12/25 Christmas " B S ". Know the REAL TRUTH !!

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Yes, it's the annual Christmas bashing from our resident pole smoker...:p

Hey " x ", wasn't it sgt. Joe Friday (Dragnet) who use to say something like...." The FACTS Ma'am, nothing/just the FACTS" ?????

Anyway ' x ', Happy WINTER SOLSTICE in 4 more days !!
You got your Y U L E log lit yet ' x ' ?? Remember to not burn it all this year, leaving enough to light the YULE Log for next year. Got your evergreen trees decorated yet, or commenced already your gift swapping ? History can be like, say,...DIAMONDS or ZIRCONS. One is REAL, while the other is attempted to be 'passed-off' as a Diamond.
Fantasy, or Reality ! It all depends what certain people are into !!
" The FACTS Ma'am, just the FACTS " !!
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Hey " x ", wasn't it sgt. Joe Friday (Dragnet) who use to say something like...." The FACTS Ma'am, nothing/just the FACTS" ?????

Anyway ' x ', Happy WINTER SOLSTICE in 4 more days !!
You got your Y U L E log lit yet ' x ' ?? Remember to not burn it all this year, leaving enough to light the YULE Log for next year. Got your evergreen trees decorated yet, or commenced already your gift swapping ? History can be like, say,...DIAMONDS or ZIRCONS. One is REAL, while the other is attempted to be 'passed-off' as a Diamond.
Fantasy, or Reality ! It all depends what certain people are into !!
" The FACTS Ma'am, just the FACTS " !!

What evs Bears...........

For the record I will celebrate Winter Soltice also. When it gets dark here at 4:15 I will put on my "fatty pants" and sip an adult beverage and eat pizza and binge watch reruns of Friends and Modern Family. What a way to honor the day knowing that the days will now start getting longer.

Then on Sunday I will celebrate Christmas. I know most likely He wasn't born that day but look at me, this is my I don't care look. I will wear my "fatty pants" on that day also.

Speaking of Yule Logs this always cracks me up:

Why are you getting so up tight Bears? Yes, Dec.25th may not be the exact day of our Saver's birth. So what! That really don't change anything. And yes the early Christians choose the winter solstice for a reason. To convert those who believed otherwise to Christianity. But again, don't change nothing! The Mass of Christ, or Christmas, could have been celebrated at any time. But it's not. Doesn't change the fact of what we're celebrating!
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Can you imagine caroling in the summer. When all the singing is finished you invite al the carolers in for margaritas. I bet caroling in the summer would be a blast.
ah yes,it's the annual bears I hate Christians and xmas it's not on the right date, like anyone but him gives a damn......zzzzzzzzzz
Can you imagine caroling in the summer. When all the singing is finished you invite al the carolers in for margaritas. I bet caroling in the summer would be a blast.

You just more or less just described Christmas in Sydney, AU...
ah yes,it's the annual bears I hate Christians and xmas it's not on the right date, like anyone but him gives a damn......zzzzzzzzzz

Actually, many people give a damn about it. Not me necessarily, but that is the problem with us and our media/society as a whole. Just because it does not make it into your twitter feed or Facebook page, does not mean that is not very important to a large segment of our society.

The more we all recognize that, the better off we will be.

With the tools availed us with these websites, we are able to block all who don't agree with our POV. That is not healthy.

I am guilty of utilizing this. I do it mostly due to violent threats or just insolent rants, rather than constructive dialogue or discourse.

I am trying to do better.