypt and Libya – as well as still be fighting in Afghanistan?  For the record, that’s 5 wars, not including what he might have done in Iran.
7) Explain to me how Ronald Reagan is an “American legend and conservative icon” when he illegally sold missiles to Iran to negotiate the release of American hostages, yet President Obama is “anti-American” and should be impeached because he traded five terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl?

8) Are you aware that no matter how much oil we drill here in the United States, almost all of it still gets sold on the open market to the highest bidder?  “Drill baby drill” doesn’t make any sense unless we essentially nationalize all of our oil.  Are you then suggesting we nationalize our oil?
9) In Iraq, Obama basically had 2 choices:
  1. Keep troops in Iraq indefinitely, costing trillions more over probably the next 10-20 years (because that’s how long it’s going to take to even try to establish real democracy in the country).
  2. Remove our troops, likely handing the country over to radical Islamic insurgents shortly after.
Which solution would you have had him choose to clean up Bush’s mess?  Oh, all while reducing our deficit and listening to the vast majority of Americans who wanted us out of Iraq.
10) We all want energy independence.  So, tell me, out of the following three which two are unlimited, can’t be taken away from us, don’t pollute and would completely remove us from relying on other countries to meet our energy needs?:
  • Oil
  • Wind
  • Solar
Well, that will conclude this edition. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you’ll ask your conservative friends and family these questions to see what kind of responses they can muster up.
- See more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/10-questions-every-liberal-ask-every-republican-6th-edition/#sthash.0XVhORX5.dpuf
#1 -  Like wow,man.....he should be recalled immediately.
#2 - How do you speak for 'so many Conservatives?: LOL....tell me about drone attacks on Americans without due process.
#3 - Strapped to their backs and current on open carry laws, no. Same guns drawn at the ready, yes.
#4 - Big secret criminals overlook is concealed carry.
#5 -  fallacy not supported by any fact
#6 - pure speculation.
#7 - you don't know about Obama violating international law supplying Al Qeida in Syria with rockets which culminated in the Benghazi event...do you?
#8 - drill baby drill makes lots of US tax paying jobs and gets loads off the Obama handout.
#9 - If we weren't there, he'd waste the money on more food stamps or free phone giveaways...so whats your point?
# 10 - what happens when the wind isn't blowing or worldwide volcanic activity darkens the skies?
How many mexican drug dealers are shooting at US agents with guns we (libs) sold them?
Im not a Republican but ill take a stab at these
2.)as a veteran i know that military members do not have the same rights to due process you do.  As a veteran i know what the UCMJ says.  As a veteran i find it appalling you using your first amendment rights to squash mine trying to eliminate my opinion because i have an educated opinion on the subject.  
also i remember when the left in this country was saying some very ugly things about right leaning veterans only for political purposes had nothing to do with their service, so when you get a probable deserter, and his own squad mates say not that he should be not rescued but definitely tried and convicted in a military court for his crimes i love to see how you go after those honorable soldiers who did not run, even when they were sent to look for someone that did.  
3.) i was at a tea party rally where both white and black people had guns strapped we didnt all run in terror, i can say the same thing about the occupy rally i went to where the same thing happened... guns are scary to the left, not only is this question hypocritical because democrats lose their minds anytime guns come out, but you would have zero problems disarming those black gun holders and have no qualms crushing their rights, and do not see the racism that this question poses... 
4.) of course id be the first target. thats why conceal carry is important, thanks for making the point for us...
5.) im not sure the premise of the question did the "good guy" have the bad guys  focus their attention on him and not innocent people just walking through the store?  you betcha, 
your premise that the good guy having a gun because he died didnt save lives is false.  he put his life on the line for others. he died defending people hes a hero, you consider him a fool.  and thats sad. 
6.)yes thats why i dont like john mccain hes the reason i left the republican party.  but you pretend that the fact that obama not only still has troops in afghanistan,  he put troops in egypt, libya, and wanted to put them in syria, thats 4 wars we are in right now... because of him..
what john mccain might have done is an attack for you, but you ignore what Obama has done and thats sad... btw it was congress that stopped the war in syria, which he wanted...  i think your point is lost you should probably delete it and pretend you never said it, like you pretend obama didnt do it..
7.)i dont think that iran contra was a good thing for REagan i thiink its directly responsible for "terrorists" to think they can take hostages and get things for them.    i also dont think reagan was the "conservative god" that neocons have tried to portray him, since the 1980s  i think your question is without merit, you say this is wrong, but that berghdahl trade is right. do you not see your own hypocrisy in this?  i guess the question could be reversed i wonder how you would answer, since you think that it was wrong under reagan why do you think its right under Obama?
8.)we didnt need to nationalize oil until clinton decimated our strategic oil reserves.. and our strategic gasoline reserves we should rebuild those.  we should continue to build new refineries and the epa should stay out of that, because new refinieries are more efficient than the aging infrastructure we have now, but the left doesnt want to rebuild and expand our refineries do you?  the reason why drill baby drill oil gets sold on the open market is because our refinery capacity is so slow that selling that oil on the market then buying from foreign countries the oil we refine is better for the economy.  
why are you against more efficient refineries?  and why are you against the economy?
9.)continue calling it bush's mess, when a democrat led senate voted to give him authorization to go to war.  including hillary, kerry, biden... all front runners for 2016
but to answer your question i was against the iraq war then im against it now, both parties totally f'ed the middle east..  both parties continue to... i wish he would have left and told iraq to fend for itself, we shoudlnt have build a new government we shouldnt have armed them, now that weak government cant fend for itself and the insurgency will now have state of the art weapons, and will use them in syria... (ISIS) another place we had no business going to and thankfully a sane congress voted that one no... unfortunately more people will be armed with american weapons because we have no business going there..  its amazing we will condemn Russia for arming seperatists in Ukraine but we will call for sanctions on them for doing what we did in their back yard for decades... im waiting on the world to finally sanction us, and maybe we will stop this insanity of building nations caused by both parties there is plenty of sin to go around
your answers to your question is fallacy btw 2.) handing over iraq to radical islamists as if the people in the power there now arent already radical islamists if we didnt want to hand over iraq to radical islamists we shouldnt have killed saddam..  but for a decade after the first gulf war, democrats would complain that george hw bush didnt finish the job when he didnt go into baghdad... then when George W bush did it, they call it a mistake... lol again lefties wanting to have it both ways... history is a b*tch..
10.) well peak oil is a myth, 4 billion of carbon producing lifeforms its already proven that there are far larger deposits of oil everywhere on this planet... even in antarctica 
but its a falsehood to say that solar and wind means we wouldnt be dependent on other nations 
to be able to build the amount of power stations to replace fossil fuels for power means we need to vastly increase production of solar panels and the components of wind mills which are all tied directly to the fossil fuel industry, what do you think plastics are?  byproducts of oil you need oil to lubricate the wind mills.  to vastly increase oil production to keep up... now are we going to buy these from china we are going because the epa puts unreasonable restrictions on new production the chemicals used to make some of these new solar panels are impossible to create are impossible to be produced and used here because of the regulations put on companies here, we are making outsourcing necessary to continue on our new legislature dictated power supplies.  
so reducing fossil fuels without reducing the regulations on plants building the new technology we will forever be dependent on foreign power, until we realize some environmental  trade offs will be worth it... 
I'd just ask ONE question;
Why ????........did we go to WAR with IRAQ  ????   (And Always please Remember.    "THANK YOU for SMOKING" )   !!!!
Why did we go to war in Vietnam or Korea? Hindsight's great, Bears. We can do this all week.
eolesen said:
Why did we go to war in Vietnam or Korea? Hindsight's great, Bears. We can do this all week.
In this case History has a strong lesson to teach. 
Why did we through the CIA overthrow the ELECTED government of Iran in 1953? Seems the US and the Brits got their panties in a bunch when President Mosaddeq wanted to nationalize the oil fields.and the US Government through the CIA aided the Iranian Army Coup and subsequently installed the brutal Shah of Iran until the hostage capture in 1979.
This is what the CIA calls "blowback" or as I prefer the Law of Unintended Consequences. Whether we admit it or not, when it comes to the Middle East we have been for 61 years an unindicted co-conspirator in keeping the region in turmoil. Most people don't realize that the Nixon/Kissinger Petrodollar scheme with the Saudi's has kept the dollar as the worlds reserve currency. Iraq, Libya and Iran rejected the Petrodollar and the USD and accepted only Euros and were in the process of setting up their own Bourse in Iran. It would be prudent to note that two of the three leaders of those countries are dead and in the case of Iraq occupied by a foreign military power. (That would be us folks)
So now that you've read and processed the above answer this question. If a foreign military has 17 bases in your country, along with troops stationed throughout your country what would you do?  Would you wring your hands or take up arms? In Iraq we apparently know the answer of many Iraqi's. Here in the US we don't even know the question.. 
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
I'd just ask ONE question;
Why ????........did we go to WAR with IRAQ  ????   (And Always please Remember.    "THANK YOU for SMOKING" )   !!!!
Because the house and senate gave authorization and continued through many congress' even democrat controlled one to give authorization to go to Iraq..  
The question you should ask but arent, Why did your party (democrats) vote yes to iraq. the first time, and every other time a re-authorization happened? clean up your house before attacking everyone elses...
eolesen said:
Why did we go to war in Vietnam or Korea? Hindsight's great, Bears. We can do this all week.
they wont talk about those wars those were started by democrat presidents... 
SparrowHawk said:
In this case History has a strong lesson to teach. 
Why did we through the CIA overthrow the ELECTED government of Iran in 1953? Seems the US and the Brits got their panties in a bunch when President Mosaddeq wanted to nationalize the oil fields.and the US Government through the CIA aided the Iranian Army Coup and subsequently installed the brutal Shah of Iran until the hostage capture in 1979.
This is what the CIA calls "blowback" or as I prefer the Law of Unintended Consequences. Whether we admit it or not, when it comes to the Middle East we have been for 61 years an unindicted co-conspirator in keeping the region in turmoil. Most people don't realize that the Nixon/Kissinger Petrodollar scheme with the Saudi's has kept the dollar as the worlds reserve currency. Iraq, Libya and Iran rejected the Petrodollar and the USD and accepted only Euros and were in the process of setting up their own Bourse in Iran. It would be prudent to note that two of the three leaders of those countries are dead and in the case of Iraq occupied by a foreign military power. (That would be us folks)
So now that you've read and processed the above answer this question. If a foreign military has 17 bases in your country, along with troops stationed throughout your country what would you do?  Would you wring your hands or take up arms? In Iraq we apparently know the answer of many Iraqi's. Here in the US we don't even know the question.. 
The cia is part of the executive branch of the Government... who was President in 1953?  
Go through the entire 20th century and every major war was started with a democrat in office...  WW1 WW2 Korea, Vietnam...  but hey bush lied so people died... 4 genereations of americans died last century under their watch... but the worst thing that ever happened is that bush "lied"